This came from a large body of work-- I am not the author of this material. The web site says it is not a human being that authored this material but beings from higher dimensions.
For it is always difficult for a free nation to exist around unfree nations. It is a delicate situation and has been an ongoing challenge for those free races whom you may consider to be the Allies of Humanity.
It is important to have this larger perspective. Otherwise, you will not understand what restrains your potential allies and why they are not interfering in the world today. They have, through secret means, sent an expedition to be near the Earth to witness the alien Intervention that is taking place here—an Intervention carried on by more unscrupulous races and organizations who seek to gain control of the world and its people through subtle and persuasive means.
Your Allies are here to provide wisdom and guidance and the perspective that humanity will need to comprehend the neighborhood of space into which you are emerging and what your advantages and disadvantages there are.
Witnesses to the Alien Intervention. Indeed, there are great disadvantages because other worlds view your world with envy, and they see humanity in its warlike, divided state destroying the wealth and the value of this world. This, more than anything else, has led to the Intervention that is occurring here today.
[The Allies] expedition that is here [in the local universe] to observe this Intervention and to report on its activities and intentions is functioning here without the awareness of the free nations’ governments. This is very important to understand. For these governments could be held accountable for the fact that humanity is gaining benefit from these free nations, which violates the agreements that the free nations have established—agreements of non-interference in the affairs of the Greater Community.
Such is the price they have had to pay to keep the Greater Community out of their regions and to avoid ongoing interference and attempts at persuasion that have plagued them for so very long.
It is for this reason that the Allies will not describe themselves, or give their names, or speak of their home worlds. For this expedition is functioning to serve humanity in secret, without the awareness or approval of greater powers, even without the awareness and approval, officially speaking, of the governments of their own nations.
It is a delicate situation. To understand this, you have to really consider the difficulty of establishing and maintaining freedom amongst greater powers where freedom is suppressed and avoided. It is a problem that humanity will have to face as it proceeds, as the human family emerges into a Greater Community of intelligent life.
How does a race such as yours maintain its freedom and self-determination amidst the presence of powerful and persuasive forces who will seek to undermine your confidence, your unity and your courage?
It is not a battle of weapons. It is not a battle of military might. It is a battle of will and intentions, a battle that is being played out [in] the mental environment—a great environment of influence where more powerful minds can influence weaker ones, an environment that humanity knows very little about.
The free nations in this part of the universe seek to promote freedom wherever they can. They view your world as showing great promise because spirituality and religion have not been destroyed or forgotten here. They see that the power of Knowledge, the greater spiritual power, is still alive in individuals, despite humanity’s grave mistakes and foolish activities.
The Allies of Humanity have sent a series of Briefings into the world to advise and to prepare humanity for its engagement with the Greater Community. These Briefings present information that no one on Earth could create or know for themselves. They create a perspective that humanity does not presently have regarding the prospects for contact and the consequences of contact.
The Briefings correct many of humanity’s false assumptions and uninformed beliefs—assumptions and beliefs that make you vulnerable to foreign manipulation and persuasion.
This came from a large body of work-- I am not the author of this material