I understand this realization is a hard one. I understand many might think youre crazy or whatever. I understand alot of you feel like youre losing control and watching your peace break away.
Well to that i say, Get it together.
We are here for a reason, and the reason is this:
This universe is our art, our story that we simultaneously read and create together. And we decided to paint. It is a canvas and we decided to paint. Sometimes what others paint and create sucks, and hurts. Sometimes the stories people write are horrid and dark, but in the end its ALL just a game, OUR game.
You may think “well no, its different when its like this. The archons are pure evil for doing this to us and everything is evil and painful so this isnt just a game bla bla” but you’re forgetting that in the face of the real you, in the face of God, All things and even infinity itself are just a game.
Youre only dreaming. Its just an intense dream right now, but there were times when it was so much better than you can imagine. Thats is all. Stop throwing an existential tantrum just because youl fell into a trap.
If you want to leave the Prison Planet, then do the necessary work and leave. If you want to stay, then stay. In the end, YOU are the one that makes it a prison. By consolidating and focusing too much of your being and love on just the small and known, and fearing the unknown and the dark. With such a heavy and exposed heart its easy for much more powerful beings to completely play you to your doom.
Remember what the Egyptians said about the afterlife: after death your heart is weighed, and if it is too heavy you will be devoured, but if it is lighter than a feather, you are free to move on. Yes the Egyptians and their belief systems were almost completely derivative of the slave systems of the old empire, but that single teaching is true. One only needs to understand how it is true.
Free will is an unbreakable law, but you are here because the archons have your heart, and your heart is what decides ALL. Over attachment to what lay on the earth are the chains that keep your heart and make it heavy, and thats what the archons count on to keep you here, after all YOU keep YOU here. Why dont you just stop smoking? Because somewhere deep down you think you need it. Why dont you just stop working a dumb horrible job you dont like, paying for a stupid car you dont like, and living in a dumb boring house that you dont like? Because you think you need all of that, but its fleeting. In a single moment it will ALL leave you. So learn how to love it, enjoy it, have it if you want, and also not let it control and define your being. Set Boundries.
Open yourself to your past and future, and free your heart from the chains that bind it. Only then will you retake the crown of your kingdom, and ascend to ultimate power and freedom.
-Ever Live,-
-Forever Sovereign.-