I think some of what I write below is possibly true.
ok where are the Essassani right now ? They are supposed to be hundreds of thousands of them living amongst us right now. So where are they ? Are they the man pushing the broom at the train station ? Don't think that's a target job.
What's a target job- one at the head of a great company. Oil company - Media company (CNN ?) maybe-- Army position - submarine commander ? That kind of thing.
They would be very smart. - Aliens right? So lets say they would be genius level. In their world Einstein would be pushing a broom. They are geniuses so that way they could be hired and promoted and move right up the corporate ladder. Makes sense right - they wont be average people.
They are without feelings- Farsight says so. So that makes them uncaring of others- sociopaths' - that's this worlds description of them.
How easy is it to convert a sociopath into a caring loving human being ? IMPOSSIBLE IS THE ANSWER.
So these brilliant beings are at the heads of important companies right now-FOR SURE ! They are the hybrids.
They don't work at McDonalds unless its at the head of McDonalds. They are there to do what ? They must be there to be movers and shakers. To influence. To be in charge of all the important industries and hold all the power that is available to them and then to influence others like politicians or other industry leaders.
I've heard numbers bandied about-- hundreds of thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands of CEOs ? Heads of companies ? Probably !
They are personally very rich. They would command million dollar salaries.
Why are we to be sorry for these types of people ? They are not deprived . But someone wants us to be sorry for their SLAVERY ! Really ? They are watched by minders - possible but dubious to me. I think they are just the personal security system there to ensure their success but you know me I'm a bit of a cynic.
Many are made by the Reptilians. Who is the Reptilians man to look up to ? SATAN. Farsight said so. I believe it. So the reptilians make the Hybrids and the man to be is Satan. And God made man in his image saithe the Bible. Satan wants to be God and the Reptilians think they are gods of this universe. Is it far off to think these Hybrids are Satanists ? I suspect they are Satanists
So -- let me think and take in what I am hearing. We are suppose to feel sorry for the Hybrids because they can't feel and if they could feel they could be free. Ok but maybe the children of the Hybrid could be coaxed to feel but the Hybrid ? A stretch I think.
I think we are to feel sorry for them because then we can be told of all the deprived things they do and then we can say well they are not in control. TSK TSK --sad really !! They were being made to do bad things ! BS
Then we can understand why they don't all go to jail. Because we need these Brainiac's to run companies or to put their minds to other great things.
No sane person would put Einstein in jail would we ?? And none of these Hybrids are going to go to any jail either. But we need to understand why they aren't going to jail and ACCEPT THAT.
The government knows what its doing. Because they are working for Uncle Sam now just like the Nazis worked for Uncle Sam on the space rockets. Werner Von Braun was a real Nazi where slow workers were hung in front of the factory doors to encourage the other slaves to work harder. He was instrumental in getting the USA into space. Verner didn't go to jail- a holding pen perhaps till he got a fresh passport. Did you know that the Nazis that were tried in Nuremberg were guarded by German Soldiers ---not American Soldiers-- look it up !
But all this tells me something. Someone else has gained pretty good control of them. The Military of the USA now holds most of the cards. And now the military has gained control of the secret black projects. That's why when Trump was President it was safe to declare the US had a space agency.
But I suspect hybrids are bred to make money and they are not smart in other areas. But it seems very strange to me why we are suppose to feel sorry for millionaires at the controls of society. And If we accept that Hybrids exist then they exist in important industries. They are not hiding in volcanoes or under the sea. They live here and influence here so they have to be at the heads of important industries.
What important arenas are these people meeting at ??
DAVOS -- Bilderberg Society - -- What's the latest slogan out of DAVOS ? " YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY" is their latest slogan-- Why ? Because you silly goose ! Because THEY are going to own everything ! And you can rent from them.
The dream of the capitalist is for EVERYTHING TO MONITIZED. That means you - your mind- the ocean - the mountains. The water that falls out of the sky !
In South America for a while a company ( i think from France) because that's one of the big water controlling companies that are there. Any way the deal was that the people in this country could not collect the rain water that fell from the sky because it was agreed that all the water in the country was to be owned by the company. So if you got a bucket of water and gathered it from a stream of rain water you were breaking the law. YOU WERE STEALING THE COMPANIES WATER. (but their was a revolt about the rain water and that deal fell through)
SO by the way if you think I told a tall tale about rain water here is an article referencing this event and a quote from the article--
THE QUOTE--- The World Bank laid the foundation for privatization in the mid-1990s, by ‘offering’
a $14 million loan to expand water service if Cochabamba’s water was placed under
corporate control. The resulting contract with US corporation Bechtel was a sweet
deal. The agreement guaranteed the company an average profit of 16 per cent
annually over the 40-year life of the contract. The company was also to be given
control over hundreds of rural irrigation systems and community wells that had been
built by local people without government help. Water bills increased by up to 400 per
cent. People were even charged for collecting rainwater from their roofs
the point is to show where capitalist are coming from- how they think. Water promises to be to the 21st century what oil was to the 20th century: the precious commodity that determines the wealth of nations. Fortune magazine, May 2000
They want to feel and be free. is this a joke ? I think they want to feel really free and out of jail. Its just another idea being floated by some unseen hand. I think the powers that be really think we will believe anything.
I do apologize to those who believe the Hybrids are in a tough spot - slaves- I have endured harsh retorts on this site. So I know its hard to hear if someone disagrees very strongly. I just have very strong feelings about things sometimes. But basically I feel most of this feel sorry or kindly for the Alien is really hard for me to accept. If they ever felt sorry for us they wouldn't manipulate us- all in the name to "helping us". Every word of it is BS to my thinking. They are master manipulators.
As a blanket statement. I believe the sociopath wins the prize. The phrase "nice guys finish last" really is true ! And every time - every year - every planet the nice guys lost and the sociopaths procreated and then probably because there is a genetic component to the condition, more children were born to sociopaths over the eons to became the dominant being.
And Sociopaths run this universe- and 99.99 % of them are sociopaths (ok not having met even 1 alien that was a cynical exaggeration admittedly ) . But the few I have heard about up checking out their story soon puts them in a very bad light ! And that's where we and Earth sits in this universe.
Almost on ever occasion, interactions with any alien has to be strict and hard line- every time. Soft and mushy doesn't cut it in this universe. We cannot be sympathetic to any Alien- as soon as we look away thinking we can trust them - they will be pulling our strings.
So lets look at what keeps a Sociopath and a psychopath in line--- Close observation and punishment's for breaking an agreement. And never display vulnerability, weakness or drop your guard around ,any of them because in no time they will be manipulating that or using that vulnerbility to take you over. That makes sense to me. Forget all this they are our brothers, or sisters or taking us to the next level - I make it there myself thank you very much.