This message is not coming from Buba at the trailer park--
This is a discussion from a Dr and a Teacher of Nursing school having a discussion
The THUGGEES RELIGION -- thinking about religion
Is every religion sacrosanct ? In other words is a religion automatically good or should it be protected and respected because someone belongs to it and practices it "religiously" and it has been passed down from elder to younger follower ?
Is this too hot to handle ? Maybe ! AND W H A T does this have to do with Aliens and Disclosure ? Actually this does have something to do with Aliens and Disclosure ! Definitely does ! For instance some kind of Rite it would seem to me was going on when we heard remote viewing results on the group of followers reveling and cheering on the T**rtu%Re of 3 ch-il dre+ n -- where we hear three humans morph into reptilians. Yes its a relevant question to this site.
The below group is estimated to have k*lled 2 million people so far.
Example to look at.
Now on one hand it was said the English eradicated this group - while others say that this group still exists and practices their religion.
Woke Culture Debate climate change China Poor Asia South America
A small thought
So when I was in school I was taught that There was this big bang and the entire universe was created. And that life via complex chemical reactions over millions of years started to create simple life and then it grew more and more complex and voila -- real life began or something like that.
Also that Man was the result of evolutionary changes from monkeys and because of the development of opposable finger and thumb we began to manipulate tools and our brain grew larger and larger-- and then we developed roller skates, green beer and the Kazoo.
So now the James Webb telescope was launched and THE BIG BANG THEORY HAS BEEN DISPROVED !!!!
But it wasn't much discussed. Wouldn't want too much of that discussion would we ? Basically the Big bang theory says if we look farther and farther away we would see the evidence of very small - unorganized -- galaxies. Why would we see these ? Well as the theory goes these were the galaxies just forming up from the original big bang -- THE GREAT BEGINING !
and that's NOT WHAT THEY SAW !!
They saw very LARGE galaxies that were bigger than our own galaxy and extremely well organized. Lots of Stars-- etc.
So Big Bang Theory is gone ! GONE GONE !! JUST LIKE THAT -GONE !!
But my point is that the Big Bang Theory wasn't taught in school as a THEORY (not at the ground level -where the rubber hits the road) - it was taught as a forgone conclusion. Anyone who thought any thing else was a religious nut and everyone steered clear of those people
Next-- The theory that here on Earth simple chemicals mixing with lightening bolts hitting the surface of the water gradually created more and more complex chemicals and from those mixing chemicals more and more complex things developed and eventually LIFE WAS CREATED !!
Now your hear more and more something called Panspermia - the idea that life from crashing asteroids and comets and hitting Earth came LIFE (that somehow life originated in space itself). It could I suppose also include explode planets that launched rocks out from place that already developed life - some how. I.E that life is being seeded -- (now we wont talk about Aliens seeding this life right now) . But in any event there is real discussion that this is what seeded earth with its first life and there are even discussions that this is happening regularly.
Next there was another theory that we all accepted as a done deal -- there were only two theories. One animals became more and more complex and from monkeys we split off and eventually drove motor cars around in a circles to screaming crowds- called NAS-CAR. The only other competing theory was that God made Earth Man and Woman and all the animals and that all happened about 7000 years ago.
So for decades there has been what's called "the Missing Link". Which was the monkey/woman/man that made the leap from monkey to human AND THEREFORE THERE MUST BE A MISSING LINK SOME WHERE THAT WILL PROVE THIS THEORY. But they couldn't find it -- hard as they tried.
But now people studying animal development are saying lets look at wolves-- lets see how fast they develop ! They looked and said -- WOW wolves develop very very slowly ! And they looked at other animals (I'm assuming here on this one) and they said MAN SHOULD NOT HAVE DEVELOPED SO FAST ! There was this sudden burst of brain size that we have never seen in another animal ! How could this have happened so fast ? And no one had an answer !
SShhhhhhhhhh ! Quiet ! They all whispered ! We are suppose to have all the answers ! Lets just keep this to ourselves OK ?
Looking hi and low they have not found the missing link -Maybe ? Because there isn't one ?? - Could it be that humanity has been genetically manipulated by someone ?
That's being whispered certainly in the circles we all travel in.
