This video discusses DARPA and its research interests. In references the many cases of Doctors and Scientists who are looking into the substances inside of the substance many many people had injected into their arms and the strong suggestion of their government. (the substance that cannot be named)
To Me there seems to be a very strong connection to DARPA and the Transhumanism movement
DARPA as you see in the video above this one was the agency that was researching chips in the heads of rats before year 2000. In 2016 Elon Musk was given the technology called Neurolink or Neurolace or similar. He never developed it.
We hear there is a possibly that some Aliens coming to Earth are "us" from the future. We also have heard that Elon Musk is being "influenced" by and Alien to help him develop his scientific ideas. That's so special - and sweet ! So an Alien is heavily controlling Elon Musk to get Alien ideas into development.
And if those Aliens might be Grey aliens with little Grey Alien Bio - robots then are we seeing Humans returning now looking like bugs basically with little robot drones that were once humans ?
Of course ! It all makes so much sense !
And the Flying saucer viewer boxes, that allow you to pick the time and place you want your flying saucer to go to, cant go past 30 thousand years when people try to see how far out humans are seen. No humans past 30,000 years from now. That means no Greys 30,000 years from now. Because in this theory Greys are Humans from our Future. And if you go to "lets remote view the Archons" last page you hear a UFO researcher say its really possible that Humans are returning to earth from the future. And he got that advvice from a 3 letter agency in America.
If you want to look here it is -
So if Greys (humans) put chips into little Greys (little humans) brains and then that race petered out -for some reason why would they be coming back to pay us a visit ??
Is it to make sure that this timeline of Humans keep putting chips into other humans brains ? Because if the Greys are dying out at 30,000 years from now then do the remaining survivors need a parallel universe to re-insert themselves into ? That would allow themselves to graft themselves into a very familiar world here on Earth - wouldn't it ?
Now remember there is also the Hybrid Alien program to be introduced onto Earth by 2050- that's in 25 years. So what do you think will be happening on that farm - that everyone is going to be working on ? People being selected for a Chips program ? Grey Alien Hybrids making those selections ?
To put into a sort of literary form. I wonder if the Grey Aliens are preparing the Soil of Earth if you will for their Alien Harvest ? It will be an harvest of Chipped Humans to continue the viability of the dying culture. Likely their DNA pool of available beings became more and more narrowed. Finally as interbreeding continued over and over again with the ever shrinking DNA pool they faced a calamitous die off of their society.
And the Society they developed was one of technological Slave and bio-improved Master race. Only this time they thought they could improve and perfect the system using technology. For thousands of years they fought a tech war against their increasingly degraded DNA and finally they ran out of answers. All except the last option. It was the option to go back where they began their failed experiment ! And back into our time has returned our future selves to press replay on their failed society !!
And what is the plan ? It is to eliminate opposition -- I.E create a die off of humans.
It is to introduce a manager race - Alien Human Hybrids to control and enslave the remaining 10%
It is to move those remaining humans to a reduced technological society - working down on the farm.
It is to use the remaining population as a pool of available human-bio robot race.
The returning Greys and their Alien Hybrids will repopulate and DUPLICATE a version of the Earth very similar to the one they began their journey from.
Then using Earth as a laboratory - they will take Earths human DNA created and improved creatures and even their own improved selves back to their parallel Universe to fight another day in that parallel universe.
We will become their lab rats, and we will prop up their worlds with our DNA that they will control
AND D-A-R-P-A is driving this stuff. Now perhaps they themselves don't know it because they are mind controlled like everyone of importance on this planet ! Elon, the Pope, Putin, and probably every other leader and big Business man. All of them wiggling like puppets on a string.
Any way its goes somewhere but I will stop here.