Remote-viewing could be applied to this problem that is "begging for a solution"
Sperm counts continue declining- New data confirms
What an amazing study this was - it's so interesting - thanks for posting this.
I was subscribed to this channel and now see that I have been unsubscribed - when that happened, I have no idea.
The difference between low sperm count, and healthy sperm count - in the moving diagram - is alarming.
Was a great interview - and as always great graphics.
How would you apply remote viewing to get answers to this decline?
One possible way to approach this is to ask the question- " What is the optimal way to improve the fertility of the human species, now?"
There are several ways to approach this problem with RV. I’ll get back to this in awhile.
This was absolutely stunning. Thank you for posting.
Another RV approach for a possible solution is to focus on the chemicals. From the video, of the four that I remember ( pesticides, fire retardants, phthalates, and BPA) it seems like the one that Dr. Shanna Swan is most concerned about is phthalate. It is called a plasticizer due to its utility.
Since plasticizers are so widely used we would need to find a safe substitute. I would have a group of chemists and biologists who would work as a team to create a list of non-phthalate plasticizers that they believe may be non-toxic for use in soft plastic containers.
Potential scenario: There are thousands of plasticizers to select from and they don't know where to start.
I would identify the largest groups and sub-groups and use associative remote viewing to narrow the search.
I know the answer to this problem probably lies with pollution - such as chemicals, pesticides and plastics in the food supply --- however to keep the conversation lively I submit the following idea.
In the following NDE (Near Death Experience) this lawyer from Canada reported being shown Blue Beings here on Earth who are actively working here on Earth. They are hidden in the worlds universities using advanced technologies to makes themselves look human. They are very interested in reducing the " Aggression" rate of humans here on Earth. But one of the good ways to reduce Male Aggression is to lower "Testosterone" . Testosterone is a male hormone (actually it is even found in women) that when reduced drastically affects sperm- fertility rates, depression and so on.
You can see this following this link to the first posting
example of what you can see and read
*** ***QUESTION----What are aliens studying about Humans -- Likely the answer is found in the planet visited where a plant was found that lowers male human aggression and boys are chemically castrated (as a warning to us now). -- Testosterone levels have dropped 50% in males apparently since the 1950s here on Earth .
The female Alien revealed "working at Oxford" was wearing a silver jump suit and had a projector device implanted in her chest.
*****--Opinion-- Alien is a bio-mechanical being- the suit is part of a projector screen -the device in the chest is the computer and power source. The only way she could ever be detected would be if someone laid his hand on her and they would see their own hand disappear a little under the projected image of a human.
******OPINION-----Likely---The Alien is manipulating other humans to push them into scientific areas ie study of lowering testosterone or other scientific areas - following the role of soon to arrive Hybrids which will take over the control of humans. (VERY GOOD IDEA TO REMOTE VIEW) Except we may be remote viewing our demise here on Earth-- This race is probably one of the Hybrid creators soon to arrive- which we will not detect and probably they are all here now in positions here on earth. (hence that is why we are being told of this blue being-- THE CARD GAME IS OVER WE ARE BEING TOLD-- GIVE UP-- OR ELSE !! )
+++++Blue being admits she is here studying how to "suppress" negative human emotions. Later Lawyer is taken to a planet where Negative emotions in Humans in another world is shown to be very effective through chemical castration. Question do we here on Earth Chemically castrate other humans ?? Yes we do. Violent rapists' have been chemically castrated ordered to take substances to reduce their sex drive.
++++Blue alien says their are many others like her working right here on earth within medical fields to find a way to suppress these human emotions