why only use a fork when you could use a knife and fork? collect data from various means of reality. telepathic abilites are on the rise for humanity. Even now an energetic window remains open for those willing to partake of these energetic downloads/DNA upgrades. if humanity is starting to evolve and push through its limits, then why not be one of the leading scientific institutes to research and develope various tools to help show what humanity is capable of? Energy work/ Energy manipulation, a means of shaping reality through the energy practices. energy healing, or past life regression. Help people remember who they are, because there are more ways to an answer than one practice. i urge Farsight Institute to use be a shining example to humanity for what they are cabable of.
My impression is that individual Farsight members are into all sorts of things. I do remember Courtney's warnings and comments about channelling though. The thing with Farsight is that humans should be realising their own potential in their own right and trying to rediscover what is getting fried out of us at each incarnation. The idea is that we do not need an upgrade, what we need is an end to the ritualised downgrading we go through each time a physical spell on earth completes.
Perhaps we do not need to be patronised and told we are lesser and that something better is just around the corner. These ideas simply replace the role of 'heaven' in religion: don't complain, do what you are told, take oppression on the chin because god will make it all alright in the end and justice will be served. So I am more inclined to believe we are being 'nobbled' and manipulated. It may just be that the entities that are being channelled are the same entities keeping us down.
I am sounding like an anti-vaxxer type anti-channeller perhaps. But Farsight is saying and demonstrating that we have the ability and the right to assert ourselves as we are and not to accept we are somehow inferior and needing the kindness of secretive entities who have agendas of their own.
my intent on energetic downloads is to only reawaken what was sealed within us. these downloads avaken the chalkras within us as energetic portals feeding us data/ energy from other parts of the self. Humanity was polluted with the foods and waters given/sold to the general public as a means of closing them into a digital media reality dictated by the few in power. What i mean is that you should look at your options and explore all avenues that intreast you. i wont be controlled by those with ignorace or loyalty to close minded world views. I've had an NDE, and explored all my fascinations on my own accord. im not afriad to pursue the unknown, because i won't wait for the creator to do all the work. neither should you. meet the universe halfway to accomplish any given disired outcome. i agree, you are allowed by free will to express your opionion, as am i, although i only intent to awaken humanity to the possiblities. they can act on their own wills/ belief systems. vibration is key in every action, from channeling to remote viewing. law of attraction: you'll attract the energies you are giving off. the same works for taroh, remote viewing, channeling, etc. I emplore you to look into the unknown as far as your willing to go, don't be clouded by labels or public programming.