What was the problem for Eisenhower and Kennedy? They were making these speeches alone. Millions of people pushing for disclosure. But if we want to expect it from others: why not do it ourselves. Could you imagine the difference? If generals and admirals are pushed to make a speech, it's a big bell to tie around the cat's neck. But if we all make speeches. . . it's sort of like they become just another drop.
Ok wow. I am totally with you. Why demand disclosure? Why don't we do it to by ourselves? During winter when it's to cold outside to do Ce-5 I do little videos for fun, I talk about all that I have learned those last 5 years watching Greer, Elena, Farsight, third phase of the moon, Secure team, All sorts of videos on Gaia, and lately here on Farsight. Why don't we talk ourselves of our sightings and how to meditate etc. If everyone brings their talents together we could do something efficient enough to inspire others and disclose by ourselves. I can show you how to use OBS it's a free software on Steam that permits to record what's on your screen and make videos, I also know a free software that created a moving Avatar of you in case your don't want to show your ugly face XD on internet, but it still keeps your voice you just need a camera plugged in your computer. I can show how to use PowerPoint or the Film maker software available on every Windows computer. Or for the most courageous just film yourself on a non-censored social media. (Please give me some advice on the non-censored social media I could use to publish please I have no idea) I have multiple many stories of my ce-5 sightings I can share, and I know people who clame being hybrids or other that clame have been abducted. And I'm not an English speaker (I'm from the French province of Canada) we could disclose in several languages because we are from all around the globe here on the audience of Farsight. We could agree on a day of publishing to flood the media used. Of course it will probably been take down just like every good disclosure... But...we have learned by watching the pros....back up your work on different media's.... Please tell me what you think about it? I am not going to wait for approval of anybody I'm starting this project right now. See you soon, I'll come back soon to see if someone gets in. We are the transition, we are disclosure. Much love to you all. Xoxooxo