Not to be bleak or depressing, but if the “ good” guys have Been sitting around with their hands in their pockets whistling while we’ve been raped as a species by malevolent ETs for centuries, what exactly is going to change if anything in the coming years?
This is and always has been a hostage situation. This , excuse my wording, RETARDED idea supposedly the GF has that “hUmAns RnT uSiNg tHeIr FreE wILL to B3 fRee” when we are essentially Roofied up and drugged into this zombie state since birth with our memories wiped , is absolutely beyond crazy to me. If anything that speaks to the “ sense of justice” this universe has as a whole.
What are we even supposed to do? Hedonism seems to be LITERALLY the only coping mechanism because other than that it just seems like a scam to me. What lessons do you learn when you’re mind wiped at death anyway, what if we cannot escape these traps and it’s inevitable? Why sit around for life lessons here that don’t and won’t ever mean anything?
I’m not suggesting ANYTHING, but at this point why don’t people just go and start beheading ( if By some miracle we were able to confirm this) reptilian politicians and their worst a-moral evil slave cronies? That to me seems like the only crap shoot thing to do as a species, other than that just sitting around waiting for “ the good guys” doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to accomplish anything.
Who has genuine thoughts here on what the hell is happening and where we are going as a world? As we entering a digital cyber prison world describes by Wes penre? Are we about to be exterminated by vaccines? Are we about to liberate ourselves aka trucker protests in Canada turning into global uprising ?
I agree with you Michael. None of the theories make sense but I also think that is the point. For lack of a better word we are all “God” who just woke up in a black void and said wtf is going on here this is boring as shit. Let me create a universe and discover myself. And then once every piece/soul of me remembers that were all the same thing let’s start it over aka the end of the expansion of the universe and it shrinks back to a single point again
But that’s just my theory which to most prob also doesn’t make sense 🤷🏼♂️