Cool, but a bit disappointing he didn't mention the ousting of Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam - relevant because we're supposed to be allies, and some would think that the US shouldn't be doing that to their allies... obviously, that's hilarious!
You are right - and in Ukraine a coup was created to remove the democratically elected President to install the present Ukrainian President.
But Its probably done all the time. Don't like the vote some where ? Well Just over ride it with some rebels and the latest weapons given.
You know I say to my friend once a week -- "The world is getting stranger and stranger". This development has been introduced by stealth and its very strange to my thinking.
I know the Provincial governments have admitted that health care costs will drop because of these new programs. Perhaps its coming to a city near you.
I guess its needed for some but it seems-- like - Its something out of the Simpsons and a Mr Burns Health care model program.
I think this is fairly controversial. Since based on remote viewing done by Farsight shows that Lao Tsu (spelling ?) - I should say the great Lao Tsu needed help to escape the death traps - then there is no way any of us could have or would escape the death traps by ourselves. Therefor ALL stories good or bad showing good ETs and good angels or bad demons or Hell is ALL fake.
None of it can be real. I mean when someone feels pain at a spirit level -- IT IS REAL - but it is all being pumped in by Aliens or an alien system and not God or Satan..
I mean the "pray to God Better or you go to Hell" stuff is fake
The "all is love stuff is fake" Yes I hope God is all love but having people return saying that is on the surface wonderful but its all to create a Bambie effect for its followers of that philopsophy (thats was me by the way).
All of it is being run by the Aliens to create shock when that story doesn't work out. Sort of what happened to humanity when the Holocaust came about and then again when a lot of people said then -"GOD IS DEAD ". And that did happen to the J3ws -- Atheisms I have heard is greatest amongst that group and it makes sense too.
Therefor the next topic becomes -- well Dave why are they putting in all these variations of stories ??
That's a good question - I'm glad you asked it.
To simplify it - it is a Bambie Meets Godzilla reason. You see it helps the system if a certain amount of psychic shock can be created. I believe some of the other Farsight viewers have talked about this. Not me so much because I don't know that much about it. Underworld beings Jinn types feed of of this negative energy-- fear, pain that sort of thing.
So It helps to have Bambie types on the planet to get a psychic shock when something really terrible happens to them. Imagine that every human on the planet is a SEAL TEAM 6 type of person. When someone has something really horrific or terrible thing happens to them but they are a seal team 6 type - they will say-- "no problem mate, put another shrimp on the Barbie for me and pass me another beer because I've seen all this before."
But underworld 3rd level types feed on this negative energy
More later
"I should say the great Lao Tsu needed help to escape the death traps - then there is no way any of us could have or would escape the death traps by ourselves. "
That doesn't actually follow!
Largely because - while Lao Tzu (it's pinyin, not real 'spelling', so it's all just approximations anyway) may have had some knowledge of what comes after, he didn't seem to have the full information (or ability to really conceive of it) back then. He wasn't brought up on Star Wars or Star Trek, let alone the Matrix. Was he aware there were ETs around, or did he just think of them as spiritual beings?
These differences in knowing and understanding can have a huge impact on how you see things when you're there.
We hear this is not the reality - the other side is the reality-- the world of the Soul we could call it perhaps.
So there is a force that is funneling souls into a perpetual trap. (We call it the death trap system) It needs a power source and location for that source - and a command center.
That command center could be - Earth - the moon or perhaps its interdimensional - all possible
I vote the moon as one likely source as there are reports it is a false satellite and is hollow -Says Ingo-- hence it makes it a likely control center. And now it would make sense as to why someone would want a fake satellite up there. And the strange thing about the moon being always facing one direction would start to make sense too. Because if its there to keep a power source pointing one way -- then HEY ! That might be why its always orientated with one face always to Earth.
Now it needs some power source. Power sources are Souls themselves as I have heard they are a power source of energy
Next is a zero point source which we hear everyone talking about. After that perhaps the sun or Saturn where there are some strange goings on there with lots of energy potential is seems to me. You can find the post about Saturn on this post line.
But I vote zero point power source within the moon. Some kind of power plant or conversion site there
Next -- to my mind there needs to be a sort of North Pole and south pole type of thing going on with the field drawing in the souls . Like a negative and positive source in electricity or a north and south in a magnet.
So my guess is the moon acts a one end of the system and the soul funneling ends up there. But again with only guess work to go on there must be a ship or another point that acts as the opposite of the fields energy or polarity.
