Remote Viewing Session from:
Kahmia Dunson
For my first visual I have this level topography land man-made and natural land here.
I do see some foliage - some really tall tree looking things - some foliage like this…
and then I see a little structure next to it.
So, structure next to foliage and this kind of level topography.
I do sense that there is water nearby.
There are subjects here and overall, it's just giving very kind of serene vibes outside of this area right here.
This area right here is feeling a little bit more chaotic in the sense.
I’m seeing a lot of yellows, greens, oranges and blacks.
I’m smelling a lot of like man-made smells and natural smells as well.
It smells kind of like the air is thick.
For my next visual I’m inside of the structure.
Inside this structure I see a single subject and it almost looks like they're kind of in a starfish - like a starfish pattern, right.
I see something that's kind of like hanging over them kind of like this - almost like a lamp, right - kind of like a lamp.
And then they're inside of this structure here so I do see like a floor and background wall and stuff like that.
Okay, the subject feels like pretty close to the wall.
They do feel kind of constrained - almost like it's feeling like they've been kidnapped or like they're not supposed to be here - like they don't want to be here - they're stuck here - something's keeping them here.
That is the energy that I'm getting from this subject.
This dim lighting that I see as well - it's just getting dark and dreary and very sad overall energy - you know what I mean; dark inside walls, dark flooring, only thing that's really lit up is the subject here.
For my last visual I have this wider-angle view and it looks like this… and it feels like there's a separation now between land and water.
This side over here is feeling more like water,
and this side is feeling more like land.
It also has this look to it on top - like this … kind of like I’m looking at the top of trees or clouds or something like that - something covering the land that you can't really see.
Okay so while that's all covered, there's something else kind of peeping out of this …
And it is this deeper, darker, more cloudy looking thing - it looks like smoke kind of coming out of the top of this…
So even though these might be like the clouds or the trees, there's something bigger and darker and heavier floating above and around this particular area.
So, focusing in on the target event we've got this natural and man-made area
There's a lot of clouds or trees covering the top half but when you look down you know there's structures here, foliage here, and some sort of smoky thing that I kind of see in the air - and you can smell it - and it just smells something like a campfire or maybe like a fireplace or a chimney type thing - it’s kind of what it smells like here.
There's a subject here.
The subject does feel female, and the subject feels like they are being held here against their will or they don't want to be here, but they're stuck in a way.
There does seem to be other subjects here maybe like one or two other subjects here,
And this other subject feels more dominant in nature - they do feel like they have this bigger personality - bigger presence, darker presence. It feels like they overpower this particular subject right here.
The subject here, she does have this kind of longer brown hair pale skin and these really pink lips that I can see.
And this subject feels like they're in a battle or something - it feels like they're battling against someone for something - and it feels very much so like a tug of war a fight for their life.
And the subject feels very sad and like they feel like a captive.
This other subject here is subject 2.
They feel like a male subject - they feel taller, on the slim side, I would say they’re average build and then this subject also kind of has a rounder face looks very round, eyes are kind of thin, and they have darker hair on top and maybe some facial hair too.
Now this subject he feels angry, he feels resentful, he feels just like almost like he's taking something out on this subject - it's not even the subject's fault - it feels like this subject has some sort of anger that they want to take out on this subject a one-on-one type thing.
Another significant thing that happens here is that there is this feeling that subject 2, this male subject, is attacking this subject that cannot move, and it feels like over time this subject fades from existence - like they're no longer alive - and they no longer feel like they're sad or anything - they really feel empty and like you know gone.
And I really think that this subject… male subject, it has caused significant damage to this subject to the point where they're either unconscious or they're dead.
And it kind of feels like that was their plan all along as well - like this is slightly premeditated or something like that.
Moving to the cause of this event it feels like the cause is some like personal trauma.
It feels like this person is really taking out something deep and angry within themselves on this other subject - they're taking it out on them.
It's giving off your meds - it feels like the guy is just like he knows it's wrong but he does not know it's wrong - the idea is in his head but nothing can stop him - it's compulsive - it's something that he had to do and has to do, and he has to take some sort of frustration out on this subject here and unfortunately I don't think she lives to see the end of this quarrel.
And then another thing that I’m feeling from subject to this male subject here is that this feeling of rejection. He's been rejected by somebody that's causing him to almost switch his mindset and change into something or someone else.
And this person is compulsive - this person has some sort of deep-seated evil that needs to be fulfilled and that's kind of what happens here.
It does feel like she's harmed - it does feel like he's crazy - and it does feel like they're kind of out here somewhere that's a little secluded where these things can take place.
And it's just like smoke going on - maybe there there's a fireplace or fire going on as well, so.