And then, here's the post about the "Levels" of creation. It's all in the same link at, but I'm bringing it here to make it easier to get a quick look at, since the subject matter is what Ashayana Deane in those videos had been teaching, which Theresa Talea and her Mother had questioned and then asked the All That Is, The Pure Essence and Eia (and some other higher entities) about, for clarification and removing of the lies, so we could see the truth.
As I said in the second post, here's a little more about the levels of creation we came from:
"Consciousness exists in all living things, and things of all levels incorporate a type of substance. Conscious awareness starts the process of creation; therefore, all living things can essentially create. We can perceive the first layer of substance as the most intelligent, because it started the process upon which we depend and connect to subsequent layers." -Thersa Talea from "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods" (3rd edition).
Alright, this is as much information as I have gathered throughout this book so far, about the Levels.
Level "A" -- Created matter (vibrational energy) started with the "A" domain. Highest Self; first Krystar. Cosminyahas is the last level of "A" domain.
Eckasha-Ah -- Ah levels; Ah'-yah and Ah-yah-Ya'
Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La (tones of sound). CosMa'yah realm ~> Krysthal Spiral Stream originates here in the first level.
Eckasha-Ah started the Krysthal Sequence for creational expansion.
Eckasha-Aah -- The Yunasai, a group of Yunasum Krystars. First Partiki element.
Eckasha-1 -- Edonic worlds. "Edonic level" is created after the Yunasai. "ATI,TPE says: The upper portion of the Edonic level is the lower portion of the Yunasai level. To clarify further; the Edonic "Middle Domain" co-exists with the Eckasha-1 domain in the same spatial location comprising upper and lower partiki separations for Yunasai groups and Eckasha-1 life forms. The Yunasai reside in the Eckasha-Aah domain, and are partitioned away from the Eckasha-1 domain."
Eckasha-A -- The Eckasha A domain started the 15-dimensional Kathara Grid formation.
Eckasha -- There's an "Aquinos" Eckasha realm.
There's also a "Wesala" Eckasha realm and an "Aquareion" Eckasha realm which are parallel to one another, and to our "Aquinos" Eckasha realm. These three Eckasha realms came together to form the "Krysthal River Tri Matrix Cooperation Intervention Team" known as the "Krysthal River Host." Another key player is a Krysthal group from an inner Hub Realm called "Aquious" that exists near the Aquareion Eckasha.
(The name of our Krysthal galaxy is "AquaLaSha).
Ecka -- 950 Billion years ago. The Yanas entities, Eieyani, exist in HU-1 and HU-2 of this realm. From our Earthly perspective, Eieyani look like geometrical shapes made of living light."
The fibonacci sequence started later in the Ecka domain.
Veca -- Urtha (3rd dimension planet) is in AquaLaSha. All the galaxies domain.
These levels are where creation began. There are some important things to know about this place such as the Krysthal Spiral which brings eternal energy throughout the entire grid into our galaxies grids, the air circulation so to say. Also the Krystars.
The first natural domain is "A."
The ATI,TPE says: "The first Krystar is not sufficiently formed to house other entities. Its waves exist in the earliest level of the "A" domain, and energetically equates to one's Highest Self. Subsequent levels in the "A" domain contain increasingly developed Krystar components. The first inhabited Krystar exists within the Cosminyahas level, which is the last level of the "A" domain. The Cosminyahas Krystars are composed of increased pre-plasma, having excited pre-ionized gas."
"The ATI,TPE confirms that the "Ah" levels, and our respective Cosmayah realm, are part of the Eckasha-Ah domain. The seven sequential frequency tones - Ka, Ra, Ya, Sa, Ta, Ha, La, emanate from seven distinct levels containing Krystars in the Cosmayah realm.
Krysthal Spiral Stream
"The ATI,TPE states: "The Krysthal Spiral Stream originates in the first level of the Eckasha-Ah domain and Cosmayah realm, and it contains the imprint of the pre-Krysthal Spiral frequency band as its core, originating in the Cosminyahas level. The pre-Krysthal Spiral frequency band continued down to the Eckasha-Ah domain where it formed a stream of energetic particulates, whose stream formations then gained increasing density appropriate to the foundation of the later domains. In the beginning with the Krysthal Spiral formation, it sparked its particulates in a fan-like fashion in multiple directions, and then came together forming one precise path towards and through, subsequent domains, as an extension of its formation pattern. There are numerous Krysthal Spirals streaming in specific creational pathways in realms, within the domains."
"The ATI,TPE reveals that the Eckasha-A domain started the 15-dimensional Kathara Grid formation, and that the much earlier Eckasha-Ah domain started the Krysthal Sequence for creational expansion. The Fibonacci sequence started later, in the Ecka domain."