So where the heck am I going with this ? Its a meandering trail. The newest shiniest theory making all the coffee table discussions is The parallel universe theory and the associated This (Earth) and the entire universe is a SIMULATION !! Brilliant minds are convincing more and more people -- this is it ! Reality is all a sham ! YOU are not YOU and WHAT YOU SEE is NOT REAL ! The stars could all be a projection of some type- like we are in some kind of video game ! The stars are not really there -- unless we flew out to them at which point the galactic computer program would RENDER THEM ! Why its all a computer program ! And there's calculations given and Ideas to explain it all. And people with PhD behind their names to tell you about it.
JUST LIKE THE LAST THEORIES WE WERE TAUGHT IN SCHOOL ! And this is what I thought in school --Well these scientamatologists sure are smart ! Gee Wilikers ! I mean what else could I think ?
What's going on ?
These new theories are the latest bed time story. When the Red Riding Hood story was told to us at night - we listened and half believed it as NEWS ! IT is NEWS to a Childs eyes. IT CLEARLY HAPPENED TO SOME POOR GIRL SOMEWHERE !
And Mommy (the smartest person I know along with Daddy-- SAID SO !!) Why it happened ONCE UPON A TIME ! Some very naughty girl didn't listen to Mommy and Daddy and got almost got eaten by a wolf. It was NEWS ! It was FACTS. It was REALITY !!
That's what these stories seem like to me. They are the latest story to be told to the science minded slub (like me) who has a story told to them in just the right amount of sophistication to influence my thinking.
That's my thinking today ! These theories are bed time stories -- made to influence our thinking. To see the world in a certain way. Just as they were told to children as well. That there were dangers out in the forest and here's what happened to a girl who didn't listen to her authorities - her parents.
It was designed as a lesson and a warning to put a bit of fear in their children to remember Mommy and Daddy have the goods on your survival ! There were real dangers in the forest and parents told the stories because the served a purpose. But the choice of story ! That's where the emphasize was and I think we can see the latest bed time story being told now.
What's it purpose ? Well the old theories went along with the MATERIALIST point of view. The materialist view is that all things are made of matter. Stars trees and YOU are made of matter. when this mater disintigrates YOU disintigrate and you cease to exist any more. NO soul - no consiousness -- nothing - you were a biological machine. And as a biological machine -- you may be given a chance to upgrade yourself to a more sophisticated machine. TA DA-- Enter The GREAT ELON !!
Well the old stories aren't panning out are they ? So time for new ones. Best to see who is telling you the story rather than the story-- only. WHO IS TELLING THE STORY ? THAT SHOULD ALSO BE THE FOCUS. Who is telling you a war with Russia is necessary ? Who is telling you to get a vaccine ? Who is telling you need to merge with AI ? Who is telling you you need to get a chip in your head ? Who ARE these people ? Farsight has remote viewed several people-- The Pope-- Putin-- and many other sorts too.
LIKE ELON MUSK-- HELLO ?? ELON MUSK !! The one everyone thinks is Mr Amazing, is being influenced by an Alien !! That should (don't think it has though) that should have everyone sit up and put down their coffee cup.
Many are being influence to tell a story along with influence YOU to do something or act in some way !! This INFLUENCES you to absorb a story and ACT accordingly.
Same with WAR influencers- Same with Religious Influencers - Same with RED RIDING HOOD story tellers- same with BIG BANG THEORY Story tellers. All want to influence you for a reason.
IS THERE SOMEONE TRYING TO INFLUENCE YOU NOW -- MEEE ! I want to plant this thought in your head. Listen but step back a little and think-- not so much about the story - but WHO is telling you the story. What's in it for them if I (you) follow their idea or thought ? You can still accept the story but at least you thought about the story and the person telling you the story too.
Is someone selling you the WAR Story to sell more weapons (don't forget your dollars bought those weapons). Is someone selling you a vaccine story also benefiting from lots of vaccines being sold ? Like Pfizer -- like Fo--uchi-- like Generals -- ??
