Light Bulb Moment!
I think Courtney Brown was right about the Essassani! Whereas before, I didn't think he was, but I was wrong. I just now had a whole puzzle pieces fitting together moment, and I will try to the best of my ability to describe it so that others could understand what I've seen. There are a few parts to this, before it finally fitted itself together, for me to comprehend it.
One morning a few months ago, I woke up and saw in a vision at my clothes closet, two Grey aliens pulling out the clothes of my closet and showing that they are being moved from this place, into a new place. When I saw that, my ego mind thought of it as a threat, or some alien entities trying to force my life into a direction that I wasn't wanting it to go. But, I didn't have all the puzzle pieces together. So, I saw this message sent to me by them, as a threat. It wasn't, because now I know.
A month or so later, my landlord tells me that he's selling the house, which I've been renting an apartment (with three other tenants in the building/house as well, in their other apartments) which I have been living in for 21 years now. This was the beginning of this year, 2022 in February, when he told me. He thought that he could sell the house without us all having to move out and without us having our rent raised except after a certain amount of time and gradually, but no buyer was interested. All the greedy Torontonians, coming here like a lion looking for food, only wanted an empty house so they could jack up the rent to their fantasy thinking, but this is Windsor, not Toronto, and yet, my landlord wants to sell because the government has begun to interfere in the business of landlords and tenants, more than ever, and he's had enough of them.
Well, that is when he asked us to make a deal with him so that he could sell the place, and of course, part of that deal was to move out and find another place to live. Well, there you go. The Grey aliens who showed me that message, even BEFORE I knew that my landlord was even thinking TO sell the place, were showing me what I was going to have to be doing. Not an easy thing ever, having to move. But there you go, evidence that they were actually helping me.
But I didn't know that until I REMEMBERED some OTHER experience I had, before! It was at the end of June, the beginning of July 2017 that I had a strange experience, and I still don't understand what or how it happened, but I had a back ache that was getting bad over three or so days, and I went to lay down in bed in the daytime, and I started to go out of my body looking around at the etheric world, but was I out of my body? or did my body come with me? it was so weird. I never had an experience like that before, or since. It was like right in the middle of the ascension cycle, or what Theresa Talea says is the "Stellar Activation Cycle" which started in 2012 and is suppose to end in 2022, but will now be extended much longer because the Bourgha and nefarious alien entity groups had done something bad to the Sun, so that now our Sun is in ascension also, and the Earth right along with it, and they're both going back to where their essence came from. So, this solar system is about to become extinct, I mean, what are they going to do without the Sun?
So anyway, I was starting to look around outside of my body, and still was aware of my body at this point because I was in and around it, until I went way the heck out there somewhere in space. In the Earth area, I saw really tall beings which I took to be Reptilians or Dracos, I don't know, but there were a lot of them in this etheric space on Earth and they apparently were controlling a lot of things here. But when they saw me, they just looked, because I was full of a love feeling and I had no fear and I did not do any judging, because I remembered what I had read about how you can move about in those realms, that you have to suspend fear and judgement. And so I was now moving around and I went into the Earth, I think it was the core, and then I went outside of it and was floating next to it and looking at all the stars and seeing the different contraptions out there. I was hiding from that one neon green contraption with a lot of mirrors which seemed to be seducing people into it and trapping them after they entered because their minds were suddenly unaware of anything important to know about once they entered. So I hid from them, and that's when I saw that really cool looking neon red snaking thing, like some slinky flowing in the sky up and down in waves as it travelled. It came right up to me and it was made of large rings of red neon light, none of them attached together but all of them were in a row like a slinky, and a beautiful neon red colour. I stepped inside that large first ring, then instantly, like a supersonic elevator, it took me into some far away other place in the universe, and brought me to this place which I think was a 'hospital' or some healing place, and dropped me off on the ground outside the building at night, and it turned into a light fountain, it was so cool, and I sat there in the garden outside the building just looking at the cool slinky that had now turned into a light fountain and changed colour into a golden yellow and white coloured lights just pouring out from the ground into the sky like a fountain. And there were other beautiful neon lights in that garden. Then suddenly I was sucked the wall of the building without even feeling it or the wall, and two Human looking aliens but all pure black coloured with black form fitting outfits and some type of insignia in red on their left shoulder chest area... they like, swooped in on me, they move so fast, like not walking, but gliding, and they had me on this like operating couch/table with a bunch of other helpers around them, and they were pulling some stuff out of my center body, and it was just so interesting...I watched from a distance as they did this to my body. So was that my Higher Self there on the table/couch, or was that my spirit body and this observer the Higher Self?
Anyway, you get the picture. A bunch of other things happened too. And then I was back travelling around the Solar System and seeing people and doing things, and there was an instance where just before I went journeying around, an alien, a Grey type of alien who was the same height as the known type and had the large head, but seemed to be a very divinely intelligent one, with much wisdom, from a distance he motioned to me that he wanted to talk to me, but it was my Higher Self that he was talking to, because when I, very kindly and lovingly, as I was all the time with everyone, came to him, and we talked about something, and it seemed positive, but I don't remember what they talked about, and I was basically the observer as I saw myself as the Higher Self, communicating with him. Then we went on our way, and it seemed a very good departure. The only thing I remember is the basics, which is that they, the Grey alien being was afraid for their existence, and my Higher Self reassured them that everything would be well and not to worry.
Well, there you go hey? That would be the other evidence that I was talking about. And this was back in 2017. Oh and.. when I got back to my body, the next day -- no more back pain! It was totally and instantly all gone, disappeared! So they really did heal me.
And then I remembered, years ago, I had bought a man made quartz crystal ball, about 3 and a half inches in diameter. I was told that you can exercise your psychic energies and powers by practicing viewing in this ball. So when I brought it home, I cleared it, and then began looking into it. I was so freaked out because the first thing I saw, hahaha, were a bunch of Grey aliens talking to me through it, showing me scenes of who I was and things like that. I think it was so shocking to me to find out...well, what I already knew, but to hear it from Grey aliens, hahaha, it really freaked me out! I put that crystal away for a long time. It was only recently about a couple of years ago that I brought it out and just used it as a decoration, placed on a pretty ornate holder. And I never again have looked into it. So you see how I was made to fear Grey aliens because of all the propaganda against them.
That is what I was talking about. We are so manipulated on this planet that it is hard to know what the truth it! But what I just experienced, about remembering that those Grey aliens showed up in my bedroom pulling things out of my closet as to show me that I will be moving out of here...and then I rememebered that time I spoke with, and listened to my self, Higher Self, talking with the Grey wise alien male being, and then remembered that crystal ball and the things I saw and heard from it...I realized that this is the truth, this which I have personally experienced, and I feel no threat from them at all, and that is my evidence, and therefore, I think Courtney Brown's intuition is totally correct, that we should help them with the emotional aspect, because they are so highly intelligent in the mind aspect, and we are so full in our emotional aspect, that when we combine those two, we get a male/mind/electro and female/emotion/magnetic basic combination, which helps to shape/build and move things along, and perhaps can help all of us become free of the other more nefarious ones who have been keeping all of us prisoners here, and elsewhere.
That's my sharing for now.
Hope you can comprehend what I'm saying. That we should be careful of propaganda, and to do more in depth inner looking for finding the truth of a thing or situation.