Introduction & Announcement of Earth Defence Project
With Aziz & Courtney Brown
AZIZ - I'm Aziz Brown from Farsight. Before I go on, let's recap what happened with our last human news forecast. To do that, let's break from the mold and bring on Dr. Courtney Brown. Dad, welcome to the show. Perhaps you can also give us a peek at the next major mysteries project as well.
COURTNEY - All right, Aziz, thanks so much for having me on your show. So actually, why don't I start off backwards / forwards. So why don't I start off with the next great Mysteries project that we're going to be coming out with in January . And then I want to mention a couple other things, if you don't mind, and then we'll get to the review of what happened in December. Is that okay? Sounds great. Okay, So the next major Mysteries project is called Earth's Defense. So what we did in December was Galactic Defense. So what that was, was when other civilizations have been attacked militarily by an aggressive Reptilian controlled effort, how they defended themselves. So we basically got a survey of what other civilizations have done. That didn't say what's going to happen to us, but at least it gave us an idea of the types of variety of ways that other civilizations have successfully defended themselves against Reptilian military aggression. So this project is that coming out January 15th is called Earth's Defense. So we're looking at our own timeline. And what we're doing is we're looking at the most probable way that Earth will be defending itself, given a context of disclosure, where then the Reptilians and the Orion's have to come out from the shadows and show themselves, and then there'll be conflict. So one of the great things about keeping a slave population is not letting them really understand the slavers. And so keeping secrecy about the Reptilians and the Orions, that's the major part. Because if we know about them, then we're going to throw them off and say, Hey, that's ridiculous, we’re not going to follow you because this is a free will universe. So you have to control the thoughts of the people in order to control them. So this is Earth's Defense. So this gives military people a chance to say, okay, now we've seen with the December project how other civilizations have defended themselves. What are we expecting if we do it, if we've triggered this disclosure thing, what happens to us? And so this follows that timeline.
AZIZ - Yeah, that sounds really interesting. I mean, it's a lot of data that people are really going to want to hear relative to what's actually happening on the show for Earth humans right now. in our disclosure timeline.
COURTNEY - You know, that's a big problem for people to try to figure out what's really happening here on Earth. And this raises the idea that if you're trying to figure out what's going on in the galaxy, probably the best way to do that is to look at what's happening here on Earth. We probably reflect what's happening out there.
AZIZ - Yeah, there's a big as above, so below idea that's prevalent probably throughout the galactic drama that's in our neighbourhood of the Galaxy. And whatever we're seeing around here, I mean, we've already seen a lot of evidence of that with the human trafficking that we've seen and in the galaxy, not just on Earth, but that's all paralleled with greater extremes in an intergalactic setting.
COURTNEY - You know, that's really weird. The amount of human trafficking for all types of purposes here on Earth is just outrageous. I mean, they had a whole bunch of news articles, the other day, just recently, about human trafficking in Cambodia, where people, young people throughout Asia are being lured into Cambodia to work as telephone operators, to call people up in the United States and Europe and to trick them into giving their money for various scams and various reasons. So, they need a lot of telephone operators. And we always think of human traffickers in terms of sexual exploitation, and certainly that's huge. But this is where they're being lured in to do telephone operators. So, when people in the United States get phone calls, it can be from someone who's actually a slave, captured, held at gunpoint and tortured in Cambodia, and they're from Thailand or Vietnam or some other country. And they were lured in there and their captive slaves. And you're actually talking to this telemarketer who is actually a slave being held in Cambodia.
So this type of thing is like so common, trafficking, trafficking, trafficking. And people sort of say, well, why is that such a big thing? Well, look at Earth. I mean, it's in every possible realm that you can imagine, not just sexual stuff. There's human trafficking. So human trafficking and trafficking of all types must be one of the biggest criminal type of operations that happens in the whole galaxy.
AZIZ - Yeah. I mean, if you want to take the as above, so below concept and apply it to exactly that situation that you were just talking about, you really just have to look at the economy and we were just talking about what you just said involved assumptions of a money system and all sorts of other things with this business that deals with telephone operations and how that's useful for our society and our economic world dealing with money and our level of telecommunications. But if you just apply that to the greater galactic community that's around us, then you're dealing with much more advanced technology. These abilities to have people involved in all sorts of industries that we probably have no concept of dealing with our level of technology that's in front of us right now. I mean, who knows what the intricate lives of the various levels of slavery that exist out there in space and how accepted it is in terms of their general day to day life.