When we look into the "Generals" talking on the news about Russia -- if we looked- we would see the General isnt a general any more-- hes a retired general- and often he now consults or works for Raytheon or Lockheed Martin (that make the missiles and weapons being used in Ukraine). And who was telling us we must get vaccinated and HE is the science ? Why its FATHER - who knows everything-- but we mustn't be racist and think the bug came from a Chinese Lab !! But when we look we discover Father has been giving money to that same lab and through emails (upon discovery) His colleagues and probably he as well believe it all came out of that lab.
Who -- is -- influencing-- the -- person-- who -- is promoting -- that -- YOU -- DO SOMETHING ? Seems every time Farsight looks it finds that people -- IMPORTANT PEOPLE ---are being influenced to tell you something YOU need to do !!
Todays rant !
This was a scientist to the people out on the land 150 years ago. He was a brain-ologist-- a foot -ologist anything at all. And he traveled - which these people didnt. He was sooo smart. And he sold cures for all things. He was later said to be a Snake Oil salesman. WHO could we put in that category today ?
Ingo Swan Moon Remote Viewing Bases on the Moon Aliens Mining Flying Saucers
Inner Spirit Dialogue Ally
heres a spin off idea-- Farsight looks at important people and they seem to be controlled or highly influenced by an alien. Here's the question -- has anyone or does anyone at farsight feel or sense or have detected that they have been manipulated - attacked some how by "something" ?
By this I mean have you at some time suddenly found yourself thinking some very and highly uncharacteristic thoughts or ideas ? When you analyze them and say where did that come from ? That sort of thing doesn't come back but a new thing comes up? Something you find yourself being woken up by and -- lets say you have been woken up by yourself as it were because your inner self ( for lack of a better description ) has detected an intrusion ??
I found this going on for about 3 months last year. I never detected it before or since that period but I do think something was trying to influence or scare me - something on that line. Like I said it has not returned but I do think it was "something" going on.
Now I would like to make a suggestion. I have found that if you tell "yourself" by that I mean your inner self -- the one that does not need to sleep. That I want to wake up 15 before my morning alarm goes off -- because the alarm nearly gives me a mini heart attack - it startle's me. Now for the past 3 years I wake up 15 before my alarm. Almost every time ! I mean I have to be dead tired or drunk to not be woken up like this.
Now I haven't had any discussions with my inner self -- but I do think it exists !! Further I have asked "my inner self" to wake me up if it detects any unusual ideas thoughts or mental activity that seems "not to be my own".
Also you have heard that Humans cannot sense when they are being remote viewed. Yes they can !
And I have found myself being woken up at exactly those occasions ! I believe YOU can -- how can I say this -- that you can have a one way sort of "contact" if that's the right word with your inner self. Is it soul-- your Id -- your inner child-- don't know what it is but it can become your ally !! It can watch out for you.
For women -- I think they could come to see this idea and accept it quicker that a male. Women must develop their inner dialogue and have a good gut feeling an intuition to keep out of trouble in a male dominated world. What ever it is -- I believe there is some good in what I am saying. And something to it as well.
Meditation Sound Modulation 104 hertz to 110 hertz Remote Viewing Out of Body Experience Universe
THE GATEWAY REPORT-- about the GATE WAY PROCESS-- "you don't need years of mediation in a monastery or mind altering drugs-- YOU - JUST -- NEED-- A -- SET -- OF -- HEADPHONES --- HELLO" ?!
This might be the "ROSETTA STONE" of remote viewing.
HARVEY said that the military needs to use their minds to detect when they are being manipulated---
This may be a big jig saw puzzle piece to solving this sort of problem.
I wonder if those who think -- oh bother this remote viewing stuff is such work ! -- Perhaps its better to think remote viewing is a JOURNEY -- one where you learn TO SEE IN MANY WAYS-- perhaps this video gives you a way to get a glimpse of ------ what ------ perhaps --- something --- Heaven -- maybe ? But its not really a "heaven" its the mechanics of the universe and Source - probably-
This information is Power and Freedom in one package. It will be a multidimensional answer to many things -- IT WILL NEED TO BE FELT AND EXPERIENCED AND RESPECTED. BUT IF YOU TRY TO CONTROL IT - IT WILL CONTROL YOU FOR SURE. - BUT-- FELT --EXPERIENCED AND RESPECTED -- I THINK YOU WILL SURVIVE IT. Come on youth wants danger-- excitement-- to push the limits ! Here you have it all in one mind altering panorama -- no need for drugs and jumping out of airplanes-- THIS CAN TAKE YOU OUT INTO THE UNIVERSE AND THE MULTIVERSE !!! You will fly to the other side of ETERNITY ! It will take a brave soul -- sorry a brave ISBE to go there.
