Well, I just found an interview with Gene Decode today which tells us it's a war against aliens that the US and Russia are fighting. He said Kerry Cassidy has already told us what's going on, so
Here's my notes on this info which you can click on the links to check out yourself, as I'm doing right now. It's really interesting how this alien thing has to be hidden because people's minds are too powerful to tell to the mostly unaware masses because when you tell them something, their mind imagines it, and if there is too much fear, then they imagine a bad reality, seiously lol, and so that's why those in positions of responsibility, knowing this, knowing we've all been mind wiped and therefore don't have the knowledge (or memory) that we need in order to know how to use our own power, we, as a whole, have to be very carefully informed...and that's why there are those truth tellers, whistle blowers, so that those who are ready for the knowledge and look for it, can find it, and then gently spread it to those who are also interested and therefore ready, and eventuallyl it will spread to the rest of the world so that all of us can be on the same page without fear, seeing as fear is a very bad tool to use for creating reality, lol.
The Devil Went To Ukraine (Rather than Georgia)
Here's what Gene Decode has to say about this menace of alien interferers. He also tells us that Kerry Cassidy has already told what is going on there, that it has to do with the interfering aliens. So here's the link to the Gene Decode interview and then the articles by Kerry Cassidy.
On rumble: "Gene Decode Explosive Intel On Deep State & Gesara, with Nicholas Veniamin." Published November 29, 2022.
rumble: "Kerry Cassidy Interview #5" by Patriot Underground, published August 20, 2022.
Project Camelot: "The Real Purpose Behind The War Games & Russian Incursion Into Ukraine & Crimea" by Kerry Cassidy, on February 7, 2022.
"Alien Invasion Into Ukraine And Crimea"
(article by Kerry Cassidy, Project Camelot, Feb. 7, 2022)
What is not being talked about with regard to the overall objective and amassing of troops by the U.S. (under the guise of their NATO alignment) is the paranormal/ET angle. What I am getting is that this entire maneuver by US and Russia to create a “war game” and war scenario where Russia is seen as the “invader” is a ruse to cover the necessary actions these two super powers must take to deal with the ET race or races involved in both Ukraine and Crimea and handle the fall-out from their presence.
First, we know that Crimea contains 9 pyramids along the coast as well as a particular highway running between mountain ranges along the valley where anomalous occurrences happen often. Specifically where military vehicles and even groups of vehicles can be seen to simply disappear off the highway as if having driven into a portal into another dimension something like what is reported in the Bermuda Triangle.
Secondly, in Ukraine, I was told there is a mountain which is considered by the Illuminati to be where “the devil lives’. This mountain is considered a center of dark magic. Whereas I would tend to translate this into the likely case where this particular mountain is home of a group reptilians and possibly other races aligned with them. Which makes it a sort of ‘command and control’ center.
Both situations are what one might call “extraterrestrial” and are the real reason for the necessary amassing of troops. In essence we have evidence of a kind of invasionary force which is alien. And it is highly likely that the “government” of Ukraine has called on Russia (and the US) for help in dealing with this incursion. There may also be a relationship between the aliens involved in Crimea area and the mountain in Ukraine.
This is not the first time that setting up a “war” has been used as a cover operation for dealing with invading species that threaten our sovereignty over Earth territories or resources. According to one of my top witnesses, Captain Mark Richards, the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis as well as other historical incidents were not about what the public believed or were told they were about, at all. Instead we were dealing with ET or alien interventions through portals. That includes the fires in Northern California specifically centered around the Paradise mountain area. Where a group of incursions through portals have also occurred.
Setting up a war scenario in Ukraine and Crimea (including Belarus) is a joint enterprise by Russia and the U.S. who are the primary superpowers (aside from China) that possess the technology to deal with such incursions. There is often collateral damage in the form of loss of human life in such battles that will be conducted to deal with the invaders. The important distinction here is the growing need for the public to understand that we are often under threat and invaded by various ET/Undersea/Inner Earth races on a planet-wide basis. The fact that UFOs/ETs, other civilizations from other planets are constantly interacting with us both individually and with our military and is not revealed to the worlds peoples is a travesty necessitating a constant barrage of disinformation and lies in media.
Our governments and militaries are dealing with the reality of constant challenges from invading species and what is known as “disclosure” would certainly help obliviate the necessity of lies perpetrated around the world by media and coverup. The coverup takes an enormous amount of energy that could be better used to deal with the intruders rather than deceiving the general public.
This again is where the possible use of a ‘project blue beam’ or “hologrammed invasion” scenario would come in handy in demonstrating in a “controlled environment” an “alien invasion” in order to awaken the people to this reality. I have written about this and mentioned it for the past 2+years related to the Randy Cramer, supersoldier marine tasked with announcing this blue beam fake alien invasion would happen within 3 years. This announcement was made in September of 2019 at the Yelm UFO conference as being a decision the military had made to shock the public awake. We are fast approaching the 3 year mark when either they will make good on their word or something will have intervened to stop it from happening.