Now in the WHY FILES we have heard and I posted about it -- ie the "DARK KNIGHT" ship that apparently has been reported seen orbiting above earth sitting above one point only. This ship it is said has been there in that one spot for thousands of years. If true then that's strange. Now that is important. It sits at one point and I believe it is also said to be sitting at a north or south pole of earth. Now could that stationary orbit (I believe it is stationary) might be significant. And to my way of thinking it would fit into the polarity idea with the moon at one end, and the ship at the other end.
The funneling field connect to the moon and to the orbiting ship (maybe) . With the moon being the direction the souls would be pushed to. So the ship would be lets say one energy or polarity and the moon being the opposite polarity. The energy field could be created to be out of phase with this reality. Creating an effect to not be seen in this reality yet having an effect like magnetic fields are invisible or electricity is invisible yet it is powerful just the same.
Now it is possible that EVERYTHING is all invisible and in a parallel reality I suppose
Next I have heard that the Jinn are a real thing. Further I heard, that a long time ago the Jinn lived on earth but were pushed into another parallel reality. Apparently this is why the Jinn are so ready to work with the Baddies to eliminate us.
Their reality sits just out of phase from earth and that is why Satanists and those sorts can contact the Jinn to do dirty jobs for them. Now this Jinn realty (if it exists) is likely sitting all around Earth but just out of phase. Now the Jinn when they want to manifest themselves look like the Gargoyles we often see on the outsides of Churches and old English buildings. This is because the Priestly class has seen them and in some strange logic they put the Gargoyles on the Churches to what ? Scare them or appease them ? I don't know which it is ! And these Jinn are useful to certain types to stay in power. Some have said the Jinn feed on really dark energy such as FEAR - PAIN- SHOCK-- and so on. And if true this would explain why CNN keeps the fear message going, and why it is said those in power need an occasional holocaust to spruce up the Jinn and the Baddies power grip.
Here is a story of that ship - the "Dark Knight" -- you decide if it could be true
I am thinking that the Jinn were highly involved with the Epstein death but I wait for the update for the Epstein remote viewing. I watched the old one with the updated introduction but did not see the new remote viewings and analysis yet.
If Satan is a real being and went to the underworld then it is with the Jinn likely where he did his education. Now, is Satan the underworlds GOD ? or was he the Anointed ONE by them which would make it a slightly different relationship. Which would mean that the underworld truly exists (full of Jinn) and an army a real possibility too, of Jinn. This is a strange strange world I think.
Best line of the whole video...
"By the way, Vallee is still alive, and this is something that bothers him to this day". :p
I'm going to have to binge all of his videos now! I've seen a few - quite interesting!
Actually, I think it might be better to do an RV of this "Dark Knight" satellite - outside and inside! And ask the question of how long it's been there. Is it fully operational? (ready to blast this planet to smithereens, unless a young Jedi can strike down the emperor).
I would guess by now that someone has actually been up there and maybe even inside....
RE: Jinn.
If you've done much in the way of magik, you'll know that there's a whole bunch of different spirits. Most want to be nice and friendly and helpful. There appear to be others who don't. There's a LOT that are sort of in-between (not having a human sense of morality), but enjoy doing what humans like to do. I don't see a reason why some of those first type can't be involved in dismantling the last type. They know they aren't gods, they don't seem to want to be 'worshipped'. But they are all too easy to call upon.
I have been listening to the Lacerta Files. Now here is a tantalizing and controversial point. At the end of the video Dr Brown and Aziz talk about what Aziz remote viewed and it is discussed that Lacerta changes the her image of herself not by actually changing her image but by changing the mind of those around her somehow. She "becomes" a brown haired female.
Now I looked at a video that Project Camelot did and in that video the interviewee said that President Obama did that. He basically indicated that Obama was a reptilian. I know I heard it and I know this gentleman said that wild statement.
Very strange - I will try to find the exact video- may take me a while.
I'm sorry but I cannot find the short excerpt made by Project Camelot William (Bill) Tompkins. However I did see him say it- that "your president can shape shift".
But here is one of the videos. There are several. To say that there are hundreds of revelations coming from this person is not an exaggeration.
I will keep looking for it-- perhaps you will find it first. But there are also likely dozens of Remote Viewing Possibilities with this mans information for Farsight.