I think that since this is new to most of us it would be good to be cautious about doing it until you have
1-Read the entire report
2-Maybe made contact with others on the internet who have tried it and copied or heard benefits and pit falls of doing it.
3-Perhaps ask questions like are there any unusual things I need to be aware of first
4-Perhaps its necessary to be well grounded in meditation first and not just tossing on some headphones
5-Perhaps also it would be good to have a trusted friend with you when your first try it - sitting quietly in the room with you ?
6- If you try this process - could you give a detailed report and post it on Farsight so we can follow in your example or avoid any hazard you have experienced ?
Thanks !
strange stuff to be sure
Meditation Out of Body Experience Released Info Mind Altering
Here seems to be the CIA "Gate Way Process" documents-- seems to be densely packed page. Need to expand page size to read it.. perhaps you can copy it to word page and then expand it out on the word page. Seems worth a try.
Have just tried it. When you copy the page to word the words seem to almost be blacked out.
When I highlighted the area I wanted --I then converted the area to a yellow back ground. Then I could make paragraphs because I could read it very easily.
Sorry Its just me-- there's a down load button thingy there -- forget the highlighting option.
Study psychedelic other dimensions geometric shapes
CIA DOCUMENT -- (PAGE 25 MISSING) -- USE THE AUTOMATIC READER FEATURE OR YOU WILL LIKELY STRUGGLE-- but the reader option really helped me. (think some may have to down load it then --may have to put it to word page and then use reader option)
1-Have started the Read Aloud function to Listen to the Gateway report. Seems best for me.
2-Bio feed back seems to be the beginners choice for attempting this process - at least so far as I have read.
3--there appears to be recordings of sounds (on tapes) that can induce this process
---->>>> Audio techniques developed by Bob Monroe can induce and sustain Hemi-Sync with the Institute's basic Focus 3 tapes,..."<<<<<
4-(expect this is the OHHHHMmmm sound perhaps)
>>>>>Next, the participant is introduced to a method of encouraging his mind and body to strive to achieve a state of resonance through utterance of a single tone, a monotonous, protracted humming sound that sets up a feeling of vibration particularly in the head.
5- based on what I am now reading - it would seem (unless this is also on a tape we listen to) that we would need a person in the room with us to be reading us some kind of instructions as the process procedes.
6- SO NOW ITS REALY GOOD I SAID TO READ THE MANUAL FIRST-- here is mentioned other lower sphere beings that the participant may encounter-- ie GINN and so on. This is sounding like something we should not try alone at all without other information and assistance !!
>>>>>not only enhances bodily energy flow and encourages early achievement of a suitable resonant state but it is also designed to provide protection against conscious entities possessing lower energy levels which the participant might encounter in the event that he achieves an out-of-body, state.
7-- There seems to be some way of "forcing" the process of revelation of information that would be VERY UNDESIRABLE-----
>>>>>>Monroe trainers caution against attempting to force the pace of this process because the individual could succeed in dislocating his existing reality with drastic consequences.
My take on the info is that some sort of permanent dislocation of ones consciousness and the physical body could occur if this forcing is attempted
8- Mention of the effects of colour on the mind- and using only the mind to heal--- (oneself and or others - unknown- likely both)
>>>>>That color has the capacity to affect the human mind is well known, and the effectuality of color in certain kinds of healing is a demonstrable fact. For example, application of an intense blue light to an area of physical tumescence leads to relatively rapid and easily observable reduction in the swelling while red, and to a lesser extent, yellow have quite the opposite effect. However, in the Hemi-Sync application of the technique external light sources are not involved but, rather, the mind is the sole agent of the healing and revitalization.
