Hello friends,
I've been following Farsight for quite a while now and I highly respect the talent and insights of Courtney and the team of amazing remote viewers. With that said, I don't agree on absolutely everything, and sometimes I feel compelled to share my thoughts.
Courtney seems all in on this idea that Earth is a "prison planet" and that every soul here (correct me if I'm wrong) has been taken against their will from other parts of the Galaxy and forced to stay imprisoned here lifetime after lifetime through the soul trap system. While I agree to a certain extent, I don't think this grasps the full truth and complexity of this issue. Moreover, to label Earth as just some prison planet, in my opinion, is a disservice to its true beauty and majesty.
Have there been regressive species of ETs that want to transform Earth into a control matrix? Yes. Are there souls from elsewhere who have been trapped here, made to reincarnate as a human? Yes as well (Alex Collier says this happened to his soul). But Earth is so much more than these negative agendas; there are certainly benevolent beings who view Earth as an Eden of beauty and genetic diversity, having given us some of their genetics, and have great promise for humanity once we unlock our full potential. Furthermore, there are souls who have volunteered to come here as well, as discovered by those such as Dolores Cannon through thousands of clients of past life regression.
To say that every soul on Earth is trapped here against their will is a broad generalization which ignores the possibility of these starseed "volunteers" (or envoys, as Elena Danaan calls them) who have come to Earth of their own free will to help humanity to free themselves. It also ignores the possibility that Earth might have its own soul matrix of indigenous souls who were never brought here against their will from somewhere else; but rather, have spent their soul evolution here on Earth, as an Earth-based soul rising through the densities of consciousness.
This also brings me to another point. In a recent intelligence briefing Courtney seems to downright dismiss the idea that we are here to learn lessons and evolve, which I think is a fairly cynical view to have. In fact, I think spiritual evolution is the driver of all life, as consciousness continually grows and evolves through knowing itself in different perspectives. Even if we have been living in a control matrix -- even if we have been forced to reincarnate here against our will -- the universe flows according to balance, and facing challenges and overcoming darkness forms the main catalyst for spiritual growth. It would be quite a boring universe without challenges to overcome; but viewing them instead as opportunities for spiritual evolution is a very helpful view to have, one that is accurate from my own experience. The universe is in a constant state of flux and evolution; and we are ways for the universe to know itself.
If Earth is a "prison planet," then it is a very beautiful one indeed. It is also so much more than that. But regardless of how we have gotten here or your views on this matter, one thing we can all agree with is that it is crucial for us to raise our consciousness and maintain a high vibration (transcending fear); so we might as well enjoy the time we have here on this beautiful Earth.
I want to end this saying that there is reason to be hopeful. I have had my own experiences through dreams, visions, and telepathic contacts, and everything I've been shown points towards a positive future for humanity. Furthermore, according to sources that I trust personally (such as Elena Danaan, Alex Collier and Randy Cramer) we along with the Galactic Federation and benevolent friends have already for the most part expelled these regressive ETs from our system. All that is left are the remnants of control, their human minions, and the illusions that we ourselves are continuing to perpetuate.
Below is an excerpt I recently came across of a question and answer session with Elena Danaan and her Federation contact (Thor Han). Take it as you will, but she is under the impression that the trap that was on the moon was disabled, and the low frequency "matrix" that these beings have set up is now in the process of crumbling.
Q: If there was a soul trap on the Moon, does that mean a lot of us are here against their will?
Elena: There was a soul trap on the Moon. That means, even if the indigenous souls having reached a level of awareness that would allow them to go to incarnate in another planetary matrix, they couldn't, they were trapped here and for extraterrestrial souls that would have chosen in the past to come here to incarnate, they couldn't go back, they would reincarnate here all the time. Knowing that this soul matrix was about to be dismantled the starseed program started, because we knew that we wouldn't be trapped. So the last three generations arrived. Because the Galactic Federation was going to war against the Nebu Orion and the Ciakahrr reptilians.
So the plan was to dismantle this machine and deactivate it. This machine was put by the Nebu Gray Orion group on the Moon an extremely long time ago. So we weren't all sure if it would work, and we could have ended up trapped, but we did it. How did this mission have been dismantled? This was in February 202. During January and February 2021 the Earth Alliance and enforcement from the Galactic Federation have liberated Earth and Moon. All the slaves have been evacuated and liberated. The Dark Fleet and interplanetary corporate conglomerate kicked out and the Nebu soul trapping machine was found and totally dismantled. When Thor Han gave me this information last February he said: "Now it's up to humanity to dismantle their own matrix, the illusion. Stop maintaining the illusion, just wake up and stop consenting to be manipulated. The matrix is here no more. They make you believe that it is, but it's not, it's gone. You're free. You'd still have to realize that you are free. Now it's time you stand for yourself, and you can fly throughout the universe and go back home, if you're not from here. If you're formed here, you're now allowed to go and visit the universe, incarnate in other worlds. You are free."
Also, what this machine was doing, it was trapping everyone in the third density and no one could raise a frequency. Now it's gone and parallel to that the Galactic Federation has been surrounding the Earth with a created grid that was rising the frequency of the Earth. The nodes were in correspondence with the nodes of the Ley lines underground, and it was correspondent. So by working on the grid, raising the frequency on the grid was raising the frequency of the nodes in the ground of the planet. That's quantum resonance. That's the same tactic the Federation used when they started to raid Mars. They bombard Mars with high frequency. Because there were a lot of enemies like Reptilians Ciakahrr, and it was taking their power, their aggression away, and it was making them more gentle.