Who was the first person to sail around the world ALONE ?
Now if you look that up - you will hear arguments it was Drake, Magellan or similar.
But I asked Sailed Alone. Not who sailed with a full crew of sailors. By himself was the question.
It was Joshua Slocum. He was briefly famous and admired when the age of sail was coming to an end so much so he met presidents.
Who paddled his canoe from Winnipeg to the amazon ? It was Don Starkell
Your QUESTION is " WHO CARES AND WHAT THE HELL IS A "WINNIPEG " ? " Post and tell me I was right !
Actually both people were quite interesting in a "working man" sort of way. And I may be going some where with this.
So there are these symbols that were found in Australia a short while ago ( said to be a strike against the story being true actually ) . They are called the Gosford Glyphs.
Here is the link from Wikipedia which tells you pretty quickly that these glyphs are faked. End of story - turn the page- right ?
The Gosford Glyphs were said to be some Egyptian hieroglyphs that were faked or copied or real or something found in of all places -- AUSTRALIA !
Fake-- fake-- fake RIGHT ?? That's what I would think too. But looking at the video below got me to thinking - hummmm I thought . Well I don't have very deep thoughts.
So here is a mystery that would be pretty easy for Farsight to check out.
Here is a little teaser for the "its real" side of the argument. It is a video said to be made by an Egyptian Hieroglyphic's expert who analyses just the message that is written not the age of the rock just the message. Have a look.
He ( if his credentials check out ) says the message and language used is correct. This if true , would be extremely unlikely to have been faked by railway workers, as is one of the arguments in Wikipedia.
So then it could have been faked by an expert in Egyptian Hieroglyphic's ( which could be true). A drunk Australian Egyptian hieroglyphics expert in the outback - throw in some pot and its laughs and giggles for hours !
Also there is an argument that the Hieroglyphs' would have eroded way more that they are as they are carved in sand stone. (this could be true too but I have briefly looked at the site on you tube and they seem to be in a very sheltered area.
NOW IN THE AREA OF ERODING MARKS ON ROCKS I SUBMIT THIS MURAL IN SOUTH AMERICA. This is said to be thousands of years old an its in South America which has lots of rain and therefor erosion. but it is under a rock face and possibly sheltered from sunlight too. I am not sure about this one because it seems impossible to me but I post it here for support of a marking lasting thousands of years in the elements. (now I wanted farsight to remote view the mural as well and I posted about it a doggies age ago because it just seems impossible. (
SO i thought that mural was put there by an Alien drone - an Alien with a real sense of humor and I want farsight to catch it out)
hightlight the sentence below this one and post it in YouTube
Also they seem to be in an area that would make a good shelter from the elements too - good for a shipwrecked crew perhaps ?
Now if this could be authenticated by Farsight in their mysteries section it could open up a real debate about ancient "primitive" man and his sailing abilities.
And that's why I started with those questions about canoers and solo sailors in their little sail boats. Because a single determined man in a boat can go a long way using a paddle or a sail.
You see there are a whole bunch of anomalies found around the world. such as
DNA found of an Ancient group adsorbed within the Maoris of New Zealand. And said to be true by their own folk lore. This red haired (and even a blonde haired group as well) was said to exist on New Zealand when the Maoris arrived. The DNA was studied and said to come from Persia thousands of years earlier. Other links to this group was found in far away Peru.
The Gosford Glyphs are found 30 miles inland from the east side of Australia- close to the coast. Perhaps a bit of evidence to support the story of a ship wrecked crew.
Now it would be critical if Farsight could establish the following supposition's-- suggested in the above video or in other videos. (And I am sure that Farsight could find even more interesting ideas about this -- It could be intriguing ! )
Perhaps the Egyptians went to America !!??? It is said some Egyptian material has been found in America. That may be too far. However then why is DNA from Persia found in Indians in Peru and in New Zealand ? Suddenly Egyptians that can sail the Mediterranean --now seem possible to sail off to Australia ? MAYBE !
1-- is the story true of ship wrecked Egyptian sailors in Australia true ?
2- Did the Egyptians have a trade route to Australia thousands of years ago?
3- Did the Egyptians have a colony in Australia ?
4- Did the Egyptians have any colonies any where else in the world ( Americas ?) I posted a video which is apparently not available in the USA. But it talked about the apparent discovery of 6 Egyptian mummies with cocaine traces in their hair. Now cocaine in ancient times could only come from South America. Now was this just college students snorting lots of cocaine in the Egyptian antiquities room -- With a stash of secreted cocaine inside and Egyptian mummy - likely I know !! ?
And here is a teaser for FARSIGHT itself ! How about this for an Idea. The Aztecs "pyrimids are younger than the ones in Egypt, Yes ? What if the Egyptians made it to South America 2500 years ago ?? Could they have been the ones to put these South American Indians on to a Pyramid building spree ??
But I digress
SO I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN OFFICIAL REQUEST THAT FARSIGHT REMOTE VIEW THE GOSFORD GLYPHS AND THE POSSIBLE EGYPTIAN CONNECTION ! Although it may not be earth shattering news - it could encourage other younger Archeologists to think a little more out side the proverbial box.
it would take years to remote view all of the mysteries on Earth
David, did you put your request on the suggestion list of things to Remote View thread?
I think it would be a fascinating Project.
Hi Del thanks for the complement- no I dont really post there (think I did a long time ago once) . I think there are so many great possible remote views that could be done ( as -T the one) above has pointed out - that I prefer to sort of develop the ideas on this post. Then if other when passing by such as yourself think its a good idea then it will probably be sort of Repeat posted and then gain traction back to Cortney Brown. I'm sure his list of possible ideas are long though.
I hope to visit there in the near future. The area has an energy - cant explain it exactly - but there are other unexplained and 'high strangeness' in the area. I think it is part of a corridor (an ancient pathway) both above and below ground which travels many miles. These energy corridors may date back to when it was part of the Supercontinent Gondwanaland (just my thoughts about it).
I would like to photograph there - if I do I will post them.
Hopefully there will be some RV session on these.