9- Mention of a magic wand effect-- that is an ancient stick -wand - septer-- that now is being explained as a symbolic item to focus one attention on-- to do the following--
>>>>>>>The scepters, staffs and maces carried by monarchs and high priests alike occur with such frequency in the history of bygone eras as to suggest that at the very least these items are aspects of some type of archetypical symbol which the human mind seems to appreciate, perhaps quite subliminally. In any case, the energy bar tool technique involves envisaging a small, intensely pulsating dot of light which the participant charges in his imagination with enormous energy until it is virtually pulsating. The participant then extrudes the dot into the shape of a sparkling, vibrating cylinder of energy which he then uses to channel force from the universe to selected parts of his body for purposes of healing and revitalization.
10-- here again is mention of practices of ancient peoples using techniques which in the past would be said to be magic but now are explained as using your consciousness in the following manner.
>>>>>>Remote Viewing. In addition, the energy bar tool is used as a portal for initiating a follow-on technique called "remote viewing." In this context, the participant turns his bar of energy into a -----whirling vortex---- through which he sends his imagination in search of new and illuminating insights. The apparent purpose of the symbolism involved in the ----vortex-----seems to be to cue the subconscious and convey to it instructions as to what the participant wishes to do but in terms of nonverbal symbols which the right hemisphere of the mind is capable of understanding.
11-- There seem to be fantastic opinions that in the past were reserved for faith healers and the like-- if it is true it appears ones mind can be used - i guess I should say consciousness can be used to heal. I am having some difficulty with this -- however I have heard some people can do this-- this must be after years of practice
>>>>>>Living Body Map. This technique provides amplification for application of the energy bar tool as a means of healing specific areas or systems of the human body. The configuration of the participant's body is imagined and then the various major systems such as the nervous and circulatory systems are envisaged in appropriate colors within the confines of the outline being held in the imagination. The energy bar tool is then applied to energizing, balancing and healing in whatever manner the participant desires. In the process, the participant visualizes various streams of colored energy flowing out of the tool into the organ system or area upon which the revitalizing or healing application is being made.
12--There appears to be several very advanced (black belt like levels ?)
>>>>>>>The Future. The last and most advanced of all the Focus states associated with the Gateway training program involves movement outside of the boundaries of time-space as in Focus 15 but with attention to discovering the future rather than the past. The individual who has achieved this state has reached a truly advanced level. Except in unusual circumstances, it is probably not attainable except by those who have conditioned themselves through long application of meditation
13--here is the paragraph that gives me some hope --
>>>>>>>-But the rate of progress is so much faster with the Gateway approach than it is with transcendental meditation or other forms of mental self-discipline and its horizons seem to be so much wider that the discipline needed to practice it would seem to be within the means of even the impatient, result oriented, skeptical pragmatist of our society.
14 -- there does seem to be dangers involved in this procedure involving the presence of entities . To accept this one would have to accept there are other realms or universes-- other entities then would and could be present as you move through these and into these realms. So as I mentioned to have someone in the room with you if you tried this I think it would have to be someone who has done this kind of thing and experienced these entities. Basically I think " DONT TRY THIS AT HOME KIDS " seems to be the thing.
>>>>>>Arrange to have groups of people in Focus 12 state unite their altered consciousness to build holographic patterns around sensitive areas to repulse possible unwanted out-of-body presences.
NOW THAT SENTENCE JUST ABOVE THIS IS IMPORTANT. You see him say you need a group of people to create protections around sensitive areas. I have heard this before and it is now confirmed. There is a multiplying factor when people work TOGETHER , 2 people increases power to 4 units-- 3 people increase protection power to 9 - 4 people increase power to 16 units and up it goes !! It increases by the square of the number of people involved 10 people would increase power to 100 units.
THIS IS A FACINATING SUBJECT !! We and or I need to get involved in this process.
15--- Click here to go to the Robert A Monroe Institute web site --
16-- Tried this free exercise with a simple set of ear buds-- very hypnotic !
You know I starting thinking about the Gateway process-- I said --"no need for drugs" this process will take you across the universe or similar. But then I thought -- wait a minute. There have been millions of people meditating and listening to sounds as they sleep on their radios and the like. Something doesn't quite add up.
The executive in the story I believe said as i understood it meditated and listened to sounds in the ears and then some magical thing happened he floated above himself (as I remember).
