Courtney...its time...
Courtney...its time...
Excellent idea!
Sodom and Gomorrah has already been figured out by science. These two towns were destroyed by the blow back of an asteroid that came into earth atmosphere in 3123 BC. If I am recalling this right, this event was figured out by a found ancient Phoenician tablet that recorded the incident. They were even able to discern that actual day in 3123 BC that it came into earth atmosphere and exploded. I don't think this asteroid impacted earth, story goes it blew up in the sky.
The supposed area of Sodom and Gomorrah is chucked full of meteorite remnants. This event changed the weather on the planet and basically put earth's populations at risk of starvation. It does appear it changed the world and most humans probably suffered one way or another from the event.
The Mayan start date for this world was Aug.13, 3114 BC, which is 9 years after the asteroid event. I only mention this because perhaps 9 years later a new world had started born out of the ashes of the last world. Not sure, was a while ago when I studied this event. I would suggest researching the event. My question is, did this asteroid come in naturally, or was it guided or nudged into our atmosphere by an outside entity?
Good info here..thanks for passing that along. Yes, not unlike the event in Portugal or the meteor off the coast of Yucatan, I wonder if someone else was involved? Team FS could very well be able to determine that.
To me, Sodom and Gomorra was a mission of destruction by extraterrestrials. What they intended to destroy is what would be nice for Fairsight explore.
Indeed....would make for a super interesting and revealing (as all targets here are) project.