All right - so this target starts off with some hills in the background and a vast urban area in the foreground. So, I’m just going to draw out a lot of structures, so this is really where the whole target takes place - in this area with a dense urban area.
Lots of structures, some taller structures, and some other structures that are not as tall, but yeah, this is basically what the environment is like. There are some subjects as well as some vehicles inside this urban area.
So, multiple subject’s, multiple activity of subjects moving around and stuff like that.
But this is basically where we start off the target.
All right so, leaving all this up here - I’m seeing an object that I’m going to draw up here but, it's much smaller (drawing) so, a zoomed in perspective.
It's a slender object and it seems to have these wings sort of like fins that are off it so, it's kind of like that. Just imagine the lines are a bit straighter than what I drew right. It's a bit like that…
And it's moving really fast, so I’m going to draw it over here because it goes right into one of these really tall structures over here.
So, I’m going to draw out some energetics right here like a - and that object basically zooms right into that structure.
And then this sort of boomy energetics happens.
Some smokiness kind of feels like smoke and burning and or a pollution-y smell the whole city sort of the whole urban area kind of has this like man-made smoky pollution, burny smell - like burning type of smell.
But this quite a lot of black comes out of this explosive energetics that goes right into this tallish structure
So that is basically what I’m seeing next
All right just to give another perspective let me actually switch to this colour so just to give another perspective of the topography, I’m seeing a lot of these structures and within this urban area I’m seeing a lot of very heavily padded and armoured looking subjects at the time of this booming explosiveness.
So, in the middle of this urban area there is just a bunch of these subjects who are with headgear - they're quite armoured up, or baggier clothing.
And sort of it seems and they're all looking upwards, and they look like they're looking upwards at that sort of explosive object hitting the structure that I sketched out earlier
And these guys all seem like they are holding a sort of object - long object – metallicy, dark, object
I'll keep drawing out because there is there this guy is not alone, he's got a bunch of others sort of similarly dressed around him
And they're all looking up all at all what seems to be basically the same thing.
And yeah, that's basically what's going on.
So, all of these subjects - there is there is more than just three or four of them - there's a there's like a small group of them and they're all just sort of looking up, so they're all of these subjects looking up at that explosive interaction between a tall structure and this sort of object that goes and then smacks into it causing some explosive energetics to happen. And yeah, so this is within the urban area.
And there seems to be sort of in the background sort of in the more natural part of the topography I’m seeing a lot of mixtures between white hues, and sort of like greyish hues, and brown hues as well so the topography seems quite diverse between this urban expansiveness, as well as these other areas that are sort of more white in texture, and other areas that are more brown in texture. So yeah, it's an urban area with some interesting natural surroundings, so let's give another perspective of this environment
So basically, to conclude I’ll draw two pictures one on this side one on the other
So, I’m seeing some hills some flat land over there
And I’m seeing a lot of mixtures between white hues and this flatter area as well as this bluish watery area over here - sort of like a blue narrower watery feeling that goes sort of that way sort of into this urban area. And then I’m seeing this expansive urban area with that tall structure that got hit – (drawing) right here we'll draw it out first and then draw the rest of the urban area around it sort of an expansive urban area just sort of sprawling out.
And of course, that darker smoky energetics just sort of emanating out of that structure that got struck right there.
So over here in this sort of more narrow space I’m going to draw one last thing: I am seeing in reference to this target activity the real event is a subject that doesn't really seem like he's anywhere near this sort of event –
Very angry like a very angry subject that is right here - a male with formal attire and
This male subject has his hand sort of slamming his hand on the on this this what I imagine is a desk, and not very happy at all.
So, this guy is quite an unhappy subject standing at this sitting at this desk and just smacks - smashes a fist on the ground - he smashes his fist on the ground.
We'll do a quick deep mind probe of this guy as he's quite angry at this at this object not at this object but he's sitting at this object smacking his fist on this object and he's expressing a lot of anger - so let's do a quick deep mind probe.
All right, so I’m just going to redraw his mouth right here. It's quite open because he seems like he's yelling. Maybe there's other subjects. I feel like there's other subjects in front of him at a distance, but he smacks his hand on the ground on this on this desk looking thing - yells out some exclamations and then from the Deep Mind Probe, I get the impression that he even though he's not in some sort of conflict feeling place physically right now, I do feel like he's in a state of conflict, and he's against another group of subjects, or groups of subjects –
And I feel like he's very, very, ‘frustrated’ is the better word, for all of this. Not really anger, but as much as real frustration - just like ‘smack’.
And then right after he exclaims this and smacks something, he bottles all those emotions really quickly.
So, it's like a quick exclamation of frustration, and then it's just it's gone.
He really puts a lot of effort into just reigning all of that in. He puts his hands together like this (postures) and then he's just calmer.
And I definitely get the impression that he feels like he's able to handle whatever's going on - its handleable - he’s handling it - however, it was frustrating.
So, whatever this event was - very frustrating to this subject, and he smacks his hands down puts his hands together and is like…
But he does feel like he can handle this so, whatever he's doing he feels like he can handle it, but he does feel like he's also in the state of conflict with other groups.
And yeah, that's really all the data I have for this target.
So that concludes my session.
End of session