But I believe an TV executive would not want to emphasize too much that he extensively used drugs. But there was a story of a roaring sound. Now Joe Rogan is very interested in Psilocybin mushrooms. He has taken them many times and he says there is this rocket effect - one assumes also there is a roaring sound like a rocket when you take this mind altering drug. But Joe Rogan says it takes you to this land of machine elves and dancing cubes and balls and joker like figures.
He never said he went out across the universe and he has extensively tried this drug. I am thinking there is a multiple thing going on here with the TV executive. First there must be drugs - likely Psilocybin mushrooms, . 2nd there could and probably needs to be extensive meditation before using the drug. Next there probably is some kind of sound audio you tune into.
But all that being said I wonder also if there isn't others involved because when your flying high your not telling anyone much. Next when according to Joe Rogan you cant remember too much -- its all an amazing experience but it only lasts for 10-15 min too.
So to remote view steadily and with some coherence it would seem to me that a steady drip of drug through an IV would be necessary -- with the "doctor"-- feeding the drug would have to be monitoring its effects and asking questions or directing the subject to go to area A and tell me what you see and so on. By the way this is now being studied and tried with real Doctors and test subjects and a steady IV drip.
So I think it wont be quite so simple as the video above says-- but it would be interesting if anyone at far sight tries it and reports back any effects !!! Please post any events or effects you may experience if you have tried this drug ! thanks
So now after looking at the Psychedelic video -- I think I am likely wrong. It seems if you take these drugs you go to the Psychedelic like place. I wonder if mediation and sounds of different frequencies is the way to go.
AI--neurolink-- Elon Musk -- high speed internet -- and Androids -- Ohhh My !
So I have heard some opinions on technologies going into humans and the transmutation of humans or control of them being some kind of INEVITABLE process. Sort of a continued process of Evolution. A natural process.
So when an ant controls an aphid - clips its wings and uses it to farm ---is this an inevitable process of perhaps -- mutual benefit ? Or is this a parasitic process ?
And when an organism (a spore) lands on an ant and grows into its brain--- then the ant turns into a zombie ant -- infecting others - what process is this -- mutual benefit-- parasitic ?
When a group of humans bring over other humans and compel them to work for free (know as slavery) could this be called some process of mutual benefit ? The group brought over on a one way passage may not have benefited greatly (perhaps died rather early) but their offspring ? They benefited eventually perhaps generations later by living in a much improved country.
IS ANY OF THIS LOGICAL ?? ITS NOT LOGICAL. But could you see some very smart person arguing some how that YES this eventually benefited the person that was enslaved - because it insured his DNA eventually continued on in America !!
I know a very clever debater could make an argument for this.
So if by seducing a group of humans to adopt technology into their bodies and those technologies are used to control or manipulate them into another form of life -what about that ? Mutually beneficial ? Perhaps it could be argued it is-- after all don't the humans that now have access to AI control and high speed internet instantly in their head -- is that not really great ! Some could argue well its all going to happen anyway !
Why is it going to happen automatically ?
What's the common theme there ? Isn't it the removal of free will ?
WHAT IS THIS UNIVERSE SAID TO BE ALL ABOUT ? Don't we hear its all about free will ? Isn't it even said at Farsight that the reason the "Good" Aliens cant come into help us is because, its all about us making a free will choice ? If the Reptilians are here-- apparently its because 'WE" made a free will choice about this. How could it be free will ? Well its because we elected our leaders to make decisions on our behalf and they invited the Aliens to come on in?
Also if we agree to get chipped -- doesn't that automatically stop any "Good Aliens" from EVER coming in to help us. They would have to clear that with our AI controllers wouldn't they ? Don't think that would happen.
Well boys and girls it just looks like that's the way it is ! We as humans are being asked POLITELY mind you -- asked politely ! Here's the real question they should ask but they are not. "Would you like to have really fast internet in your head for the price of removing your free will to make your own decisions and no longer be an autonomous being ?"
Yes ! I DO I DO ! OH OH choose ME - CHOOSE ME !
I WANT TO BE A MACHINE --- OH Yaaahhhh ! It will be sweet !