Of course the stand-off occurring in Ukraine and Crimea could be handled somewhat differently if the public were aware of the truth. Perhaps a better negotiation without the need for human bloodshed and the unnecessary death of young vaxxed soldiers could be avoided if this were known. However, in that case the dark side experiment with their recently vaxxed/ transhuman experimental victims would not be carried out with the same amount of dark intent. From the pov of the dark Luciferian magicians and their governmental blood lusting minions this would probably be considered a sad lost opportunity…
How Serious Are They Anout Disclosure? …”By the beginning of the second year of operations, the AAWSAP BAASS Data Warehouse contained tens of thousands of sighting and investigative reports on UAP events, including the National Institute for Discovery Science database, a Pilot Database amassed from hundreds of separate military and civilian pilots, the USAF Project Sign/Grudge/Blue Book Database, the Project Colares Database, the Canadian Release Database, the United Kingdom Release Database, and other databases.”—BOOK SKINWALKERS AT THE PENTAGON: An Insiders account…. Now with all those documented cases ask yourself why they have only released a sum total of. ONE. Tic-tac covered by The NY Times
Funded at least according to the public record by 22 million. And You still Wonder if ET is real???
And you still Wonder if we have contact?
If you had tens of thousands of documented sightings of bears wouldn’t you conclude they were real? Investigated over the last 40 years….tons of photos and military witnesses…, they are real and they influence policy and politics world wide… wake up and smell the new reality….
They also found the Russians have more cases than we do… and this has been a MILITARY concern since the 1930s… you think they might be doing something about it? It’s called the secret space program and we have been working with the Russians on this even before Kennedy said lets go to space with the Russians
You still think the Russians are our enemy? What about the ETs? Friends or enemies or both? As above so below.
You think the aliens are smart enough to go inter dimensional and they don’t communicate with us??? They abduct millions worldwide and you think there’s nothing to worry about?
They make deals with all our governments over disclosure and you still think you can trust them? How corrupt are our governments??? People are finding out… how corrupt are the ETs that make deals with them??
Grow up people…. If ET was your friend why aren’t they fighting on our side against the tyranny?? When humans genocide other humans the sit by and watch. Or are they involved… oh yeah and your God sits in the sky and protects you right?? And your god chooses good guys over bad guys right? That’s why the holocaust happened? And why the nazis Rise again before our very eyes under the guise of medical experiments…. Hmmm wasn’t that exactly what Hitler was doing human experiments? Sound Familiar? But in our time they line up like lemmings to be experimented on… hitler would be so proud….tell that to your friends and relatives taking the jab in he name of science!
And of course if You know nazi history you know the nazis had ET help…remember the Foofighters during WWII?
And you f you listen to even one camelot interview listen t William thomkins …. ET is here and working with governments and pitting them against each other….
It was true then and it’s true now… so when you listen to the news ask yourself why the ET interactions with our governments and our people aren’t part of the daily news….
Now read my latest article and tell me which ETs are influencing the “war” in Ukraine and crimea….no we are not alone—- and we have Never been alone….THE REAL PURPOSE BEHIND THE WAR GAMES & RUSSIAN INCURSION INTO UKRAINE & CRIMEA
-By Kerry Cassidy, February 7, 2022-
Project Camelot: "Space Force Vs. The Globalists" by Kerry Cassidy on February 16, 2022.
“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the new world, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”. WINSTON CHURCHILL. House of Commons – 4 June 1940
It may seem strange choosing this statement by Churchill, who was faced with whether to surrender to Hitler or to fight to the end for this article, but as will be seen, this battle “against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world” continues in the reappearance in broad daylight of fascism in our fellow man and rampant tyranny suddenly everywhere.
Your mission should you decide to accept it… is to see beneath the Putin ‘troop withdrawal’, cyber attack on Ukraine and arrival of American troops (1000?) into what is really going on.
If Trump is actually Commander-in-Chief, he won’t be sitting idle during this time. Are the troops on site to go into the underground bases and the tunnel system known to be inside Ukraine? Now that troops from both sides are ‘in place’ what is their real operation?
This whole drama over Ukraine must be cover for something…What is it? Any leaks or signs indicating what’s really going on?
Under cover of retreat what are our soldiers doing there?
We need real intel. Not the lies of mainstream nor the clever misdirects of Trump and white hats….Will we ever get it? Are we to believe the advances and war games of the last weeks are simply a practice run? Is this really about pipelines in this twenty-first century?
The above article implicates the U.S. as being instrumental in forcing the situation in Ukraine by emphasizing the NATO ties with Germany and France. Where Russia offers access to gas (and oil?) but is unable to sell to Europe. China is kept at bay and also unable to get into the pipeline supply game with Europe. And Ukraine and Crimea are encouraged to join NATO which would deter them from doing business with Russia or China….
Something like that appears to be going on centered on energy sales and consumption in Europe where the U.S. has some direct connection to be able to dominate that market through ties to NATO.