COURTNEY - I know that in a lot of places, even in Africa, there's a big problem with child labor and in Latin America. And so child labor is a form of slavery because they're not old enough to do, to object, or to choose an occupation of any type. So, if you have people ten years old working in mines or anything or in the fields or whatever, then it's just another form of exploitation. So we must assume that that type of thing happens throughout the galaxy. That's as above, so below. You know, it's a really interesting concept. It's also interesting that our. Oh, I'm sorry.
AZIZ - Oh, no, I was just going to say, I'm sure the concept of taking a consciousness and pulling it out of a child's body and putting it into any other artificial body, whether it's biological or technological, is not a tough thing for an advanced interstellar society.
COURTNEY - Yeah, we've been running into a lot of the issues of ISBE enslavement. S we call ourselves ISBEs, and we happen to be living in physical bodies temporarily, but the ETs clearly have a way to get ISBEs out of the body and put them in new bodies. And so, you know, enslaving ISBEs must be the big part of that part of the galaxy.
You know, I'm almost wondering if slavery is an automatic consequence of a monetary society. If you have an economy that's based on money, then one's advantage in that economy is based on how much money you have. So there's an automatic enslavement to force other people to do things for you.
AZIZ - Yeah, I guess the illusion of hierarchical superiority that you would adopt as a being and what your society would tend to adopt would dictate all sorts of things from your moral compass to just whatever you define as normal, whether it's a normal good or a normal bad.
COURTNEY - That may mean that in free will societies they don't use money. There may be societies where they have to ban money in order to prevent slavery.
AZIZ - Yeah, or create some sort of other form of bartering existence to transfer assets, because that's really what money is. It's just sort of a lubrication for the transfer of assets. They must approach that in a different way.
COURTNEY - Well, then assuming that we have a monetary society and that we have a lot of exploitation here, the basic rule I think probably is that oppressed societies create cultures that reflect the cultures of their oppressors. So, I mean, if you look in a prison, like a mainstream, normal type of prison, you have societies within those prisons where there's a hierarchy, and there's usually certain prisoners that are dominant, and they have their own gangs within the prison, and they beat up people, they coerce people, they have money, exchange systems. A lot of bad things happen in prison, but it's not like everyone is equal in the prison. And so, you know, where did they get that idea? Why didn't they just go into the prisons, say, okay, everybody's equal? So it's like the culture of the prison reflects the hierarchical structure of the society outside of the prison. And that would make us think that the culture of the Earth reflects the hierarchical and oppressive way of thinking of the Orion and the Reptilian empires type of stuff. If that's what goes on there, and they're running the prison, then that's why this Earth society's sort of oriented the way it is with the dominant nations attacking other nations, trying to oppress, control other nations militarily, as well as economically. Um, yeah, Yeah.
AZIZ - It's you have to sort of wonder, assuming we're all on a very positive timeline where we're shaking off the shackles of galactic oppression that have been around our planet for generations. If we get all that stuff off and we're finally in this very free will, state where humanity's choosing its own destiny, how much of the culture of the colonizers, the galactic oppression that has been attacking the human experience, how much of their culture is going to remain in a free human society, assuming we do get to that experience?
COURTNEY - Yeah, we're clearly moving towards a disclosure / post disclosure world where those possibilities exist, and if you look at the United States slavery situation, there were a lot of freed slaves that went to Liberia. When they went to Liberia, they created a society that really did reflect American society, hierarchical structure, governmental structure, as well as clothing and culture. So the freed slaves in Liberia from the United States then moved to Liberia. They had a lot of culture that was very American-ish. And yeah, that sort of tells, you know, like what happens when Earth is free? Will we, how free will we actually be? Will we embrace the culture of our prior oppressors? Will be sort of be reflections of that, or will we choose a different path? It's a complicated question. I'm not sure the answer, actually.
AZIZ - Yeah. You know, you could make the argument that this is one of the reasons why psychic abilities are so important. Because as you develop yourself as a non-linear experience, a non-linear being, you begin to see more aspects of yourself as valid aspects of who you identify yourself to be from previous lifetimes, or just your memories of not being in your birth to death, human linear experience, or just being a remote viewer and being able to astral travel or being able to see whatever else is going on the galaxy. You begin to see yourself as a bit more of an expanded being, and that's probably why this topic in general has been so attacked. Because if you can liberate the mind, then you liberate your behaviors. You liberate the way that you identify with how you see yourself, your society, your community. And the worry, I guess, from an oppressor standpoint is that the pill of subjugation becomes harder and harder to swallow when you remember things that would be relatively free. And the other societies that you've experienced prior to this one.