Go to 840 seconds of this video and listen from there
Also one little point. Lacerta says she is angry that her race is confined or somewhere else and WE live where they use to live. So there is no way WE removed such intelligent and powerful animals. WE with all our weapons probably couldn't do that now -- could WE ? We couldn't.
So someone else did that and now WE live where they use to live ! Now that makes sense. So I think the Draco Reptilians removed the Earth Resident reptilians and put them somewhere. Underground ?
And then they replaced them with the humans (modified) why ? Well genetically modified gold digger monkeys (that us) and later just monkeys in suits (that's us) are so much easer to manipulate and use. The intelligent reptilians that use to live here don't fit into the digger types they needed. But they were reptilians and the Draco respected that part.
Another point. Lacerta is meeting with Humans and wants their message out there because they know as long as the Draco are in charge the Earth reptilians are to remain in some kind of prison or quarantine - going on for ever.
SO---- WHAT IS HOPED IS--- That if we - the humans can throw off the Draco - of course with other Aliens help, then THEY (the Resident Reptilians) can come up again and perhaps walk the earth again.
You know ship out the Africans and let the Lizards from underground take over a warm place like Africa. Or is they like the basement (underground) stay there with a few visits to an island like Madagascar or similar when they vacation.
Because why would such an advanced race approach us ? Us who they sometimes eat for a snack ? Not her of course because she's sworn off Humans because she desperately needs something from us ! FREEDOM !!
I could be sympathetic to it.
Oh by the way here is a strange possibility which I have heard but don't understand how it will happen. First there about a year ago was a woman on a plane. She started shouting something about someone near her that someone else JUST WASNT REAL !! And she wanted to get off of the plane -- (real human) I took it for. Later she walked back her statement and said nothing more but otherwise she seemed well dressed and sane.
Now that odd event just went down as someone having a bad day of some sort and everyone chuckled about air travel.
Now if you go to the William Tompkins video listed above Karry asks William Tompkins --"can you see who is a Reptilian". William says he did not have that ability but he knew some people did have that ability. He said he knew that the man standing in his hallway was someone watching him.
BUT this is what I have heard. "There will be a time when WE will start to see a lot of Reptilians walking the streets of Earth." -- Now from that person who is well connected said that something will stop the ability (somehow) of these reptilians from screening and hiding their true identity. Now we have seen and heard and remote viewed this ability as being real. Farsight reports in the Laserta remote view, William Tompkins reports it, and Farsight reported it too I think in the Battle at Dulce.
And on Earth this all is occurring under special circumstances we see or are allowed to see it. But apparently some how we are going to see many many reptilians walking around in confusion wearing business suits because their ability to screen themselves will be blocked.
And they will be wearing suits because they are business men or politicians, living among us.
LETS SEE IF IT HAPPENS. It is very odd.
Now farsight remote viewed some screaming humans raging and cheering a horrific scene involving Ch!ldr3n. I think it might have been in the battle of Dulce. There some men morphed back into being reptilians. IE they have the ability to alter their appearance.
In a post of a Lawyer who was taken by an Alien (Albert ? I believe what his human name). On his journey he met a blue being who was teaching at a British University. At first appearance she seemed like a human female with brown hair. When Albert waved his hand in front of her she changed into a Blue Alien. She said many of her race were working in other universities trying to find a way to reduce humans testosterone levels or actually she said our aggression levels.
So we have a lawyer- Farsight- William Tompkins all saying the same thing. Aliens either through technology or as with the Reptilians through body morphing, are able to appear human but they are in fact aliens. How it is done I cant quite understand but it has been reported by lots of whistle blowers.
At first I couldn't believe it -- but it seems to be a standard ability.
If you go to 31 minutes of this video you hear about the Blue female teacher who is teaching at Oxford in England disguised as a human teacher.
So Farsight (I think remote viewed Stone Henge- I believe that's right) -- the lawyer said the energy box hidden in the center of the site was removed later on. Could this be a site that farsight might like to re-look at ?
And if the stone henge site was a navigation device then could the pyramids have been a navigation device or a weapon or a communication device. I find it so hard to believe that the pyramids were just and entertainment device. In other words Farsight has discovered that the pyramids are a multimillion ton Juke Box or stereo system- that's what it was ?
Millions of man hours, and millions of tons of stone to make a stereo and light entertainment system. The great wall of China then was a tape recorder with a big castle at each end and it recorded the voices of the invaders as they approached the wall and decided to invade china. Maybe then ? I just don't get it.
