I'm going to extend credit to Richard Holland for getting me on this train of thought.
Our situation so far- The Farsight message is coming to an apex. I believe with all the mystery stuff the well is about to run dry. They're coming up with specific answers and imperatives at which point you're forced to ask yourself "what else am I waiting for?" The mission is spelled out for us, there isn't much of anything else to discover.
So if you're like me you're still a bit on the fence. A margin of my belief compels that Farsight is a bunch of malarkey after a money grab with a bit of con and theatrics. But another side compels that it's all true. I guess, with only a degree of loyalty, I can say I stand with them for now.
Where does that lead us, if you believe?
I propose 3 facts for us to adopt if we buy the statements.
1. Stop looking for any more answers. They've given you everything we need. So we want a push for disclosure. And to make us focus on that push we are going to need to.abandone some things. Stop lending curiousity to satellite conspiracies and social injustices. Yes the invasion of the Americas was horrendous. Drop it. Not going to help you. Yes what's happening in Ukraine and other places is horrendous. Drop it. I know you want to do good, not going to help the primary imperative. Stop asking these questions, stop entertaining these discussions.
2. Remote View. Definitely, RV will be part of our goal. It compliments the main objective. Do the classes, practice it, call it a "hobby" with your skeptical friends, whatever. Just try it.
3. Push for disclosure. Political party, website, blog, vlog, whatever. And if you think that all these 3 it's combined are true then maybe we can collaborate.