I actually agree with some of the theme you use. I believe "we" are a life form as important as a moose is a life form or a Draco Reptilian is a life form that the universe created or brought into form. I use to believe "we" as humans were fantastically important and unique. I don't think we unique really any more. But we are as important as a moose and ONLY just as important --not more important.
Now the only thing as far as I have gathered that has immortality (if its true) is the soul/ISBE. We unfortunately are just a vehicle -- in other words it seems everything from a horse and a bird to a human and a reptilian is inhabited as I understand it. Inhabited by an ISBE.
Now it further seems that this being gives life (I have heard others say who seem to be in the know) - gives life to beings. That it breaths life into them and keeps them alive.
Now the rub that I had about this stuff is we are "gifted" if you will; gifted with life and we are allowed and should give thanks that we got life. And I can see that and agree with it.
But it also seems we are just pawns of some sort for beings - souls- ISBEs that learn lessons. So there is no justice if you will - none what so ever, except that which we cause to be dealt out. (I.E our concept of it). There really seems to be no galactic or Godly justice at all.
If "you're" a child who has been abused there will be no comfort from God. Its all a lesson for the ISBE. After all, it wasn't the ISBEs fault there was abuse. But the concept of God stopping abuse seems to be completely wrong. Abuse as it it found here and there is known about as the ISBE moves down into planet Earth. This I believe is because they say PAST - PRESENT - AND FUTURE all exist at the same time. So that means any ISBE can look from the future back into the past and say--- "Oh look there's a challenging being to exist in ! Let me go into the child that will be horribly abused in a Nazi Concentration camp, and see and feel what that's like ! That should be an interesting lesson !"
NOW BEFORE I HEAR I AM A CRYPTO SATANIST OR SOMETHING BIZARRE LIKE THAT - I am saying the following. Source has created this universe with free will at its core. Therefor God / Source is basically a neutral power. Satan (who seems to exist) is an active power within this universe causing Abuse. I believe again based on what I hear and have gleaned is we are also capable of influence ie creation as well. This would make some sense if we think we (by that I mean the ISBE/Soul) are a holograph of God (tinsey wensey one).
Further if one believes that Source is everything- ie Source is playing all parts in this drama. Source experiences this universe by "forgetting" it is Source as it inhabits every human(as an ISBE/SOUL) every Reptilian, every horse , cat and dog. This is why Source does not manipulate the results here on Earth or anywhere. It is not a malevolent action it is a hands off approach so Source can then experience ITSELF !
Any way, there is no -- Oh My heart is breaking let me go into that being and give comfort and some how influence its abuser to stop this abuse ! " NONE OF THAT SEEMS TO BE OCCURING !! And if I was cynical - which you should know I am, one suspects its more - oh let me give comfort to that being - SO IT CAN SURVIVE LONGER WITH ITS ABUSE.
And may I explain myself and say YES we are pawns and only a little more than that !
But here I think is where I differ from you. I think the bargain is -- we have been given a wonderous thing ! Its life ! And most people can see beauty in the world and I have seen some of it either in nature or in literature or movies and friends. And I am thankful in my old age to have seen it. And that is something.
We have been given life-- we exist and from that there is wonder, beauty and WE live and WE die but the Soul / ISBE lives on. And we will live on too if you think a little about it. We live on as the memory of us -- that the ISBE learned about. We will as an entity ( a human) be snuffed out like a candle --- gone in the wind. I and You will never come this way again, as a being. We are a single use being.
But there will be a build up of me and you within the ENTITY - in the ISBE that exists briefly within us. That sense of humor - that anger- that love of nature-- that wonder of the sunset or the stars -- that essence of Me and You will go on as a memory. And that is at once very sad and sort of poignant too.
I think the ENTITY that is within us is just a HOLIGRAPHIC version of God. There is only God. It is all an illusion that we are separate. WE and YOU are just a hived off versions of God (at the ISBE level) so God can experience itself.
Here's the shocking thing- we are just a life form that lives about 70 years in a Universe that may be infinite where time is endless. Our significance is piddling.
The Trees, the water the planets, the reptilian, the universe itself is all one thing and there was only one thing from the beginning. So don't really worry about it - the whole thing was and is a set up from the beginning. It was concocted for us to scream at the stars, and pray to the Gods all the time believing they would answer us and change something. That, at a God level was never going to happen. It was never going to happen for the Egyptians as they prayed to the hippopotamus gods or as we pray to Jesus or Allah.
But to the Egyptians it caused them to construct Pyramids and for the French to build great Cathedrals.
Here I think is the nub or the kernel of the universal truth. If you care then the ISBE will care, and that can be carried forth within the ISBE because you cared about SOMETHING. If you don't care then the universe will also not care. THATS WHY WE HEAR - OH YOU ARE CREATING YOUR OWN REALITY !
So to care a lot about something is to "Love" that something. To care about the Israeli and Palestinian situation means you are expressing a love about something ( a strong concern about it). And then there can be change made. The change comes from our own minds, not Gods - but sort of gods mind because we can influence the ISBE (a mini version of God) by caring about the Israeli Palestinians and then we influence or (pray to) God. " And with that we create our own reality and WE create change. That's my take on it.
And a response to the "higher Self" comments. I think this higher self stuff is a ruse. There is a passenger within us (briefly) and we are the taxi that takes it places. We will continue within this being as the memories of what we did or thought or caused to occur in our world. We will be infinitesimally small in comparison to all the millions of lives this ISBE will live. But we will still exist as that memory. And that's all we are and will ever be as humans. That's how important we are or unimportant we are.
We as humans live and die. OUR RACE CAN GO ON THOUGH as a race that cared about something. And the Reptilians can go on as a race that cared about just themselves and everything they saw were slaves and a food source - and that is just that - just what it is. And finally I don't really know what to say further about it. Except I know if I care , I can be part of the universe that decides to care about something.
And I don't know that the Caring side is any more important or better than the side that doesn't care. I have no more answers except I like being on the caring side. That's where I'm at. I am not indifferent to the Israel and Palestinian conflict or to Child Abuse. I think the Universe puts equal importance on a mountain erupting --to a rocket launching --to a child be abused and simply records it and nothing more. I don't really understand it but I think that's it.
There is only one little point to make. Everything in the Universe seems to have a duality as a concept. There is an Up and a Down. There is light and darkness. There seems to be Satan and God.
God it is said is a duality where this entity exists at a point on one hand and apparently is completely dispersed within the universe on the other hand.
And here I wonder if there isn't a duality for the human as well. The Human exists as us, me and you. But It exists too as humanity - as all the humans everywhere and this is very important. It exists as a memory in the DNA of us from the Romans and the Egyptians.
So you and I will die soon. But it is possible for Humanity to continue. Within that humanity, as we CARE OR DONT CARE about something will exist this collective memory of us - of you and me and everyone. And it is with this memory of how we all acted throughout millennia that introduces this concept of assentation if you will . That the actions you and me will influence the race called HUMANS and will decide this assentation we hear about. No single human ever ascends anywhere at all. It is only the race that can ascend. A human never ascended ever, except up a stair case.
But the Race can ascend and there lies our duality.
We better send David Wilcocks a memo about this so he can move on to some other topic.
Time to hit the hay my friend.