What is really going on here? Bottomline is the stand-off over Ukraine actually engineered by the U.S. and is Russia simply reacting to U.S. being a bully in their ‘backyard’. Is this really the game?
It also appears Biden (or his facsimile puppet or clone of the globalists/Soros et al) merely continuing his “family” relationship with Ukraine to further the U.S. hold over them, placing Biden/Globalists in direct opposition to Putin?
So the real opposition here appears to be a Putin/Russia anti-globalist stance which manifests with a fight over Ukraine and Crimea on Russia’s borders…Border countries which form a sort of buffer zone from globalist/Rothschild controlled Europe.
In reality Russia and the U.S. are more aligned here than the U.S. is with France or Germany. Because both France and Germany are dominated by the Rothschild black magician globalists.
The Biden administration actually reflects the globalist incursion and takeover of the U.S. acting in alignment with France and Germany while the U.S. military under Trump would be aligned with Putin in an anti-globalist stance. Putin is the friend of the Patriots in America under Trump because we have similar interests which are centered on keeping the globalists out of our countries and resisting their attempts to dominate us.
So what we really have that the ZeroHedge article tries to walk around but never actually addresses, is a war that is now worldwide between the China/Globalist Europe versus a sovereign Russia/US alliance.
This is where the lines of war play out and begin to coalesce such that for the NWO to succeed both Russia and the U.S. have to be conquered by the China/Globalist/Biden alliance. In this case the Biden administration is like a disease that has infiltrated the U.S. borders (also represented by Clintons/Obama/Bush/Rockefeller families). The real U.S. is actually under Trump.
The Biden family business with China and Ukraine is simply the latest version of the Clinton/Obama/Bush/Rockefeller/Soros agenda.
And the business of the globalists is the Luciferan/Satanic pedo/blood/adrenochrome dependent regimes who want to rule over the world and the thorn in their plan is the Russia/U.S. under Trump and the Patriots alliance.
At the absolute center of this fight over “energy” is really the vampire regimes versus the energy self sufficient secret space alliance between Russia and the U.S. Space Force under Trump and the Patriots.
Other countries factor in only so far as how they align themselves or are forced into alliance with one dominant side or the other. The globe is being split between the countries that join the Globalists versus those aligned with Putin/Russia-Trump/Secret Space agenda.
Now within the Secret SpaceProgram is a split as well between those aligned under Trump and Space Force versus the old guard Generals who work for Rothschild.
But because those Generals technically fall under Trump as Commander-in-Chief and the territory of the US which is their home they are somewhat forced to align with Trump in spite of their prior globalist leanings.
This by the way is why Kimberly Goguen complains about Trump not paying the Generals. Because the Generals are used to be paid by their globalist boss—Rothschild and they have been cut-off from their past pay by Trump. Understandably so. Because the General’s pay is for basically serving the globalists in wars that serve the globalist agenda ultimately treasonous behavior.
The reason the disclosures of William Tompkins are so primary here is that Tompkins reveals the extent of the infiltration of our secret space program by the globalist/Reptilian faction again dependent on the pedo/adrenochrome highway to finance their operations.
In a sense the real war taking place on this planet is between the adrenochrome junkies and those who want to live sovereign without dependence on bloodlust to fuel their lives. The vampires versus those who are aligned with God.
It follows that if the intel I have is true, the so-called mountain where the devil lives in Ukraine and the Crimean anomalous zones surrounding the 9 pyramids occupied by what is most likely a Reptilian or Dragon Moth /vampiric race of beings becomes a focus in the war between the two sides. The drive by Trump and team (and Putin) to clean out the deep tunnels in these two border countries to Russia becomes understandable. Again what is playing out as a war scenario is more an effort to remove the entrenched races and rescue the children underground.
It makes sense that our entire globe is infiltrated by these vampiric races and in order to defeat the globalists and remove them from the planet every country must be exposed and a battle engaged.
Clearly those countries where these races dominate are those that are most under control of the Globalists. A list could be made to figure out where these bastions of Luciferians exist. And their hives are most likely primarily underground… in underground bases and tunnel systems going back through the ages.
The above could be useful in trying to make sense of the geopolitical landscape we find ourselves in. Unfortunately, most of the press owned and run by the globalists have little interest in revealing the real agendas at work here. They prefer to keep the public in the dark as to the real battle lines in this war of worlds being fought on Earth and in space.
What is most important is recognizing friend or foe and discerning whether decisions being made on our behalf are actually those we agree with versus being pawns on a nebulous playing field. Knowing the real spiritual war games and watching the progress and then playing our part on the side we choose with full knowledge of the larger game being played would seem paramount.
rumble: "Patriot Underground Interviews Kerry Cassidy Oct 10, 2022.
(projectcamelot, Published October 10, 2022)
facebook: "Patriot Underground Interviews Kerry. Project Camelot"
cosmicnews.org: "Kerry Cassidy Interview With Patriot Underground - Aug 20, 2022" posted August 23, 2022. https://www.cosmicnews.org/2022/08/23/kerry-cassidy-interview-with-patriot-underground-aug-20-2022/