Nikola Tesla is one of the smartest men who walked on Earth, if not the smartest. In his quotes, he said :
- My brain is only a receiver in the universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I haven't penetrated the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.
- If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
So, my actual understanding is that the universe have a broad range of frequency. The human can perceive a tiny fraction of those frequencies like the light, sound, smell, touch, taste. Those frequencies are detected by eye, ears, nose, etc., sent to the brain and interpreted by it. The spirit who occupy the body receive the information via the interpretations done by the brain.
There is others frequency that exists but human brain cannot detect them (ex : radio wave). It would explain why a remote viewer is easily detected by alien, but not by humans. Alien have bodies that can detect more frequencies than a normal human does.
I've heard remote viewer say that remote viewing abilities are lost if not used. I'ld argue that using remote viewing abilities activate certains parts of the brain who can detect some frequencies (pineal gland, hypothalamus?). Using those parts of the brain increase it's size and efficiency, pretty much like a bodybuilder would do training to increase his biceps.
The way I see it is that a spirit, outside of a body, can detect all range of frequency. But when inside of a body, he is limited of the perceptions provided by that type of body.
Besides, body types seems to come with a predefined type of behaviour and knowledge, but is influenced by the spirit occupying the body. For instance, Dogs tend to be very excited when they see their masters, Cats are less so. All spiders know how to spin a web and the web design is the same all around the world.
There is another theory, that depending on your agreements and vibration, you as a spiritual being, unlock certains parts of your DNA which allow the body to detect others frequencies.
Nevertheless, body is influenced by genetics (provided by the biological father & Mother), Entities and the spiritual being who occupy the body.