In The Escape study, FS viewers describe a timeline where the reptilian prison guards are defeated by an armada mainly made of aircrafts from the Galactic Federation, with a few from the Domain. This is good news for us the trapped IS-BEs on earth! Now we know that we are not condemned to eternal soul recycling on earth.
And it is specifically good news for people on earth like FS who requested the military intervention, and worked hard to convince our off-planet saviors that besides the oppressors, everyone involved will benefit from the freeing of the captive IS-BEs on earth.
But the military rescue of IS-BEs trapped on earth face two challenges. The first one is that we just don’t know when this intervention will take place. And it could be a while before it takes place. From Alien Interview, we have learned that the Domain intends to carry a rescue mission on earth sometime within the next 5,000 years.
The second challenge that the military rescue of the IS-BEs trapped on earth is that the problem of IS-BE entrapment by amnesia machines is not going to be completely solved by the destruction of the amnesia machines on earth. We know that death traps exist in the milky way galaxy outside earth. And they also exist in other galaxies. So, IS-BEs freed from the earth prison may find themselves trapped again in other prisons somewhere in the cosmos.
So, while we are waiting to be rescued by our off-planet benefactors, it behooves us to start looking for permanent solutions for IS-BE entrapment by the amnesia electroshock machines. But there are some important points that we have to look at so that we can formulate some good solutions for the problem of IS-BE entrapment by electroshock machines.
The first point that requires our attention is to determine if amnesia machines can disable IS-BEs permanently, and cause them to lose their memories forever. This is a critical issue because there is no point in helping IS-BEs recover their memories if it is clearly and definitely proven that these memories are permanently destroyed by electroshock amnesia.
We are very lucky because Courtney Brown addresses this issue in Reflections #1 starting at 18:04 min when he says:
“…electroshock machines work on the level of the soul to disorient subjects by TEMPORARILY disrupting their ability to perceive across time and space…”
Is CB right to say that the memory loss is temporarily in IS-BEs trapped by amnesia machines on earth?
The answer is probably yes because observation and experimentation conducted in the field study of biology show that crude solid energy systems like living organisms have an innate ability to undergo remodeling (innate changes and adjustments) so that they can survive under adverse conditions. We surmise that pure and highly refine energy systems like IS-BEs, must have some highly sophisticated remodeling systems that would protect them against existential threats like total destruction that would lead to an eternal memory loss.
Borrowing again from biology, we postulate that billion-volt amnesia machines must destroy IS-BEs completely to disable them permanently, and cause them to have irreversible memory loss. But destroying IS-BEs is not possible because in physics, the first law of thermodynamics states that energy (ex. IS-BEs) cannot be destroyed.
In conclusion, CB is right to say that the memory loss experienced by IS-BEs trapped by amnesia machines is temporary.
The second point that requires our attention is two-fold: 1) to determine if the amnesia machines trap all IS-BEs, and 2) to understand the trapping mechanism used by amnesia machines.
PrinCess’s work in The Escape study suggests that amnesia machines do not trap all IS-BEs. They only trap and enslave IS-BEs who display some specific types of anomalies. Unfortunately, PrinCess did not describe or identify these anomalies.
But in our effort to identify the specific types of anomalies that make some IS-BEs susceptible to amnesia entrapment, we have come to the understanding that amnesia machines determine IS-BE entrapment by assessing these IS-BEs’ awakening levels. The awakening level of an IS-BE is determined by the quantity of spiritual energy produced by the IS-BE, and by the number or percentage of spiritual energy receptors occupied by the spiritual energy produced by the IS-BE.
IS-BEs who are “not awake”, lack or have low spiritual awareness or understanding. Consequently, they do not produce enough spiritual energy to saturate all their spiritual energy receptors. In these IS-BEs, the death traps machines fill the unoccupied spiritual energy receptors with amnesia energy. As a result, these IS-BEs become susceptible to amnesia entrapment, and they are trapped.
In contrast, IS-BEs who are “awake” have high spiritual awareness or understanding. Consequently, they produce enough spiritual energy to saturate all their spiritual energy receptors. This leaves no free spiritual energy receptors open and available to receive amnesia energy from the amnesia machine. So, these IS-BEs cannot be trapped by the amnesia trap machines.
It is important for each one of us to “wake up” before death, and reach the state of cosmic consciousness where each one of us exist as pure infinite consciousness free from the boundaries of perception, and impervious to death traps anywhere in the cosmos. Then collectively, we will be able to change our thinking patterns so that we can create a world that is incompatible with the one manifested by the death trap creators.
ADDENDUM 7-21-21
Initially, I did not intent to say anything about what people need to do to reach a higher state of consciousness like cosmic consciousness. I felt that achieving the state of cosmic consciousness is a personal thing that varies from person to person. And every person has to figure out what works for him/her, and then do it.
But I changed my mind and decided to share a little bit. So, underneath I’m providing the beliefs, activities and tools that I have used (or intent to use) to have a balanced life and reach a higher state of consciousness.
I believe that to achieve cosmic consciousness require that we live and model our lives after the golden rule: “Do to others what you want them to do to you”. I don't believe and don't have a religion, so this sentence is my religion. It is the guiding light in my life.
In addition, I feel that to achieve a higher state of being, we need to live in our hearts so that we can bring love in our lives. And to live in our hearts we need to develop the following 6 heart virtues suggested by the WingMakers: gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, courage and humility.
I’m 3 years behind but I’m currently going through the training program for earth ambassadors that Courtney suggested some 20 + years ago: Transcendental Meditation (TM), Monroe Institute’s Gateway Experience Program, Remote Viewing.
In my experience, I've found that it is extremely important to master TM first to learn how to settle the mind. After that, learning other programs come very smoothly.
It seems to be possible to remember past lifes via hypnosis, Quantum healing, Mindsurfing, Holotropic Synchronisation and so on. Thus, the trap confusion must be only temporally. It also seems to have a strong connection with the religious confusion/brainwash on earth. I recommand a look onto the research of Dr. Karl Trincher, who wrote the book "The Physics of Life" where he does the mathematical proof, that biological information is the only thing in the universe that has unlimited growth potential. All the Information is stored within the cell water and the intercellular water of higher life forms. Example:
Good morning Jeremy, I'm happy to see you. And yes, you are right, the system gives us the opportunity to succeed, if we can just have some compassion and do little things for others... But I think that we will all get it right someday.
Hey, I'm curious to hear about your NDEs.
Hey Elemi, thank you for your post.
I agree, it's possible to have access to past lives, I worked with the late Dolores Cannon... and I'm aware and have used some of the technology developed at the Monroe Institute. But ultimately, everything takes you back to listen to your inner self because that is where the truth is...
What I have learned is that science has some answers but not all of them. And I'm not sure that science will ever provide all the answers as long as it does not acknowledge the true nature of man.
You're right there is some confusion with religion but that's ok because that's how some IS-BEs have chosen to experience 3D reality.