COURTNEY - Yeah, actually that you're, it's so great you're interested. You mentioned I think about developing your own psychic abilities, being able to perceive what other cultures do that don't have this slavery mentality. That would be the only way to get the human experience out of its current psychological setup by seeing what other cultures do. And there's really no way to do that other than physically going to these places and being a tourist. So really it's got to be a psychological perceptual type of thing that happens. And it's not just Remote Viewing. But I guess we might just talk about some of the things that we're planning. Because that actually leads into the idea of how to get the psychic perceptual stuff out to the mainstream, even if everyone's not a Remote Viewer.
AZIZ - Yeah. I mean, even if the psychic abilities were widely accepted in society, you would probably find a lot of offshoots of this interpreting them, and however their own paradigms really are, whether that be a religious paradigm or a more scientific paradigm, it really would just happen. And whatever idea constructs what their mental environment of any individual would have prior to the inception of this new data that, hey, these psychic abilities, your imagination, all of these things, they hold more weight than you may have once thought before. So it's there's probably going to be a unique chart of how the future evolution of individuals, and by that greater extent, the macro level of the society, is going to be as this flower of secrecy devolves into an open society.
COURTNEY - I think we're fundamentally going to continue to have different segments within the Earth's population. Some are going to be more authoritarian oriented, and some will be more free will oriented. But the free will part has to be developed in order to be a counterweight to the authoritarian side.
Which brings us, you know, to what we're going to do at Farsight to help push this along. . 2023 We're heading into 2023.
AZIZ - Yeah, 2023 will a different year. It'll be bigger.
COURTNEY - Yeah. Actually, at Farsight we're going to call this a new thing. We're going to call this the year of verification. So is going to be the year of verification. With our show, like with ET News, a lot of people noticed that there wasn't a lot of verification on that particular show. We do have verification on our other shows. All of our other shows have some level of verification. Even our Mysteries have elements that are verifiable that have to be included. They have to be gotten by the remote viewers, by themselves.
However, ET News doesn't have that, or didn't have that. And that's going to change because we're going to be really focusing on verification. And one of the things we're going to be doing is, and it will affect everything, including all of our other shows and a couple of new things, is that we're going to be working with videos big time, so that there are going to be videos of UFOs, videos of UFOs and possibly actually living standing extraterrestrials. So, things that normally are invisible for the human eye to see, we've got special cameras that are special equipment, a lot of tech equipment. And so, we've got a lot of stuff we're going to be expanding into so that we can remove this veil of invisibility on things so people can actually see it.
And we are going to be showing how we do it. So the videos are going to be really big. Now, it's going to blend into ET News. Some of the targets that are going to be addressed with ET News will be targets that we have photographed, that we have video recorded. So, we're going to have verifiable video recordings of something in the sessions. ET News will be those things, and where those things came from, the societies they came from and things like that. So, we're going to have verifiable stuff associated with it.
And there's going to be a new show. This will be new for the audience to hear. And there's going to be a new show that's going to be hosted by Intysam where she's going to be focusing just on video recordings that we do, and the video recordings are going to be analysed by a technical analyst we have who's going to be participating. And he’s a really super technical analyst and with regard to being able to estimate the size and the speed of the UFOs and things like that. So we're going to be bringing in the video technical analyst who has a spectacular reputation. So that's going to be a big change in the year of verification.
AZIZ - Mm hmm. Yeah. It's very important for everyone to see that they can find practical, concrete, verifiable data that's in this new field. Well, not really a new field, but it is a hidden field that has sort of been oppressed from the minds of many humans for far too long. So we can finally conceive of a free future and walk steadily towards a practical way to getting there.
COURTNEY - Yeah, and you've actually seen some of the equipment. Why don’t you tell people what you've seen that we're putting together.
AZIZ - Well, it's impressive camera work and getting different. It's really just the visual spectrum and trying to make sure that we can have lenses and camera technology that can see wider ranges than the visual spectrum, just so we can be able to perceive light frequencies that are beyond what our biological eyes are supposedly, according to mainstream science, able to only see. So it's like adding a cybernetic sense, another sense, by having this tool that can act as another eye for us that we interpret with computers, software and other things. So it'll be exciting. I have high hopes for what happens. I don't want to put too much out there right now when we don't have any actual videos yet, but I am very excited for the amount of investment that has been put into the technology.
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