"Krysthal is the combination of the seven frequency tones; Ka, Ra, Ya, Sa, Ta, Ha, La, each coming form an early level of creation with eternal stars called "Krystars," most of which have planetary living conditions. Spirals involve energy circulation, that can precede structure, and Spirals can vary in mathematical sequence and construction."
"Regarding a truly Krysthal Spiral; it gains particulate streaming elements in its process of expansion, coming together in an ordered sequence to form a precise path."
"The Krysthal Spiral is symmetrical and perfectly sequenced according to a growth pattern. The Krysthal Spiral originates near the beginning of creation, and it provides energetic frequencies for the progression of creation into Eternal domains and realms.
This entire energy spiral aligns with one's center or "Core Essence," and it involves the Krysthal Sequence of expansion, confirms the ATI,TPE. The Krysthal Spiral is totally symmetrical because its frequency pattern is complete and unbroken. The fully natural Spiral may resemble a string filled with energy that multiplies outward in symmetrical wavelength sequences."
Kathara Grid
"Natural Kathara Grids contain self-sustaining ordered patterns of Matter and Pre-Matter that involve the cores of their existence."
"I argue that HU-5 exists as the top harmonic universe in a 15-dimensional kathara grid, with dimension 15 logically at the apex. The 15-point kathara grid is the Krysthal kathara grid. Contrary to what the MCEO-GA teach, the ATI,TPE states that HU-5 does not consist of primal light fields, nor does it contain Breneau Orders or Rishi entities. I have not gained an answer about what type of entities exist in HU-5 because they prefer to be unknown for security reasons. The 15th dimension contains the fastest dimensional frequency, from where particle spin and vibration slows progressively into the lower dimensions. All 15 dimensions of a galactic kathara grid constitute one time matrix."
"The "Ecka" domain contains a 15-dimensional kathara grid foundation, similar to the galactic (Veca) kathara grid, but with less dense material.
The galactic domain is called the "Veca."
A "domain" incorporates various levels which we experience as large dimensions in our galaxy. Each domain can have numerous realms.
The Milky Way galaxy is part of a "Veca" realm within the greater Veca domain."
Galaxy Stargates
"A structurally healthy galaxy has one or more stargates in each large dimension, depending upon the creational matter and size of the individual large dimension, states the ATI,TPE. A galactic stargate is a natural gateway formation extending outward and entering other locations within and beyond the galaxy. It is formed during the beginning stage of a large dimension, and it becomes incorporated into a star or planet that is also formed at that position. Most galactic stargates exist on a lateral axis within a celestial body, producing horizontal, then angular, passages through the galaxy, informs the ATI,TPE."
Our Galaxy
"Death-based science and technology can siphon off natural galactic material to create other galaxies of lesser structural integrity. Distortions can be prevalent in the Veca domain, and can also exist in the Ecka domain due to similar tactics there." (such as the creation of the fibonacci sequence that started in the Ecka domain, but is a death-science technology).
"Energetic bridge-like formations have been constructed to extend between galaxies in order to maintain Krysthal (eternal energy) connection, such as the important bridge system between Galaxy-2 and Milky Way. The ATI,TPE reveals that a one-way bridge, which I call Bridge A, was built in Galaxy-2's 14th dimension to provide a natural energy flow and a shielded pathway to the Milky Way's 11th and highest dimension, by way of a detour through Galaxy-2's 12th dimensional stargate, caused by an ancient war."
Obviously, since we've never been taught anything of true value, or not much anyway, it's going to sound foreign and complicated when first hearing what has been hidden from us. Once one becomes familiarized, it all begins to make much more sense.
So, what is being said here is that we were originally from a galaxy called AquaLaSha (pron.'Aqua-La-Shay'). That is the original eternal Krysthal creation, which beings called Yanas entities (and collectively, "Eieyani") started creating/forming back then, about nine-hundred and fifty-billion years ago. They also created the galaxies around it, connected to it. I'm not sure but, it seems to me to be that all these galaxies are like petals on a flower, connected, in a similar metaphorical way. We basically only comprehend from a dumbed down 3D sense of very distorted perception. So, it could be that they have some other type of intermingled structure. Nevertheless, the number 15 seems to be prominent in that type of creating, building. There seem to be 15 galaxies clustered together in one area in which every one of those galaxies all have the same number of dimensions. Fifteen.
