Aliens-Species-Categories-What we think we know
Reptilian channeler describes getting abducted by reptilians
Beings initial appear to him as lions, then shapeshift once on the craft to reptilians. Describe him as having a large share of reptilian DNA from different races. Taken to a base in Pilanesberg National Park, Botswana.
This so far has been very interesting- course I am reading between the lines - as to why he was contacted and likely what that means. But very interesting.
So he is really positive about the Reptilians which is -- well you must know -- I'm chuckling here. These reptilians are "just amazing" "They know how to remove trauma from the human body"-- The Reptilians are very professional -- "we can learn SO MUCH from the Amazing Reptilians !" -- And finally -"those who wish to contact the Reptilians, I urge them to do so !"
Hilarious !
WOW - I mean WHOS THEIR PRESS AGENT -I guess this guy is the press agent. I've got to get some of that action. This a very revealing video and a real important one too. Any way extremely interesting stuff. This is a really enlightening video in so many ways.
So this is the Reptilians who have said Humanity is a cancer on the universe. Who eat humans. Who have been remote viewed by Farsight (as they morphed back from Human disguised to Reptilian) seen t@rturi-ng ch1ldren. The ones creating Hybrids to reduce our race down to 5% of its present population and mind control the rest. Who think Satan is a great guy they look up to.
Yeah the "Not All Reptilians" message is interesting. He has to carefully word how he talks about debunking myths about reptilians, e.g. this faction of reptilians doesn't do X. But he is right that the earth is in their custody and see us like trash because we put up with tyranny. He hasn't gone on much about the particular faction here that's relied on infiltration instead of overt invasion, so far. A lot of the things he talks dislikes about humans reflect in the reptilians here that cultivate it in our leaders and squash opposition to the best of their ability.
First -- There are Aliens that are here and others that want to be here. They have agents here on the ground. Human agents. In other words like the Nazis or the Allies had their agents in France and in England, agents were working behind the scenes. They influenced - gathered data - watched troop movements. They were the eyes and Ears in the Enemy territory.
Their goal was to remove the occupying powers and install their power group into that area. With saboteurs and agents working as close as they could to higher military men-- where ever they could be useful they sent back information. They also passed on information -- some of it fake to confuse the side they were working against. Hmmm
Could there be agents here on earth? Not necessary knowing they were being influenced or believing it ?! They could be innocent types that were getting their information from them and passing it on without any critical thought about it. They saw the Alien influence as friendly and helpful and the info as being helpful to all humans.
1- Corey Good (seems like a bright good guy, like his name) -- His influence is RA or as he calls him RA TEE AYr (that's how it sounds to me !) RA says to Corey that RA and co. are a Guardian race to look after us apparently. When Corey asked RA about past lives he was told not to get caught up in that stuff. AH HA -- Farsight has remote viewed RA -- info says he is a pathologically, violent, lying Psychopath -- but Corey is a good guy - don't want to demonize Corey
2-- Simon Parkes -- Influences were the Reptilians and the Mantis -- the Mantis won out and I believe that was a better choice based on what I have learned about the Mantis as compared to the Reptilians . However the Mantis WERE working with the Reptilians so that cant be very good. HOWEVER ON SECOND THOUGHT humans are working or were working with the Reptilians. So jury's out on the Mantis
3-- The Pope (religion) is being influenced by an Alien but I don't know which race-- (religion being influenced though)-- Remember now the Vatican and the catholic church has been around for over 2000 years. Who do you think influences them -- The Anunaki ?
4- Putin (Politics) is being influenced- remote viewed and Aliens seen
5- Hillary Clinton (politics) is being influenced by some demonic types I think Reptilians
5 Bill Cl-in-ton (politics) I believe is being influenced by another-- Alien Demonic - identity unknown
6 Jeffery Epstein ( Israel Mosad types) based on the Remote viewing that was being done on him - based on his final activities to my mind was under control of an alien-- Suspect Jinn or Smoke beings
7- Elon Musk-- (Front man for release of Dark Projects) Influenced by an Alien - type unknown
8-- I believe the co-founder of Project Camelot has alluded on several occasions that she is receiving or channeling information from some one and its not Santa Claus - so she is being influenced (possibly in a good way)
9- Summers -- (Influence by Allies of Humanity)- who say they are a diverse group of Aliens looking in but not directly on Earth nor very close to Earth -- here to send a message to humanity - now readable.