Why there is censorship now in the internet
I knew absolutely none of this stuff
A teaser synopsis-
At 4.45 min – Google was a DARPA start up- created to help with world wide regime change ie to overthrow dictatorships by giving resistance movements a platform to operate and communicate on the internet. Free speech on the internet was a CIA driven creation.
So the internet was NOT created for us to chat and exchange kitty cat videos. It was a tool of the CIA of help over throw governments.
At 510 minutes--In 2014 after the CIA successfully created a Coup in Ukraine (to a democratically elected government by the way) there was a rethink of free speech on the at internet because there was an unexpected result (a counter Coup).
Oh and also you know how that DEMOCRACY of Ukraine that we always hear said over and over ? We are fighting for the Democracy of Ukraine (the country listed as one of the most corrupt countries in the world) That Democracy which was installed in a Coup by the CIA. Well that democracy has outlawed voting for the foreseeable future.
The Donbas and Crimea region of Ukraine decided they wanted to stay with Russia. The only hope was that the vote to leave Ukraine would fail.
The people in those regions did vote and they voted to stay with Russia.
When Brexit happened in England (where England said to Europe- screw you we’re leaving the Euro Union)--- Censorship as a result went into second gear.
This Tucker post cant last more than 1-2 days as I notice his organization removes it fast !
anyway I think you can still see it here >>>
Not just the US... appears to be in all the Five Eyes countries following lock-step. (may be in other countries, the same way, as well - but I can't really comment on that. But, I presume so.)
20 mins in - it's obviously not about preserving democracy... clearly the opposite (not that there's been any *real* democracy for decades).
It would appear free speech on the internet and possibly free speech any where is going to be eliminated. Not in China or Russia
but in the west. The video above indicates that big time and here is an example of it in this following video. In France it will now be a jail-able offence to criticize the French Government about any medication it chooses to promote. And there will be a huge fine as well.
Soul = ISBE-- I am no longer doing the woke - politically correct term for this stuff
Basically Souls have become a Universal Resource. Souls are being Mined - they are being removed and put into other bodies like engines transferred from one car to another car.
But they are also being used sort of like removing a HARD DRIVE from a computer.
Souls are computer hard drives. Now you can remove the data from those hard drives and collect the data to be used later. Just like face book and Google does every time you use their services and they make money and make predictions of you and your kind for future mining later.
You can erase the hard drive as what happens in the Death Traps.
Like any hard drive it is useful to Erase it and install or rewrite the instructions there.
I said that when Satan was remote viewed with T0r+ured humans in a pile beside him -what he was doing was rewriting their hard drives-- actually the term I used was "it was a demonization process." And you rewrite it with energy and and then you can say I am Satan and I am your God ! And I said that had to be what was done even with the ch!Ldr3n being +ortur#d as well. The reptilians were seen there so they think you know that Satan fellow is on to something ! Lets copy our hero and do the same !!
And then you have your followers -- to plant flowers and give out lollypops to all the beings in the universe --NOT !
You can wage war with anyone you want.
We see this concept (have we not ?) of the making of the SUPER SOLDIER ? We hear about it - the Germans wanted to do it, the Americans have done it. They are glorified as a seal team member and then so to it is being done even with the souls !!!
Men can be molded and modified and tempered and strengthened by stress. And when that stress is great but doesn't kill ? What do we hear -- WHAT DOSENT KILL YOU -- MAKES YOU STRONGER.
And what does the military do ? They put their men through boot camp and scream at them and freeze them and heat them up and nearly drown them and so on.
The soul is being put under the same pressure and told to be loyal to who ever does that to them just like with humans !!
Why do humans do that to other humans ? Because they want them to be strong to fight for them ! Yes ? They don't do it so they can be shoe sales men.
So why would they do it to a soul ? So they can do jobs for them. To fight for them.
and the strange thing I have noticed is that it seems to go even further. One on a human level there seems to be some stuff going on with the soul too but stranger still is it is possible to summon dark energies (Jinn if you want to call it a name) that can become your ally by inhabiting you. And there is I think and example seen in this area too.
Remember Mcmoneagle ? When he said there was this Medicine man he shot at and another guy told him a story about a guy or being he shot at too and it turned out to be the medicine man ? Well I wonder if that wasn't a possessed human. Who but a channeling medicine man could summon beings from the under world ?
