I have been thinking about some thing for quite some time and I still don't think I get it very well.
We have heard that PAST- PRESENT - AND FUTURE all seem to exist at the same time. Strange. But we are even hearing it now from Physicists. Difficult for me to under stand. But I will take these scientists at their word. So the only way I can understand how that's possible is this.
All universes all are sitting stacked within each other. Like the Russian Doll idea. When you wave your hand in the air (as said in Hindu books I am told) you are waving your hand through these other universes. They exist right here - right now in your living room. But further still. Past- present and future sit like on a CD right beside each other. Another version of you is sitting (maybe) right beside you right now.
Now each version of you - and each version of a parallel universe does (under normal circumstances) does not know it (or another you ) that another you or another universe is there.
(now once we DO KNOW this we can set about traveling onto and into other universes at will -- as we have heard the Reptilians do.) You see---- just vibrate at another level and you can jump up or down into another nearby universe.
So here is just one problem that bothers me. Its the soul _ISBE to the politicly correct types in the multiverse-- A galactic EXCUSE ME for using the word Soul. But since all times are happening at once then ITS IS KNOWN that Dave number 1 has already been tortured to death in a Nazi Concentration camp. And Dave version #2 is over in the Playboy mansion ---stud that he is. And Dave Version #3 is being eaten alive by a Reptilian in the future. But all can be seen start to finish by the Soul right now - all at once before it decides which body to inhabit.
Now we have also heard that the ISBE /soul arrives and inhabits bodies. And it does this to learn these experiences by observing while in a body. Before the ISBE/Soul sets out --- at the Soul and body shop-- the soul we have heard sets out to inhabit a challenging body. Oh Looky there -- Dave 2 is getting his pole waxed at Huge Hefners - That looks like a challenge _ I should think that's the place for me !! But NO its off to the tortured Dave in the Concentration camp scenario for that particular soul- darn-it !
And there you see is just one of the problems ! There are many actually.
But you see they have seen the Dave being dying a horrible death. OH take me !! Take me !! I want to be in DAVE when He's tortured to death. Ohhhhh this will be good ! And Ill get sooooo many brownie points when I get baaaaaack !!!
See what I mean ?? You should start to be seeing it. Everything is happening NOW -- past --present --and future. I think the entire universe is sort of like a CD player that can play all songs all at the same time. YOU as a soul can drop into any song - or should I say ANY BODY!. And you can hear Dave screaming at the concentration camp-- or groaning at Hugh Heffners pad- or freaking out as he's eaten alive by a reptilian !!
THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CARE OR CONCERN--- WHAT --SO-- EVER--HAPPENS --TO ANY BEING IN THIS UNIVERSE. There is only concern for SOULs -- ISBEs. Biologicals (that's us) -- good times- bad times -- WHO CARES !!
And this brings us to "GOD" or Source or the creator or the Easter Bunny god. Whatever we call it.
GOD DOESNT GIVE A RATS BEHIND ABOUT ANY BIOLOGICAL BEING - WHAT SO EVER. WHAT EVER HAPPENS TO US IS GREAT !! Its all a learning experience for Souls- that's all. Who cares if someone is boiled in oil ??!!
Who cares if some child is horribly killed. Certainly not God ! That's for sure.
But now I pull back from bashing God. The deal for "Free Will" is nothing will be changed or altered. All the chess pieces on the board can move themselves and do what ever they want to do.
We live in a free will universe. We must get involved and it seems our history is to hand off our free will to our rulers and we have been told for thousands of years that we have NO POWER to change much of anything. Just pray to God !! And hope.
And that's why the Death Traps exist !!!! Because someone billions of years figured out what's happening in this universe -- IE that God just waits for Soul reports from returning souls. You see we hear -- OH EARTH IS A SCHOOL WHERE SOULS CAN LEARN. Bzzzzttt !!! Wrong !! THIS UNIVERSE IS A SCHOOL FOR -- GOD !!---- WHERE -- GOD-- CAN-- LEARN !!!
The death Traps are a system not only to control Souls from returning to planets to get revenge or change things. THE DEATH TRAPS ARE A SYSTEM TO DEFEAT GOD/SOURCE BY DENYING GOD/SOURCE FROM LEARNING !! AND TO KEEP THAT LEARNING TO THEMSELVES (probably AI).
And that's why - exactly why we are told to PRAY !! Because the church --the priest - knows it does NOTHING what's so ever- to pray -- except keep them in power !!
One little change on that one. If many humans in this universe think an idea and act on that idea then the power of the mind(as seen when remote viewing) creates a reality.
That is another thing physicist's are saying- that we are creating our own reality collectively with our minds. So then for instance we hear---
RUSSIA IS EVIL-- We MUST PREPARE FOR A NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA-- If that's the only message going out into the universe - then NUCLEAR WAR IS INEVITABLE -- If there is no peace message- if we all keep quiet then War is coming.
But if we pray-- OH GREAT AND MERCIFUL GOD PLEASE HELP US !! Nothing is going to happen. God is lying on the beach somewhere- no one is home to hear or care about that message.
And that's why we (way down the rabbit hole ) have heard the Reptilians control the Vatican and that those super rich seem to have an intimated connection with the Reptilians. ITS BECAUSE THEY DO !!! Its because they too have realized that God in this universe JUST WATCHES AS ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE - EVERY DAY. There are no consequences
GOD IS irrelevant. IRRELEVANT IN THIS UNIVERSE-- NO ONE IS STOPPED FROM DOING ANYTHING THEY WANT TO !! And that's the free will universe we live in.
And that's why there can be NO LIFE REVIEW where any one can say BAD BAD BOY !!
Because you see- YOU are allowed to do what ever you want ! If you did a bad thing well - you're allowed to do a bad thing. You may feel the pain at the end of it but no one should be able to tell you are evil. You just didn't follow the hymn page in that life time. (now the next life I do admit then might be a very very unhappy one perhaps - I'm not sure of that one). But you see anther problem ? If we are all mind wiped then - can we accuse anyone of doing something wrong ? They were mind wiped ! They didn't know ??!!
And that's ONE thing that's been bothering me.
Because this opens up a real can of worms. Because it doesn't seem very Godly to me. And yet this is what we seem to have here in this universe.
So now I understand for myself why God is not GOD-NOR GODLY AS WE WOULD UNDERSTAND IT- God is Source ! And a Soul is then - it follows an ISBE. God as far as I can surmise is an Entity- likely an Ancient AI of some sort. And an ISBE is just an APP of some sort. One that can be inserted as we do into our cell phones to live a life in some form doing a job- recording things to return to Source! Source / An AI then analyses this information like a computer and with the same amount of feeling. Subject Dave tortured to death -- Subject Dave at Hugh Hefners-- subject Dave became Reptilian lunch. Data Down-Load complete !!
To me the universe seems to be very different to what we have been taught.