10- The Death Trap is a massive form of influencing (suspect its the Univeral AI)
11- I've looked at the NDEs the near death experiencers and to my mind about 1/2 of those seem like straight influence from an alien- possibly Reptilians or maybe its the AI and most of that stuff seems a product of the Death Trap return program.
If you look through many many videos (I can keep going and I bet you too could add to this list very easily too) You can find military men - or others with influence on the web saying they have been contacted.
Yes definitely an agenda is being pushed. What do these aliens have ? They have access to machines and technology that can tell them the future (if they can push their particular agenda) !! You see the Alien space ship is more time machine than flying saucer. The boxes found on these ships are monitors that can see into other time lines. AND these boxes have been passed out to certain groups on Earth- The Vatican is said to have one. No wonder they have Telescopes too !
This kind of thing was and is still being done now here on earth by humans too ! Look at CNN and P*fiz*er relationship-- look at Russia and some agents of theirs influencing what ? Its your opinion on things.
WHAT AM I DOING RIGHT NOW ? I'm trying my best to influence you and your opinion. I want you to be careful not to invite any more visitors to Earth ! Because I don't think we know what their motives are. And I don't think as we are now we can ever know or make a good choice until we can read their minds as well as they read ours. Now that's a tall order --but it still remains the truth-- just the same !
But my point is -- EVERYONE who is anyone Presidents- Popes-- Media-- Those with internet sites -- Scientists and those who just call themselves scientists are all under an alien influence !
And if you believe Allies of Humanity they talk of technology put under entire cities to influence the population of important cities and their citizens. Not sure of which ones but probably London Paris Washington Vatican - those sorts probably.
Changing opinion is another way of saying - CHANGE CONSCIOUSNESS ! We are beginning to learn that consciousness itself changes the future ! Look at the Colonel who wrote the gate way report -- And understand the 2 slit experiment. In that experiment a particle does one thing when not observed and another thing when it is observed !!
That means the particle KNOWS that you are watching it ! That proves there is a UNIVERSAL CONSIOUSNESS. That means Observing or having a consciousness observe it changes its behavior -- That is a spooky and stunning statement ! And that has been tested time and time again and ITS MENTIONED IN THE GATE WAY PROCESS BY THE COLONEL IN THAT REPORT. --- WHAT YOU THINK -- MATTERS -- BIG TIME ! You are not a helpless little thing-- the Aliens don't think so ! By simply becoming aware that all this stuff is going on is changing you ! By you and your friend--it begins a process - to where a resistance to this stuff can be started.
OH AND JUST BEFORE YOU TRY THE FREE GATEWAY VIDEO -- REMEMBER THE VIDEOS WHEN WE SAW THE TWO MEN (NAMES ESCAPE ME NOW) -WILL FIND SOON) BUT THOSE TWO MEN WERE USUALLY SEEN WEARING HEAD PHONES OR EARBUDS. I wondered at the time -- "what are those men wearing head phones for" and "what are they listening to as they do their remote viewing" for FARSIGHT ? -- So could they be listening to these kind of sounds we hear from the Gateway report ? If it is -- could this help Farsight Viewers as they try some remote viewing ?? Maybe !
Stay sharp-- look both ways - maybe even up and down when your crossing the internet high way my friend-- safe youtubing !!
A thought and a theory
The military has these really talented viewers ( MonEagle etc) they say they can stick their sort of virtual head into Chinese missiles etc. IN OTHER WORDS THEY CAN GO ANY WHERE IN ANY WAY -- Can't they ?? Yes they can !!
THEORY ! The Military remote viewed the 95% reduction of humans ! DuuHu Dave. They saw HOW the population was going to be reduced. It was with a virus ! Hello !