So an aphid or an ant or a human has some kind of free will--- probably pretty limited in ants and aphids but possibly still present in some form. But humans at least have some kind of free will- don't they ?
Isn't that what it means to be alive ? To make your own decisions at least most of them. Doesn't even the Zebra- the elephant have free will in its life - to wander to that tree or move into the pasture . It does. But we are being asked to do the opposite. Why aren't we putting chips in Elephants ? Or Whales ? In monkeys sure but that's the precursor to us.
So the merging of the computer and the mind of the human -- doesn't that eventually remove the free will of the human ? Doesn't the human become a component of the computer. Like a chip inside the computer-- a mobile chip controlled by blue tooth or similar ?
WELL my boy ! You are looking at the very long term picture ! Your missing our point ! You see we are offering you a short term benefit !! Its Wonderful FOR YOU ! -- For YOU my BOY ! You will get a huge speed up of tech abilities ! Its ONLY your offspring and their offspring that will become robots !
AND WHO CARES ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU'LL BE GONE MY BOY ! BE in on the GREAT experiment ! And to hell with the future generations -- your the generation that only think about yourselves anyway !
So the service being proposed and offered by the whole raft of companies and entities that are selling --magic- internet speed-- massive amounts of data to access- and hide the fact that YOU ARE SELLING YOURSELF TO A MACHINE. YOU are giving (not even selling) you are giving yourself into slavery. In the past, say 200 years ago this selling your self into slavery happened.
ohhh Slavery !! Why that's a biblical thing almost -- not a modern problem --- BzzzzzZZT WRONG ! Nazis practiced slavery big time-- and it still exists in Africa-- Slavery is a thing !
Putting technology into you is moving very close to putting a control mechanism into you and that takes away your free will. A person without any free will is by definition --- A SLAVE. We --- as a race--- are actually being asked -- RIGHT NOW -- we are actually being asked this question ! DO YOU WANT TO BE A SLAVE ?
THE CHIPS IN THE BODY ---ARE THE CHAINS ---OF THE NEW ENSLAVED RACE OF HUMANS. In the old days you had to at first chain the human but once here they were told there is no escape --and so they stayed slaves. (until they were freed --not by themselves but by circumstances) If the south had won the war there might still be slaves to this day in America.
Soon enslavement will be implemented by mind control and that will be done by the chip.
CHIPS IN THE BODY MEANS EVENTUAL ENSLAVEMENT ! Do it and you have begun the process of personal enslavement ! If not, -- then definite enslavement of any of your offspring and the human race.
This process has nothing -- NOTHING at all to do with technology--- you are being asked --at this time -- Do you want to be a slave and receive some benefit for selling yourself into the machine ? You join the machine never to escape-- but you personally receive short term benefit for doing this. Yes or No ?
In addition to this question of enslavement is this. Do you wish your offspring and your race to change over to a silicon based life form for the future ? Do you wish to cease to be a biological life form and instead become a silicon based life form. Mind you -- ha ha --you don't get your own mind and your not autonomous - your sort of a slave for life and your entire race becomes enslaved ! Where have we heard about this ? Why its the small greys !
Do you wish to cease to be ALIVE in a biological form and then to become a slave-- of what ever is left of you ? Seems a bit of a bad deal when you look at it this way ?
And one of the argument put forward was -- Well what is life any way?
And this is what life should have in it -- its a choice to be autonomous --to be independent-- anything arguing to less of this is sliding down the slope to its destination of a dictatorship. A technological dictatorship. And you never come out of it. Do you hear of anyone freeing the Small Greys ? No you don't and never will.
And there are "hints" of arguments-- such as well cows which we created through DNA manipulation didn't they get altered ? And aren't they sort of free? ! No they are not-- they would perish in the wild -- they are a slave animal --biologically developed for them to be slaves and give birth to another race of slaves. Made to produce milk and to be eaten by their creators. And that's what our eventual destination would be too. Mental containment, and as a biproduct enslavement. We would not become "enhanced" as often said at all-- we would become degraded as a life form.
And yet this is being talked about on this site, well everyone has an opinion. So since we still have some free speech left -- I guess that was my counter argument. As if anyone asked me -- but there you have it anyway.