Theresa Talea writes: "As I explained in chapter 6, our particular Veca realm contains 15 Krysthal galaxies that do not form perfect Kathara grid symmetries in a spherical space." (Ok, so some of the petals are bent back? Alright, I don't understand it yet)
Anyway. The dimensions are classed into 5 large, what are called, Harmonic Universes. (But it's really hard to imagine after all that I've read. Maybe they should have called them Melodic Universes and it could have influenced them in a better direction). They are classed this way, 15, 14, 13 is the first one, but to us it's the 5th one. Then the second one built would be 12, 11, 10, and the next 9, 8, 7, and then, 6, 5, 4, and the last one, but first for us because we are in it, the 3, 2, 1 harmonic universe.
Our harmonic universe is such that we can communicate with crystals, which I think would be the 1st dimension, and we can communicate with plants, insects and animals, which would be, I figure, the 2nd dimension, and then with each other and those in the above realms, from our 3rd dimensional space. That's how I've seen it so far anyway, and you can only imagine it must be quite similar in all the other harmonic universes, because in the chapter on possession when talking about the little fairies and elementals, the ATI,TPE said that there is that type of structure all throughout. I suppose that those little insects (which I've seen some 4th density ones and they're large!) in the higher levels are a bit more advanced (or I hope so) than the little critters here. Nevertheless, what the harmonic represents is the balance of all the beings in that stage of development in existence, working together on the same plane.
Something went wrong with some beings/entities a long time ago, in their neck of the woods, a short while after the commencement of the Eieyani's completing the structure AquaLaSha and etc. Four-hundred and eighty-billion years ago, what are known as the Borenthasala races, were in an Ecka realm connected to our parallel Eckasha, and they experienced a fall. It doesn't describe what they did or what happened to cause the fall, but just that, a fall took place. Maybe for the first time? I don't know, because it doesn't say that either. What I'm saying is, looking at how large the universe is, through a photograph that the Hubble Space Station took, you can see that either our cluster of galaxies spans through all space and time and is a lot larger than we ever imagined, including all those invisible to us ones, or there are other beings who started other creative ventures into the Veca realm right along with the Eieyani. And who knows what their stories are. Did any of them fall? This fall was as far back as I could find in the book, of the beginning of something evil. I was looking for the root, but I'm not sure if this is it. There's another work called, "The Paraphrase of Shem" from the Nag Hammadi Library (a book), which to me sounds like that may be the root, but there's no dating, no time to compare to where we are now. But for all I know, it could just be something that happened in this present universe? They weren't too clear.
Continuing; The "Borenthasala races witnessed what the MCEO says was an "organic fall and implosion" of the partika (pron. 'par ti kay')-based harmonic universe 3 through 1 of their adjoined galaxy, meaning that those densities fell into phantom status, clarifies the ATI,TPE."
What happened out of that was, the evil Bourgha who were 12th dimensional in their galaxy and already had some amount of technology and knowledge of how to use it, attacked their so-called 'masters' above them who were doing the victim-victimizer experiment on them to try to see if that would take them out of the fall (hahaha, as if), and they assimilated them. I don't understand what that could mean other than possession. But after they assimilated them, that is, the entire 5th harmonic universe (15, 14, 13), they now had the knowledge of all their technologies in a very short time, so they didn't have to go step by step to learn how to use this properly, but turned it into the new death science technology which they had a vengeance for destroying and taking over the rest of the universe with. Majorly sick in the mind, but not dealing with it, instead turning it on those around them. That's not a pretty situation. How did this even begin to occur? Like I asked, what occurred to make that fall in the first place? Perhaps something could have been done other than allowing that situation to continue into what it turned out to be. To 'nip it in the bud.'
So, the others who existed around that area, now had to protect themselves. That's when Krysthal races in the neighborhood came together to form the Krysthal River Tri Matrix Cooperation Intervention Team, that is: the Krysthal River Host.
They also started to hybridize races in their domains in order to protect their places from the evil Bourgha. They upped their genetic structures. I think you'll see why they had to protect themselves in this next excerpt:
"The Bourgha strategically stalked and captured some of our parallel Krysthal Ecka's Budhara races via their time rip technology. They severely manipulated these Budhara and invaded their bodies against their will in order to bring them to a phantom state of being (retaining some natural coding) through which they could gain access to our Ecka-Veca system."
But, by what the ATI,TPE says about this, is why I wonder whether this was actually the root of evil, which it certainly does not appear to be. It must have been earlier, since that Borenthasala race had fallen, and we don't know what they did that caused it. This Bourgha was just another result of their manipulations:
"The hybridized Bourgha-Budhara race primarily manipulated the Krysthal entities who did not have pure mind sets and intentions, reveals the ATI,TPE."
