Mulberry, it's good to be cautious/skeptical. But I have to add that while I was reading her book A Gift From The Stars at the beginning of this year, I went through a series of my own contacts. A few of these were "transmissions" that sounded precisely like a radio in the middle of my head, with a voice speaking on the other end, while I was in a sort of "channeling" state between asleep and awake. Others were immersive experiences in the astral plane, combined with these transmissions, culminating with a face-to-face encounter with what I believe to be an "Ahel" (Pleiadian) being.
Incredibly, some of the info I received from these "transmissions" aligned exactly with what I later read in her book. Things as specific as names and language (there is a language translation in her book) that I couldn't have known otherwise. It wasn't much info and some of it was more personal, but I believe that my higher self or guides wanted to give me enough to know that the info in that book was legitimate. This stuff is real, and it has actually led me to consider if I might have an implant of my own (according to Dolores Cannon material I've read, most starseeds/volunteers might have a benevolent implant without even knowing it).
So yes, I trust her info. And Courtney has stated that the remote viewing data of Farsight aligns with what's in her books. But at the same time it's good to be skeptical and not be a blind follower, or get too attached to any narrative that you haven't experienced personally. In fact, I'd say not to follow anyone except for your own higher self. There's too much infighting among the disclosure community between followers of certain "truthers" with differing narratives and belief systems.