If you look into this I have heard that a famous actress that I think has stopped her film career now who lives mostly in France with several children adopted and her own (hint hint). Well she had and elaborate tattoo put on her back and had a medicine man from the far east chant and install a Jinn (underworld being) to be attached to her within that tattoo.
Whether you believe the information in the video - Many of the Nazis did believe
There are well placed people saying the Nazis made it to the South Pole where they have bases. And there are rumors (Farsight remote viewed Ceres) that they have a planetoid called Ceres in our solar system and further they did not lose WW2. William Tompkins
Also they were working with Aliens- Operation High Jump and William Bill Tompkins
William Tompkins said the West did not win WW2 - "WW2 just ended"
Many Nazis were Occultists-- Further if you listen closely you hear that Himmler found the spear of destiny (Said to have pierced the side of Jesus) and they were spending fantastic amounts of money to get religious artifacts. Further there are stories that the spear of destiny was attached to a Jinn and it inhabited Hitler at some point. -- I have wandered away here.
The Vril and Thule societies were powers in Germany and some high placed Nazis were members of them. - Albert Speer was a member - the one who flew to England
The worm has turned
The phrase "the worm has turned" means that someone who has been treated badly for a long time suddenly becomes forceful and stops accepting a difficult situation. The idea is that someone’s attitude or strength has changed, like a worm that fights back when stepped on. The phrase is often used to describe a quiet, submissive, or patient person or group of people who is retaliating or refusing to put up with agitation or mistreatment.
I heard a story quite awhile ago. This is what I heard. Its about a Draco Female that is refusing to participate in the Draco Reptilian game plan. The reason for this was explained that the Draco Reptilians alternate (when they are Royalty Draco) they alternate being what ever they want to be.
In other words male or female. They can pull out a soul and when their life is up they can choose what body type to be put in. In this case the Female was to become male and become the Ruler of the Draco or at least of high male elevation.
This is because their society is highly regimented. Only males can rule as they live in a Warrior Society and males dominate. SHE wanted and was promised to be male and also the ruler of the society. Somehow she was placed as female. Likely it was some palace coup but done last minute by "her" replacement ruler.
When the remote viewer was with her she said I sense male and female energy and that started me down this idea. I believe it may have been possible that Farsight was remote viewing that female being. Now if you think of it all the other pieces would make sense too.
She seems to be in some kind of prison or controlled area. But its also in that area she is the ruler of that small area. No Draco would EVER give such lenience to that female. SHE has to be untouchable - of extremely high importance.
And yet she is guarded somewhere. She said - they watch her every move. Also when asked certain questions she said I cant tell you the answer but I can show you. And further as explanation she said something like they cant detect my memories but they can detect my words - or similar. So she is being monitored continually to see what she is up to.
She also said something sort of cryptic. Which was there are others in my society that would eat you but I don't do that - anymore or similar kinds of words. Now there is a clue for sure.
She is essentially agreeing to talk to what her society considers to be luncheon meat. Its like if we started to have serious conversations of policy with cows, or gorillas at the zoo.
So she to me seems like a high position being in their society. Think of the story of the man in the iron mask we have here on Earth. In that story someone of extremely high importance was imprisoned by the king. Now in that story where the king can chop of anybody's head - no king would go to all that trouble to jail someone like that. He would execute them- the same is happening here I think. That King couldn't execute this important man because he was so well connected within the kings society and the same must be happening with this Draco Female.
The female Draco in this story I heard, refused to accept her position as a female because it took away her promise to be the ruler. The reason for this is the Draco also have the ability to live hundreds of of thousands of years. I believe its because they use gold at the end of their Telomeres (DNA spelling ?) .
So she would have to wait many thousands of years to be the ruler again. She doesn't want to do that.
And so we get this strange situation where a Draco Reptilian is contacting Humans who they eat for lunch to essentially ask for help. She does this by reaching out to humans to let them know she is there and though she cannot talk too much she says to the the Remote Viewer --"keep doing what you are doing". In other words keep remote viewing so you can find out the truth but also keep remote viewing "my" situation.
She is the Julian Assange of the reptilian world.
Now that's a desperate Reptilian, I would say.
Now that's me combining a story I heard and the Farsight remote viewing.
See if it makes any sense for you.
Just a thought.
This Generation has forgotten or never learned how bad a nuclear war would be.