Stalking the root of evil then, must be somewhere in the seed of a thought in a mind who nourishes it rather than recognizes it and clears it out. Personal responsibility, no doubt. So with free will, you have responsibility.
And therefore, because of the phantom fallen entities' (misplaced) desires, they schemed and scammed, pulling parts and pieces off those galaxies they could get at, and one of them was AquaLaSha. And through it, was created Galaxy-2, and then through Galaxy-2 the Milky Way was created. Something like that. And so, this is already a semi-phantom galaxy.
"Four hundred and fifty billion years ago, reveals the ATI,TPE, Bourgha races managed to create a position from where they could attack a star in AquaLaSha's 15th dimension, harness some of its quanta, and influence the creation of a new, but slightly distorted galaxy, that I call Galaxy-2. Galaxy-2's foundation was a natural copy until the Bourgha manipulated and distorted some of its early creation process. The ATI,TPE states that Bourgha started attacking AquaLaSha (which is in the Veca) instead of our Ecka realm, because of heavy security up there. Some of AquaLaSha's races were pulled into Galaxy-2."
And then: "The MCEO-GA Milky Way creation story actually begins with Galaxy-2 where the 15th dimensional Emerald Order Breneau lineage seeded the 12the dimensional Elohei. The 14th dimensional Gold Order Breneau lineage seeded the 11th dimensional Seraphei. And the 13th dimensional Amethyst Order Breneau lineage seeded the 10th dimensional Bra-ha-Rama."
"Elohei are generally considered as feline-hominids;
Seraphei are generally avian-insect-reptile people;
Bra-ha-Rama generally include cetacean (whale, not dolphin) and avian-horse-deer (pegasus) races."
(Now you know where the animal symbology comes from for family crests and coat of arms.)
Family Crest Coat-of-Arms 1.jpg and Morgan-Irish-Crest.jpg
"Hybridizations occurred between many species, eventually creating the notable mixed Elohei and Bra-ha-Rama, feline-aquatic ape race, called the Anyu."
"The Elohei guarded the 12th dimensional stargate. The Anyu were appointed guardians of the 11th dimensional stargate. And Omicron Drakonian (dinosaur-like dragon-moth) and Odedicron Reptilian (bipedal snake-like) race lines of the Seraphei were appointed co-guardians of the 10th dimensional stargate. All HU-4 stargates are in the original Lyra constellation."
What happened was that some Anyu started bullying the Drakonians for control over their stargate. But, over time the Drakonians strengthened themselves and pushed back at the Anyu.
"Three-hundred and sixty-billion years ago (states both the ATI,TPE and "M") ["M" is a 14th dimensional friend of Theresa and her mother], the Lyran wars broke out between the stargate-11 Anyu and stargate 10 Omicron Drakonian guardians. The Anyu had more advanced genetics than the Drakonians, so some Anyu bullied them for control of the stargate. Omicron Drakonians turned into a formidable adversary over time because they evolved to have superior physical strength, so they started to push back and reclaim their territory. Anyu petitioned an Elder Elohei council to help them destroy the Drakonians because they 'were out of control.' [Out of whose control?] The Elohei council responded that they do not destroy anyone; rather, the Anyu should correct themselves because they were acting the same as their enemy. The Anyu did not like this answer, so they retaliated against the council, and Elohei in general, and they threatened to take over as much of the galaxy as possible."
What they did was use their artificial creation mechanics (death science technology), bending light and sound through a vesica piscis code [the fish?], to blow a large gap between 11th dimension and below, putting a hole into the 12th dimension destroying stargate-12, separating the galaxy from the top part, 13, 14, 15, which Theresa calls Galaxy-2, and below that gap is the 11 dimensions of the Milky Way galaxy.
"The longstanding Lyran wars caused catastrophic destruction that not only weakened Galaxy-2 but also largely created the 11.5 dimension Milky Way galaxy, between 360 and 320 billion years ago, reveals the ATI,TPE."
And so, back to...
"The ATI,TPE reveals that a one-way bridge, which I name Bridge A, was built in Galaxy-2's 14th dimension to provide a natural energy flow and a shielded pathway to the Milky Way's 11th and highest dimension, by way of a detour through Galaxy-2's 12th dimension. Bridge A bypasses the longstanding damage of the 12th dimensional stargate caused by an ancient war."
" "M" states that 355 billion years ago, the 14th dimensional bridge-like formation from Galaxy-2, which I call Bridge-A, was connected to the Milky Way to bypass critical destruction. Only recently, in early 2012 A.D. has most of the stargate been repaired, and it is in the process of establishing secure connections to other dimensional stargates, states the ATI,TPE."