They then (for the last 20 years) have gone all out trying (desperately) to find as many viruses that can be revved up to eliminate humans. None of the GAIN OF FUNCTION really makes any sense, ..................
Except if it involved an Emergency !
I say the emergency is they saw the massive reduction through remote viewing (after all the remote viewer who saw reported he saw the 95% was a ex-military guy wasn't he ?) I think he was.
The military is trying desperately to move us away from the 95% reduction timeline. And that's what all this gain of function stuff is all about in all these foreign countries. They had to do gain of function in foreign countries because they have lax laws, and the US laws were too hindering.
They have seen the aliens that plan to release this virus-- they are fighting to prevent it. This is my theory de jour !
Now -- further still --- What did one remote viewer see when they remote viewed the Virus in Wuhan ? I think Asiz saw an Alien ship involved. Now I think he was the only one to see it so - it was probably discounted. BUT COULD AN ALIEN SHIP BE INVOLVED IN THE "ACCIDENTAL "RELEASE OF THE VIRUS ? When farsight remote viewed it they said something in the lab exploded-- bit strange.
Could the release of the Wuhan virus have been an Alien group trying to shut down (world wide) the study of earth viruses using GAIN OF FUNCTION ??? iTS A REAL POSSIBILITY ! If US military can remote view Aliens (as farsight has done) cant the Aliens remote view the US military ? OF COURSE THEY CAN !
It is possible the Aliens found out the US military was on to them (saw what they were planning) and decided to make an emergency release of a virus to get humans to ban any more Gain of function research. Why because if humans kept researching it they would be able to prevent the 95% reduction.
The Virus-- the lock downs-- the scary virus -- was all a push by aliens to terrify us of GAIN of Function research. Gain of function research is a black project to fight Aliens !
Now why couldn't Farsight remote view this idea ? Because its a Military Target. Its a military project. Why is everything SO quiet on the biggest danger to humans EVER DISCOVERED ?
There has never been anything so destructive to humanity ever discovered in any Remote viewing session ! No hollow moon, no Reptilian story-- no Bases on Mars -not even the discovery of the death traps- NOTHING like the elimination of 7 billion humans has been more important. And there is no talk about that.
"OH honey -- it says here a talented remote viewer with a military reputation and another very famous one as well - well connected has said we are going from 8 billion to 500 million in 25 years". "OH really-- fascinating -- What's the weather going to be like tomorrow" ?
On this page you can find the second famous remote viewer talking about remote viewing year 2060 --
I think this is an important thing. And even stranger is why is there SO LITTLE talk about it ? Very Strange. Surely you don't think DAVE has just discovered this idea !! Its strange - very strange that no one is talking about it. Could there be the ability to SUPRESS ideas some how ? Another theory percolating.
Here is the page WHERE DEL found a report about the US military being the one who directed the decisions made about c-@vid -- If the military were this involved would that not put a little weight to the theory - that there is more to this than just an outbreak of a virus. The military has its suspicions-- the page on this --
So then If the military is likely fighting a war-with Aliens- then the Possibility the Aliens are involved with C@v-id had to react to the possibility that Gain of Function was an attempt to stop them trying their Human Population Reduction program. (Or it is actually the military here trying their practice lock down) Because if you actually look at the people ki11ed by the virus -- it was mostly everyone over 85 years old. Not really a pandemic quality virus-- but you were never actually say that.
then the release of a very weak virus (which could have been done by Humans in a space ship now I think about it for more complex but similar reasons), Could the virus release actually have been a test project by the US military ?
And if that's going on ?--- But not to tie my self into a pretzel here. Then the Aliens have run out of steam (for a little while) on that idea.
Basically what this idea says is -- its possible the military were involved in the TRIAL to lock down the entire planet to see what it would be like to fight an ACTUAL PANDEMIC - an actual pandemic STARTED BY ALIENS ! A pandemic that if successful would reduce the entire world to 500 million people and the conquering of Earth ! Not a superficial problem. And remember more than one Remote viewer has seen this timeline. And the military is always looking at every possible threat to the USA. The military has gamed out every conceivable threat -- they have even gamed out an Attack by Canada ! Our Dog Sled Team of commandos were sadly defeated. And the USA survived.
