Hello RV-Friends,
this is my very thirst Thread, and since I am a "non english-speaking-native" you will find a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes :-) sorry for that!
Well, the title says everything...years before Farsights Death Traps, I saw a very similar explanation of that issue on the old Youtube-Channel of Brett Stuart, before he deleted most of its stuff, and nowadays I even don´t find his channel anymore, possible that he deleted it.
I don´t want to go deep into his session, but unfortnately I cannot remember most of its details anymore, nor if I downloaded his vid (got a lot of HDDs laying around with old stored data, but not much time to go through everything)
The similarities are really surprising to the Farsight-Teams Sessions and I ask myself what happened to Brett.
Does anyone of you know more about him?
Does also anyone posses his vid about this session of the "Death Traps"??
Would be great if anyone could help me out!
Thanks a lot...
P.S. by the way: Does anyone of Farsight know Brett Stuart?
See ya & Keep going!
Greetings from Brazil
Thanks a lot Stacy :-)