Mike talks about the agenda of Klaus schab and the coming years. He says it will get worse and "satan" will be unleashed. Here is his video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ULV5ZuBFE95I/
happily, the great reset is failing, klaus is weak, and the black magic agendas are truly dismantling... i think mike is viewing an old timeline which never stood a chance....
Why does it seem bit chute is always getting endorsed here?
Kinda one sided don’t you think?
Where’s the fairness in the reporting.
You know, the EQUAL reporting.
BTW, a lil fyi…..If the aliens created us, as some here believe, who created them?
Kinda reminds me of the story about humans evolving from monkeys.
So when did monkeys decide to STOP evolving and just remain monkeys?
It gets “deep” in here sometimes.😂
Because YouTube deletes stuff, hides results, messes with the search results etc.
Bitchute doesn’t.
Darwin himself said there is a missing link in his theory that will never be solved or found any remains of the point where we switched from monkeys to humans.
evolution is a myth.