THIS SENTENCE WAS POSTED MANY MONTHS AFTER THE ORIGINAL PARAGRAPHS. It seems a review of Remote Viewer Buchanan - indicated->> he said the Pandemic that we just had had everything to do with the (75%) reduction of humanity plan. He described a Human planed series of ("emergencies) or disasters caused by humans and the Pandemic was one of the first in a series of these human caused disasters. So my previous theorizing is just a hopeful series of thoughts wishing that the military was fighting aliens on our behalf. It appears the OPPOSITE is occurring-->>> that there are Humans who are reducing humans to upgrade "humanity" with this 2.0 version of Alien Humans. I'm pretty naïve.
When farsight Remote viewed Venus 1 Billion years ago and they already had ufo Tech. This Just tells me that We are guinea pigs In a cage.
And everything that they have done on this planet they have already test runned On A million different other planets across this galaxy.
I don't mind figuring things out, but I've come to the conclusion that even if we do the E.Ts Are still going to execute their agenda.
For example them bringing in digital currency and everyone talking about that it's bad and that they are going to be able to track all of our Transactions.
Well that's great but I really don't think they care and they're gonna roll it out. I just feel like we are a bunch of guinea pigs.
Could be true -- there is even a theory that literally everything in the entire universe is being studied and watched by an even more superior race. That all the life within the universe are like ants in a Universe size jar being studied by a fantastically superior race. But I want our Earth sized ant pile to gain control of this ant hill and to push those mean Reptilians ants off of it.
I'm with you. I just think we're stuck with them for the long run.
I think we have power . It is a power of the group that seems to control a Consciousness and therefor a reality FOR THE GROUP. A reality is another way of saying a timeline. There is a timeline of humanities helplessness and a Timeline of humanities resistance to being controlled and used and manipulated.
By becoming aware of these controllers and these users and these manipulators we then can say NO NOT THIS TIME YOU DONT !
And that simple act and resistance to being VICTIMES sets us on a new timeline.
Look at the video "THE CIA DECLASIFES THE GATEWAY PROCESS" which is a little above this poste and you can see what I mean. WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY ! By resisting and thinking a different way as a group, WE CAN CHANGE OUR REALITY !
TRUELY !! In that video you hear segments of a Colonel who explains how you fit into this universe !
The act of becoming AWARE is another way of saying BECOMING CONSCIOUS. Conscious of what is happening. That simple act of awareness, especially as a group sets into motion another REALITY for that group !
All the best !
Which one of these videos came first ? I wonder if Katy is trying to tell you something. These videos seem to be opposites. I have a feeling Katy has been in and seen some some pretty dark places and things.
After all if you think about it Katy is communicating with Music and video. A bird communicates with music as does a whale, and a lion communicates.
The fact that we cant understand what they are communicating doesn't mean that they are not doing so. It only means you cant understand their sounds and visuals.
I like the shot at the end of the video of ears and feet on the pizza -- that was a really great touch.
We all want to talk to Aliens !! Whoooo HOoooo !
But I think Katy is trying to tell us something with her songs like the little birdies do.
Just thinking about stuff.
So Asiz remote views the Aliens flying the ship at 10,000 miles per hour. And they are humanoids and they control some other humans or humanoids that act like they are drugged. And when confronted the Alien is sort of in shock- like what and how did you get in here. And the humanoid being spoken to says your not suppose to know about this. And when asked if he works with the Reptilians it is basically a confirmation but he defends it like - well you would never understand. And he knows he is doing something wrong or something he is not suppose to do.
What species do you think the Humanoid being spoken to is ?
A few possibilities-- So a humanoid is "human like" - I think-- so a Reptilian is not a Humanoid Yes ? So what are the usual suspects-- I think the Nordics-- The Tall Whites-- the Pleiadians ?
Who or what are the humanoids that are drugged ?-- What they couldn't be (I think) is the Hybrids-- maybe going to be used as parts or DNA to make some hybrids but not hybrids because they are all OK with being on the Hybrid winning team (of Reptilians and others) So to my thinking these drugged humans are not going to a good place or a place where they live too long.
