Hello everyone,
It's been a while since I've been on these forums, but I saw a recent post about the project Farsight did a few years ago, The Crucifixion Ruse. It definitely changed the way I think about Jesus and since then I have also read Seth Speaks, which also explains how Jesus was never crucified and how Judah actually helped to protect the real Christ.
I thought y'all might find this interesting and is a further corroboration. Megan Rose is a self proclaimed medium, remote viewer, and abductee (by Reptilian beings, her story is fascinating) who also claims to have an implant in her head to communicate with beings from the Galactic Federation, the ones who rescued her. Whether or not that's true I definitely think she's picking up on something here.
Of course these topics are controversial, but it really illustrates the extent of the manipulation throughout our culture and religion by dark forces for millennia. The concept of Jesus "dying for our sins" I've long thought was BS and only breeds guilt and disempowerment, yet they want to perpetuate this terrible image of an enlightened man dying horribly on a cross. Even the last supper concept of eating his body and drinking his blood, as Megan explains, is a dark manipulation, a ritual of cannibalism. Yet just like Farsight had perceived, she describes how Jesus "simply ascends" when leaving Earth, not dying horribly. The light had won, but it was rewritten in history.
According to Megan, Jesus is a star being who simply returned to his ship, and is still monitoring the Earth today. He is a real ascended master who people may reach out to and communicate with, as Courtney did during his early remote viewing. I think the most important message, however, is that we all possess Christ consciousness within us and it is our destiny as a species to attain that level of consciousness and beyond. We will do "even greater things" than he, as is said in the Bible.
That the core of the Jesus story, the crucification and with it the "resurrection" is a complete lie does not change ANYTHING?
🙈 🙉🙊 Come on...
The crucified victim was mentally ill and manipulated. That's what the data say.
WELL DONE JESUS! THAT IS TRUELY CHRISTIAN: Let somebody else be tortured to death by your enemies and then escape to India for a good pot smoke.
But of course you can believe what you want, it does not need to be true...