Focus on Australian Film & Documentary Maker Damien John Nott
Description: Damien John Nott is known for his work on Secret Space UFOs: Rise of the TR3B (2021) and Australien Skies (2015).
He is a qualified UFOlogist, who claims to have more than 2000 pictures and videos of sightings — many of which feature bright objects hovering in the sky, and shapes inexplicably appearing and disappearing beyond the horizon.
Interview with Damien Notts
Introduction: Damien Nott witnessed his first UFO sighting at the age of 9 years old. He has since become an independent investigator and photographer of the phenomenon. He has collected an enormous amount of evidence to include film and photograph footage of multiple sightings he has witnessed over the course of his life. Damien is also a photographer and a building rectification and modification specialist by trade.
Thanks for these images and video Del. If such video already exists and has been for awhile do you think additional ones by us or others will create disclosure? It seems like it does not matter. On my first attempt I captured an object on video at 240 FPS with an 67mm 650 NM IR lens. Even if I am unable post it here (don’t have a YouTube channel) I can prove to myself.