What is the Humanoid that is working for the Reptilians doing that is so wrong that "we are not suppose to know about?"-- So everything is about free will as I am told. So this must be about doing things against their free will I suppose. BUT WHOS RULES ARE THEY VIOLATING ?? That is the question. I say these Humanoids are some group that has made an agreement with Earthlings (military) and it was agreed that they would not take humans off the planet ! They are taking humans off the planet ! And the Reptilians are not suppose to be taking humans off the planet (that's is a stipulation possibly by some association they are part of that says that to them). So guess what -- the Reptilians still want the humans shipped off the planet but they want to say look in any of our ships and you will no longer find a single human in there ! -- SOOOO they get someone else to do it ! A subcontractor that's the back ground story.
Now like the pimps that want to work a quieter place -- there must be some heat - some interdiction - someone must have located them and their operation. And human cargo must be moved out.
The Humanoids are being moved -- Why are the drugged humanoids being moved. So it seems that the way it was being described these humanoids (or Humans) are being moved out-- Like if we were being evicted we would move out all out stuff-- like that. Why do we have to move out of places ?
What could the motivations of the humanoids be to want to work with the Reptilians
Why would it be necessary to move the Drugged Humanoids -- are the drugged humanoids slaves going to market ? Now the Humanoids are sort of distant cousins of us are they not ? Otherwise why would they look humanoid ? Shouldn't they look - oh I don't know-- perhaps Reptilianoid ?
Does little Bo-peep and her crew of sheep move cargo for the Mafia ? Don't think these Humanoids are Little Bo-peeps. A Mafia contacts a trusted group of Associates to do some dirty work or do a job for them. Doesn't that make some sense ? The Reptilians (the Universes Mafia) have some very trustworthy Associates That ARE HUMANOIDS ! WE NEED TO KNOW WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE -- What they are called . Why are these people never asked who they are ?
If the humanoids are drugged what does that say about their cooperation or agreement in being shipped out some where ? Does it look like they would want to go somewhere if they were not drugged ?
What do Pimps do when they want to get out of a hot area (police are on to them) ? They assemble their stash of hookers and move them out to better and quieter places. They also poach certain areas to move them out to places to "work". They also sell some of their stock to other pimps. So its probably pretty safe to say the humanoids that are moving humans are some sort of PIMP going out in their pimpmobile space ship.
They are taking human cargo somewhere to be sold as body parts or as slaves or to be experimented on. I think they are traders like the SLAVERS of old were coming from Africa to the New World. They are Slaving Pimpers flying out on a regular flight (you dont think this was the only time they came here did you ?) Of course it isn't this is about as regular as a Greyhound Bus - perhaps several per day. They are Slavers moving valuable cargo. Space ships flying millions of miles are not going to be moving chocolate bars - the cargo they will move will be very valuable.
What is the ultimate destination of the drugged humanoids ? -- Unknown
But wasn't Travis Walton almost killed by the flying saucers electrical field ? And didn't he wake up in Terror as he was being poked and prodded ? Then I seem to remember he tried to struggle off the table and escape. He then was recaptured by a Humanoid. Then he was dumped on some deserted road near a payphone with a few quarters in his pocket.
How is this different than someone who runs over a hobo - throws him in the trunk of his car- pores some booze down his throat to revive him and dumps him on a deserted road with a few quarters in his pocket near a phone booth to dial 911 would be the human equivalent.
Ok 2 different points of view - I get it.
I take from what you say that Travis becomes a sort of Hero story. Like every hero he is transformed by his ordeal. He enters a new world (the flying saucer) and is transformed by it. Like every hero story he returns with new information (that aliens truly exist) and he comes back changed with new powers. And because he underwent this transformation we as a society all benefit because of this new knowledge
(I.E that Ets exist- and there is a new idea about all kinds of things like God, Life and our position in that new Universe/world view).
Its a good point.
But this point of view is sort of -- "what ever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" type of idea-- to my mind.
