Glowing red eyed Aliens ? ( Varginha ? had red Eyes). We had a dog and when we shined our head- lights into its eyes on the road, his eyes glowed red) So I think - it means they have open pupils and possibly they wear a type of goggle to see in the dark. But Varginha - name of the Varginha incident had red eyes. ) - So they have eyes with large open pupils- not demon eyes. They are Aliens not Devils. Their just your standard Alien.
Listened to every minute of it. A remarkable story, and I believe the man's story. I'm a pretty big skeptic and I don't want to think any Alien has anything to do with God because is seems like a set up. But I guess that's racist against Aliens.
We've got people saying Aliens are Angels ! But I hate the Aliens are Angels angle. And I say aliens can only be Aliens. Now maybe Aliens can Help Source but If I see an Alien arrive to say "Im Jesus" I'm not dancing to that tune. Lets see what happens.
If a round headed bug eyed Alien arrives or Even Jesus himself arrives with aliens in tow - I aint likely to buy it. And then maybe I go to hell.
But it better be fantastically spiritual, and there better not be even a sliver of BS or Ill detect it. I'm charging my BS meter for when Jesus and Mary arrive. I don't want to get fooled again ! HEY ! THATS A SONG ISNT IT ? But I'm willing to do a re-think on some of the stuff I've been saying after listening to this man.
I mean every Alien has its agent here on Earth. Its getting crowded with them. David Wilcocks, Dr Greer, Farsighters, Linda Moulton Howe, Simon Parkes, all of them have their aliens and all of them are different. I kid you not that I have posted a person who talks about Reptilians as though those types are almost Angelic.
I don't care much that all kinds of people can be healed. I think that's technology. Imagine for a second. Lets all fly back in time to the time of Jesus. With antibiotics we could bring back a person from a horrible disease. A man who had died in front of our eyes we might be able to shock back to life. A man with cataracts on his eyes with laser surgery perhaps we could make him see again.
ARE THEY ALL JESUS ? I'm sitting on the fence till I see it for my own eyes. I think its fantastic stuff and a fantastic story --- And I believe it all happened. But is it all designed to bow down an worship the aliens ? Because they seems to arrive in a vehicle to me. I don't care that they had bright shiny lights around their orbs.
I think every Aliens representative of Jesus should all arrive at once (which I think was prophesized in the bible) and then they should have a WWF wrestle mania. Then the winner goes for the final smack down against Satan !!
I talk to God. (have to admit that God has not responded to any of my prayer Texts so far though, but I'm sure its because he's kinda busy-- he'll call when he gets the time) - The whole God is a Galactic AI theory thingy may have pushed me down on the list.
I'll wait to see these entities myself.
I had a premonition a long time ago. And I thought-- My partner and I will live through the time of the time of Revelations. Now that's probably not a good thing. In other words, I will not go in any rapture as talked about in the Bible. But I think that's suppose to happen. I have too many gripes against God I guess. I'm staying a skeptic till I see it all for my self.
This guy is the real deal but - Aliens are Angels ? I don't buy that. Aliens are helping God ? Ok sure I buy that one. But if they are arriving in ships - I don't buy that. If they are energy only ? Could be the real deal then.
Any way have a look. I don't think one word of this guys story is a lie. It's as he said it all happened.