Matias de Stefano, began remembering his lives at age 3. He was raised by a single mom and he would tell her about those memories, wars in space, when he was a molecule, walking among the Sumerians. He also would draw very detailed pictures of his surroundings in his lives. His mother always believed him despite others saying he was crazy. His first language is Spanish and he used to travel and give talks on earth's origins and how humans got here. Very much in line with what Courtney spoke about in the last intelligence briefing. He tried bringing his message across the world and had many followers. I found him fascinating in the amount of knowledge and stories he told about the planet and before Earth. It really resonated with me. Recently, GAIA got to him and now he has a program on their network. He has apparently learned to speak English and is telling his story there. I don't follow GAIA but it might be interesting for Farsight to connect with him. The fact that he can remember must be that there are glitches in the system. We might be able to exploit these and begin to chip away at it. to break through. what do you think?
On De Stefano, I forgot to mention that he knows one or more archaic language that do not exist on earth.
Thanks for sharing this!
There are possibly quite a few children like this, however, their parents usually think its just childplay. I had a genius friend whose father had him committed during his college years, basically due to his intellect in languages and many alternative areas.
Look into "children of 9/11". Unless all those various stories have been censored, there were amazingly accurate past life stories coming from reincarnates of that incident.
I tried posting one of Matias' drawings but the forum does not accept gifs, I guess. If you google his name, then click on images and scroll around, there is one picture of what seems like a dinner being attended by humans and ETs in what looks like Egypt or Sumeria or even Bolivia 's Tihuanaco area. I'll see if I can find the 911 reincarnates.
Here is a link to a few of the children who were born post 911 with vivid memories of co-workers and relatives:
There are other sites also.
Fascinating!There is or was a researcher by the name of Ian Stevenson who found many children in India and I believe in Palestine and Jordan, that remembered details of past lives. They were able to identify several families that these children were related to and got details of the dead relatives which matched what the children were saying. I remember reading one of his books years ago. I think the book was "Children who remember previous lives". He wrote several with the same them. He would actually go and interview and research in situ. What I though was really interesting in the reincarnated children is that he often found marks, birthmarks on their bodies that matched the dead person who for example had been stabbed in that exact place. The child would have the mark in that same place, born with it. There is another researcher at UVA named Jim Tucker that seems to be continuing the research.
Links for these guys here
if you are remembering a past-incarnation, that you lived, then, died, from...then, while it can be entertaining, it is **still** not back far enough to really get back to the root, the first-cause, that is really you.
the real you, would have existed before you had ever incarnated.
the real you was as a spirit, only.
i have a hunch that you would find your first-cause as you always were, as a spirit, would probably be in a human-looking (but flawless, and ageless, but young-looking, even if it has existed longer than the cosmos) type of form.
even if the spirit was incarnated into a body that did not look human, this is probably the case for that soul...
that form, along with your original name, is probably what 'they' don't want you to know or remember.
that name/identity that you had, then, was not a given-name from parents, as you had no parents before you were incarnated.
that name was stolen from you, the moment of your first biological incarnation.
it was probably stolen by-design, to also steal or suppress your power.
that name, probably is your key for your power, and to 'awaken' that part of yourself that 'sleeps' as your awareness is lucid only in your biological self....if you were to awaken that part of you (probably accomplished by using your original name) you would probably be immune, or able to be immune, to manipulators.
this seems to be one of possibly many of the the reasons for them going at great length to steal (and hide) this.
(psychopathic manipulators chose to do this to you.)
and people get decived into believing that they 'chose' to incarnate....
the 'reasons' that they are lied to and told, to buy into believing, can range from 'for the experience' to 'being sent on a 'divine mission' for whatever, to, 'to learn and grow' goes on and on.
but, to be honest, all that is moot.
you were literally perfect before you incarnated.
you had all knowledge, you had super-powers. you did not need to 'learn and grow' and you did not need to suffer. ever.
(the only thing you lacked, was the immunity to whatever they did to make you incarnate. the electroshock and soul-division, are two of the things you needed immunity to, but did not yet have. if you did, you'd still be a true-immortal spirit and never have to fear anything, ever.)
'they' did this to you, to make you suffer, when you were 'born' and then as they say 'forgot' (more accurately, your memory was stolen) and your original identity, was stolen, along with the language you had used.
so, while entertaining, 'past lives' can be fun to talk about, but are only a distraction from what you really need to know, to get to the actual root.
i would like to see someone who is adept at triggering 'past life regression' to take someone all the way back to **before** they had ever incarnated, ever....
and **then** see what data they can get...
and go really in-depth to milk every bit of information that can be had...(which, may require more than one session)...and to do this, with multiple people...
and, that individual would need to somehow be able to do it, without any supernatural, etc, manipulators screwing up the data, in any way.
**that** has not been done yet....
but, it is beyond the time that it should have been done....
(and i hope the right person, reads this....or, a person, who knows who the right person is, forwards this on to them.)
now **that** would be astounding....(and, actually useful. maybe even the data needed to get out of the death-traps.)
That is a great observation.
It would be interesting to pursue.
Have you had any insights into your Spirit name?
I wrote a poem that came to me about a name that feels powerful to me. Maybe not my original, but I like it.
Thanks again.
i'd be highly skeptical about any name that 'feels powerful' as that, to me, raises a red-flag that it could be the name of an entity that you probably won't want to summon, so i don't think i would ever want to use that name.