This is great if you/or I, or Travis survives the ordeal. But what happens iF you don't survive, like what has been remote viewed about year 2050? In that example, 7 billion people die and the rest don't even have their own minds because their are going to be mind controlled. And I suspect the remaining people will become lab subjects, serfs to farm land, and food for Reptilians.
In that point it wasn't better for the 7 billion and it wasn't even better for the remaining ones at all.
If you say yes its still good- then it becomes a sort of -- "well , Daddy knows best" or "God (the Aliens) know what's best for us" - and we are children - now being disciplined for our environmental bad behavior. And they are just doing it for our own good because we need have a good spanking.
Then why is the Alien (the Humanoid) so worried he has been discovered and it was all suppose to be secret -- and he knows he is not suppose to be doing what he is doing-- kind of idea ?
Probably because the agreements signed are with this Humanoid race and us humans (the military) -- and in the agreement is says - The Alien agrees to BE GOOD BOYS-- and they aren't-- surprise surprise.
Doesn't the Alien himself kind of know he is acting incorrectly ? That to simplify thing-- that he is acting badly-- and I say how about disciplining him then // teach him some lessons ?
And if the Alien is so good and Daddy kind of figure is here to teach us about taking care of the planet then what happened to Mars and and the planet that no longer exists in our solar system ? Seems like the environment was a little affected on those 2 planets.
I go back to freedom and freewill. If free will has been taken away from adults then a crime has been committed .
Now the Alien opinion is probably that we are not adults. That "WE" as a society have committed a crime against the planet and the universe because we have been doing so many bad things to planet earth.
That is I suspect the ALIEN perspective.
I think the Aliens real position is anything that allows us (the Alien) to gain complete control over the human is a great argument and we will push that idea -- that WE the aliens are saving Earth from those stupid humans
(i don't want to admit it but all this --we have more children - chop down and eat everything -- because were all going to heaven anyway and God told us we could do it -- is stunning stupid).
The Alien argument is the "anything will do" argument so we can get what we want kind (ie Earth) of idea.
But then if we continue the alien argument has to be -- the human is not the owner of the planet We the aliens are - humans are no more than rabbits and they are breeding like rabbits and we need to cull them so WE (the Aliens) can have OUR planet like it use to be !
But the Human lovers in the universe would say - Humans are the Sentient beings who can LIVE ON THE PLANET and so that proves humans are the real owners.
And finally the answer to that argument is what we are discovering-- THE ALIEN HAS NOW SUCESSFULLY MADE ANOTHER KIND OF HUMAN -- its called the human hybrid AND IT CAN LIVE ON THIS PLANET-- PROVING THAT --YES ! HUMANS ARE RIGHT -- ANYTHING HUMAN THAT CAN LIVE ON THE PLANET IS THE OWNER !!!
And guess what -- The Hybrid human is then the real owner because it is sentient, it looks or is human - and it can live on the planet. And guess what ? The Hybrids once they take over the planet will say - Yes we like the Reptilians and want them to stay on Earth !
VERY VERY CLEVER. And that's the argument that has been taken behind the scenes and the result is what we see now.
So continuing on this train of thought-- The human response to this move is to stop the first move which is the wiping out of 7 billion people. I wrote a bit about thinking perhaps the PANDEMIC was either the result of frantic attempts to detect what kind of virus would be used. And I believed it would be a lung virus because it could be airborne and move quickly. Aka a Bat Virus - cold virus which what the Covid 19 was. Or it was the first attempt of shutting down the Planet to simulate an Alien Virus attack.
Now comes the Virus Wars-- I say we call it VWI - will there be a VWII ?-- Oh my friends these are going to be interesting times !
Next if the virus was successful but the military could survive (down in their bunkers) then there would have to be some kind of guerilla type operation to identify and eliminate the Hybrids. And the Human answer then is OH the hybrids didn't survive in this environment -- they cant survive on Earth. (because they ran into a contingent of Hillbilly sh@t guun t@ting v1gilantes. This could be a good movie. Probably been done already.
So then "Humans" then become the rightful owners of Earth.
Although this has been written as bit of comedy, I wonder if this is about right ?
Thats the end of all that stuff.
