For my first visual I have a slightly hilly base surface.
It seems a very natural environment but the land here is very dry.
I'm seeing brown - brown or tan hues - there's some foliage here it's not a lot of foliage but there's something.
And I’m seeing a few different surface structures very spread out - there's a large distance between these structures here –
And one thing I’m also seeing about the/on the land here is these patterns or idents where it looks there would be a stream or flowing water but it's just dry dirt or mud -
There's a path for water but it's just very dry - and these lines throughout the land here
Looking at zooming out, seeing how that looks together, it's there's structures - they're different shapes but they're all fairly small - they don't seem too modern, and they're somewhat connected by these areas that are very dried out
Maybe there's a river or stream that was close to these structures, but now it's just very dry land yeah so
And some of these structures I’m also picking up some subjects –
There's human subjects
I'm also seeing animal subjects or just yeah some are large, small, but there's human subjects in animal human animal human subjects and animal subjects here outside of these structures
So, the subjects that I’m seeing here –
There are male and female subjects - that most of them appear to have long dark hair and brown, brown complexion,
And they're wearing very casual clothes - just long sleeve, long pants - very simple
It seems the males and females dress similarly
Then the animal subjects - let's see, I’m mainly seeing they're dogs, small, that looks a dog - all right - so I’m seeing dogs, small animals
And also, larger animals - cows oh man can I draw a cow - yes, I can okay, so cows
All right so I’m seeing large animals and smaller animals, cows, dogs, for the main part of my deduction is that these are farmers with farmland - oh so these structures they're very simple but they are some of them are enclosed fences and then there's the human subjects that seem to be watching these animals, or they own these animals, and there's a lot of different areas that look similar but just very spread out, so each of these is has this setup of animals with small surface structures and subjects, and dry natural land.
So, looking at what's happening
I have living subjects, but also some of these animals seem to be moving very slow, very low activity, less than you would expect from animals - more movement, and also some are not living so
What I’m seeing is there are these large flat structures as well that have a better colour
There are more animal subjects inside of these structures, yeah, those are animals
And also, some human subjects
But as you go down from this area - down that path of water or dirt, you get to more of these smaller structures and areas with different shapes, different construction, and it's in these areas that I’m seeing less activities from the animals.
The animals up in these larger areas seem to be okay but, as it goes down further out, I’m seeing they're sickly animals, or they're just not they're not alive.
So yeah, cows, dogs, not living.
And I’m also noticing here, there's an increase of water
It was very dry but now there's more water coming down going through these areas of land that were once dry
And that's what all connected them in a way,
So, there's more water so my deduction is a stream or river, and the water levels are increasing, and it's distributed to these smaller areas that I’m deducting are farms
So, what's happening is that the subjects that are on these smaller areas; they're watching their animals and they're gathering together, and they're just confused because this was a very dry area, and the increase of water might have been a good thing for them - maybe they needed more water –
So, it seemed this water coming would have been good for them
But I am getting - picking up - it seems regular water, but it does have more of a chemical taste - subtle though but definitely something's weird about this water
And these subjects are watching their animals and it's one minute they're okay and then this water comes, and the animals do drink the water, naturally, and then next thing the animals here are sickly.
I'm seeing very slow kinetic energetics from the animal subjects here
The human subjects don't drink the water, so I guess they're okay but, the animals drank the water, and now they are not feeling good.
Yes, so essentially, I have what I feel is a rural area with dry land
Not a lot of subjects
Not a lot of activity and there's an increase of water coming which initially seems a good thing for these subjects and animal subjects
And then it turns out there's something wrong with this water - it's not good water - it's not healthy water and it's harming the animal subjects here
And human subjects don't really know - they're confused they don't know what to do - they can't really stop or change what's the problem with this water
So, their animals are dying that is what I have here
End of session