Phoenix, thanks for showing active interest.
This is indeed uncomfortable but crucial info to somehow understand where we are right now. It enables us to know where we do not want to go in future, which is the current timeline.
This timeline can still be changed, although „time“ is short.
I am not going to repeat the wingmaker-material here, but will try to place things in a wider context.
First some details:
The ACIO had the role of collecting any available alien technology with the aim to reverse-engineer it. They run the crash-retrival operations and in a very short time they became a very powerful group because of their technological superiority (compared to other agencies). The ACIO was running also the Montauk-project (amoungst others in parallel) and became aware that their „Lizzy-Ally“ had a nefarious agenda.
For example: The Philadephia-Experiment had been already secretly advised by the Lizzies. This was a botched trial with the ultimate aim to open a portal for their buddies to come in, in mass.
It failed, but left a rift open in time, which re-appeared every 20 years and would have grown out of control, if left unchecked. They managed to dampen it, i think in 1983, as they sent Bielek and Cameron back to the Eldrich to destroy the equipment, which was self-amplifying. It is now expected to slowly collapse. In 2003 it still caused some power-failure on the East-coast, and for 2023 we will see....
So, the dampening of the time-rift, that is an achievement of the ACIO, which had this uncomfortable cooperation going for some time with the Lizzies.
The Lizzy mentioned by Cameron („His highness Draco...“) was actually a scientist working/representing their group at Montauk. He had an equivalent of 12 doctorate -degrees and his job was to evaluate the data coming from the equipment and suggesting the way ahead. He was called „Charlie“ and he and Bielek became friends over time.
Another Montauk-project was Project „Hellfire“ , where an alien artefact was obtained from a planet which is 120.000 light-years away.
You can see many situations reflected in movies like UFO-series (with Stryker representing XX), Stargate SG1 etc.
The ACIO knew that the deals made by politicians with the Aliens were very „disadvantageous“ for Humanity, but they played along as they were trying to catch up, develop their own technological capabilities and finally get on par and face this menace.
Of course the Greys were aware of this intention and had their own „counter-measures“, specially mind-control through advanced implant technology. The Greys are very good at that.
The ACIO got from them a watered down version, called „Bug-Juice“ for memory-wipe and reprogramming, which was used also on the members of the ACIO. As this sounds immoral, it is understandable, at least for me: The ACIO was facing hostile superior races who were out to enslave, milk and eat openly the whole (or most) of humanity . The stakes were VERY high and a lot of paranoia led to a lot of personal sacrifices and deaths. But more deaths occurred due to negligance...
So a deadly covert war was waged , while officially in Gov-Alien world everything was fine and dandy.
The ACIO successfully avoided the Alien-control agenda and became a very powerful group.
The NSA was trying to control/contain this development, because they were very interstested in BST.
„Fifteen“ (XX), the leader of the ACIO, thought that this technology, if ever achieved, was too powerful to be handled by irresponsible people like the NSA. This situation led to the complete separation of the ACIO from governmental oversight, and as the NSA was already compromised through excessive implants from the Greys, this independence was actually a good thing.
Of course GOV tried to regain control, but even financially the ACIO had already become finacially independent, by selling watered down tech, patents, financial services to the financial-elite, deals with other friendly ET-groups etc...
Also President Clinton tried that and failed. He was asked on a TV show whether he ever tried to find out about the Alien agenda, and he said:“Yes, didn`t end well.“ That interview is still somewhere on youtube. What he didn´t mention was that his undersecretary became, after exposure, „a target of opportunity“, a target for shooting practice for the security of the ACIO.
XX started a beneficial cooperation with the Corteum and was „enhanced“ by them. He was a good looking guy, at least as long you saw only the good side of his face. This accelerated growth of capabilities at one point, led to the decision to attack the Grey/Plejaren/Lizzy operation at the Dulce -base.
That base was officially a joint Gov-Alien base for genetic research to help alliviate the genetic defects in the Greys. The base had 7 underground levels, of which the first two were for humans only, the 3rd was a joint human/Plejaren level where meetings took place.
From the 3rd downwards it was a „alien only“ level and no human inspection was allowed.
It is there where many 10000`s children were liquified/experimented on/“canned“ etc by the Lizzies.
The supply came in continuously and directly by Grey`s discs through an open, holographically camouflaged hangar.
Meanwhile a well mannered, good looking, aristrocratic Plejaren, Lord Tugy, was the contact person between the aliens and humans. He had to cooperate with the Lizzies while his homeworld was held hostage by the Lizzies.
This horrific operation was going on for many years and was hidden from the upper levels.
Finally, when some unrelated underground tunneling was made in the vincinity of the base, caverns with 10000`s of children`s skeletons were discovered, all without the scull, but some still with dolls...
This led to the decision within the ACIO to smoke them out, no matter what, which led to the infamous Dulce-battle. The ACIO eventually succeeded, destroyed the base and was also able to retrieve vital information of the planned invasion of Earth: Assemble-area, battleplans, priority targets etc. , the whole package.
That delayed the plans of the Lizzies, as they also proceeded first to destroy Lord Tugy`s planet.
I have to mention that another group of Plejaren helped the ACIO when they attacked the base: They shot down the crafts which were attempting to escape.
Phoenix, don´t sniff around that base. For curious trespassers the NSA has placed some military gear there, laced with a poison which ensures a prolonged and painful death.