If what Courtney says and shows on the Cigar ufo is accurate (which I suspect it is) and based on the very credible Tech guy that gave his insights on the UFO video -- I think this line of research will open this UFO subject right up.
If all it takes is a fairly basic set of technology and then some aps to slow the video down etc then this stuff cannot be hidden any more. Sure it may take a few months of regular postings but some scientific guys at first will have to start talking about it. There is one thing scientific people will talk about are facts and solid evidence.
It wont be instant success but a steady stream of these types of videos will pile a lot of evidence on the scale. I think holes are now appearing on this UFO Secrecy and the dam is about to burst !
Perhaps Farsight is going to be pivotal to this disclosure !!
We hear from many quarters "look out for the false flag" !! Such as, look out for the FAKE Alien's are attacking us -- be afraid etc false flag event. And also you here from all sorts of people saying "if the Aliens wanted to take us over they would have already done it". And the fact none of this apparently has happened proves that Aliens are peaceful loving and caring. They wish us Earthlings well - they want to teach us and help us !
Bull Cookies. If you go to the Allies of Humanity messages you learn that because of the vast number of wars and destruction in this sector of the Universe there has been a rigid set of rules enforced in this sector. The Aliens don't aggressively take over planets because they are forbidden to do so- not because they don't want to. They would like to just take a planet over. So now all the WARS or most of them are done with the mind. (idea taken from Allies of Humanity site)
Dont get me wrong I was and still am a proponent of "looking out for the false flag".
But it has now become a little nuanced . I think Earth is at War right now with Aliens. Its what you might call a cold war.
IT IS CONSIOUSNESS PROJECTED AS A WEAPON. And this mind weapon can be REVED up by technology so that it can influence vast areas and people (humans). They can be mind influenced to be apathetic and suck the resistance out of them.
So it is my opinion that Earths Military is now in a Cold War with Earths Aliens. During the 50's 60's and 80,s Russian and USA (the West) was in what was known as a Cold War. By cold war it meant (as I understood it) it was a series of behind the scenes, clandestine maneuvers , of Influencing and over throwing regimes - chess moves if you will. All of it was done largely through third party countries - arming them-- pushing them to over throw this country or the other. Just like what is going on in Ukraine actually.
I think now there is a simmering Alien against Human war going on right now. I get a feeling the tide has turned and the USA and some parties in the West are attempting to root out the Aliens here on Earth. This was no move of Integrity or doing the right thing. It has been in response to the fact of Hybrids being readied by the Reptilians - Orion group. The Pandemic and the DARPA RNA vaccine roll out test and I think the test of locking down the planet is a response to this Hybrid fifth column living underground in their hidey holes. The Removal and conquering of Earth would involve a Virus -- it would have to be a lung infecting virus because that can spread through the air from person to person very quickly.
There is a WAR going on right now blowing up underground bunkers of the Alien. Possibly also of Human occupied bunkers in response. The reason it could be started is -- there has to be some agreements made with other parties who are limiting the Reptilians Orion Re-supply effort. This would only be attempted if Humans could get an Alien Ally against the Reptilian. As long as an Reptilian resupply can be stopped then humans have the Atomic weapons and enough military to eventually wait out and destroy the Alien presence over time. Actually it might be more like the first world war now I think about it. Its sort of trench warfare (the bunkers are like that).
But if the hybrids weren't in the mix the US military would still be doing business with the Reptilians. But any way there could be an announcement that we are at war with the Reptilians-- and it will be true.
I believe the reason the Allies (England- France- etc) won WW1 was because the USA was finally dragged into the war. With the huge numbers of Americans resupplying the English- French etc the Germans finally had to surrender. The Alien War I think has just become this kind of war.
The Humans are now being backed up by another group of Alien that is able to block the Reptilians and Orion resupply effort. Victory for the Humans seem assured. However If the war with Russia and Eventually one with China can be spread (or started with China) some how then all bets are off again.
There was that remote viewing of Just after the next American election where a massive explosion was seen in what seemed like an American city. That will probably be the attempt to start a nuclear war on Earth.
We are in a battle with Aliens right now on this earth.