First of all amazing job Courtney and the crew! What is being done here is monumental and will change our destiny forever, even if it would fail on the scale intended it has already changed many of our personal destinies in a way not possible otherwise. I've always wondered what would happen to one's light body if physical death were to occur above/beyond the planet, would for example the crew of the ISS be free from the reincarnation machine if their physical bodies perished while up there? Would Armstrong be a free soul wandering the greater cosmos if he had died on the moon during the Apollo missions? Some more food for thought, how come we can physically leave Earth and not be affected by this "slightly out of phase" web that captures/destroys our astral/light body/memory wiping the core self/is-be whatever the process might entail? and also is this the reason we are quarantined here since it seems like manned missions beyond Earth are not happening despite it being accomplished in a much more primitive era many decades ago yet here we are bound to Earth, no Moon colonies, no Mars missions despite having more than enough resources and technology to do so? Its always more empty promises by this and that mouthpiece, what are your thoughts on this? Seems to me like the hostile presence around the planet is not allowing any manned space missions for this reason, that's my assumption at this point in time at least, input appreciated. Thanks!
Offworld death as an alternate way to liberation
· 2 replies
Richard L Buchanan
Yvonne M Nicholls
just gotta become an astro-not ...or have jeff bozos give it a shot.
I wonder if this was the ambition of Heaven's Gate.