Distraction time-- take a break from this stuff for a while
Be it a woman or a man this woman could connect to power and excitement.
And who cares who her best friend is ! Turn it up and bring on some fantasy for a while !!!
When the writings found in the caves of the middle east were found several religious men were assembles to look at those writings hidden 2000 years ago. One of the men was an EX priest. He later wrote a book that was banned by the Catholic church and he lost his job as a teacher for writing the book. It is a scholarly and well researched book. If you can find it , its worth a look as it gives a very different perspective on Christianity.
And this may surprise you - I find it does not really take away from the core tenants of Christianity at all. Because no mater what the Essenes were up to ( Essenes were the group Jesus was linked to) the search for God- love of humanity--- still exists and in some way it to my mind actually backs up this groups legitimacy in a strange way !
Now the thinking is by some that Psychedelics played a part and probably for some even now with connecting to higher power or God/Source.
Here's the clue to those who want to find some more info
Experiments done on the mind--1950s
I have never taken ANY of this kind of substance even once.
I think that since we are probably all adults or close to the age of voting (how ever we define an Adult) I would post this rather thoughtful video on the topic.
I do not advocate the casual or recreational use of this substance.
It is the discussion of Consciousness and "Reality" and
population control I am interested in.
I do like this guy. Jordan Peterson
Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.
This guy was also on Joe Rogan talking about other things.
I am finding I'm posting a lot of Russell Brand. Make your own joke about it below. But except with the accent- I like his info.
Here is a person who seems to understand the concept of the Simulated Universe.
Here this video maker seems to be describing the process of a simulated universe and "God" being the "person" who is making the simulation.
Of course word God is not used but who ever is making the simulation might as well be (God) as far as we would understand it..
Another point of view-
I thought Dick Algire gave some interesting ideas about consciousness taken from a remote viewers perspective. May be helpful to those who are practicing remote viewing at Farsight !
Also at the end of this Dick Algire post you hear him talk about a Japanese remote viewer that was given a tasking to do about CERN. She talks about CERN and she says something profound. It is that the scientists should look at CONSIOUSNESS in order to understand what is happening to the atoms they are smashing or THEY WILL NEVER FULLY UNDERSTAND MATTER.
Also if everything has consciousness then you can dialog with it. It wont be verbal- after all we hear communication with Aliens is all non verbal. Its mind to mind. So in the morning its not -- hello lamp post what ya knowing ! Is more mind to mind. There are probably many more fields than the ones we know about. Ie Electrical field, magnetic field and so on.
HERE is a link to the scientist who discusses Transcendental mediation and how he believes that "The Consciousness Field" as he calls it - it the final field that everything comes out of-- and the Consciousness Field is essentially -God/source/Allah/ and the Easter bunny all rolled into one. Find this scientist on this upcoming post page >>>> https://www.farsightprime.com/forums/general/46501-consciousness-what-s-it-all-about#post-262272
Here is something that must be happening.
We have heard that Psilocybin mushrooms, seem to take ones mind/soul/spirit into another universe /realm. There is also this thing that people want to do and that is called micro-dosing. Micro dosing is where you take a substance in an amount below where it starts to make you high.
Therefor I am sure that people (CIA) other remote viewers - are micro dosing Psilocybin mushrooms, and remote viewing targets at the same time to get a greater effect.
Magic mushrooms were extensively used by ancient man. And there is even a theory/book written/ call (I think it is called) the Stoned Ape or something like that.
And in that book is postulated that man was taking magic mushrooms and connecting to a higher power. And I believe(although I have not read it) that ancient man, from that began or came closer to the idea of God.
Here is another interesting thing. When you go to Germany you hear about how beer in Germany uses only certain ingredients . Hops- water (i think its four ingredients). But I have heard that this law was established in the 1500s. The reason it was installed (it is said) is that beer in Germany during that time had - magic mushrooms - as in ingredient in it.
The church said the the king then. "listen you have to stop this mushrooms in beer stuff." And the reason for this request is the drinkers of the brew were seeing God a lot more than they saw in any church. And the church knew they couldn't compete with that. Any way its an intriguing story I think.
But anyway-- magic mushrooms and remote viewing combo is the idea here. It has to be happening.
So in this one there is a lot of talk of the "Mandela Effect". If this is really going on and it isn't some phenomena that we just never noticed before then --- . I wonder if it could be (woo woo alert) a transfer into another timeline; but sort of a small one?
For example, we have watched Courtney Brown saying well, we observed in our Remote viewing that there was a strong quake at such and such a location.
Now here comes " A THEORY by DAVE" ! Ok what if when the target event is "seen" ie the big earth quake we instead get a kind of " 2 slit experiment" result. Now for explanation - in basic explanation format - the two slit experiment determined that when a particle approached a two slit barrier -- it did one thing when it was NOT observed, and it did another thing when it WAS observed !
And here's my basic simplified take on it. The particle knows when it is being observed - ie it is conscious it is being observed. And this points to -- EVERYTHING has consciousness . My take as I said. And by the way go into almost any 10 min video on the two slit experiment and you find out its really got scientists scratching their heads.
But back to the "Mandela Effect" and Courtney strong quake result. Often and usually we hear Courtney say, Oh there was a quake in that area BUT it was much weaker. Now when he sees this,
Courtney says, we have shifted into another timeline.
Now another timeline effectively means to me we have shifted into another universe of an endless number of universes. However back to my point.
When some event is seen to happen, but then say with Mandela we then see he remains alive to become the President of South Africa then I wonder if just like the remote viewer sees a really big earthquake THAT THEN doesn't quite happen BECAUSE a time line has been traversed.
In one timeline Mandela does die in prison and in another timeline (universe) Mandela lives and becomes president of South Africa. Now why do some people notice this and other do not ? I dont know !
By Observing something perhaps --- IT CHANGES, just as in the 2 slit experiment ! Now I have noticed so far that what ever it is - it seems to be less. I have not heard YET, oh - there's going to be a very small quake in sector 7 in one month, but then, instead there is a huge quake !
I wonder if Observing something destructive makes its effect be reduced ??? And all of that is the WOO WOO alert. And IF THAT IS HAPPENING then there is even another strange thing happening. It would suggest somehow that the knowledge of something bad to happen somehow connects up humanities consciousness to --- WHAT ? Make it be less ??? !!!
If that could be true then -- BY REMOTE VIEWING SOMETHING REALLY BAD - Like the Alien Human hybrids are coming by 2050 and 95% of humanity is gone !!! That because that has been remote viewed several times -- that - this event will be much reduced ??? In other words -- somehow we move into another parallel universe where we live in a more peaceful world ?
IF THIS IS HAPPENING THEN IT WOULD PUT A FANTASTIC IMPORTANCE INTO REMOTE VIEWING ! Because Remote viewing is observing -- the two slit experiment is about observing the effects one thing upon another thing. Consciousness and awakening consciousness is about becoming aware - becoming conscious of or --- OBSERVING what is about to happen or what someone is about to do !!!
If observing that bad thing can then reduce its effect --- then we need to remote view lots and lots of things ! Become more Conscious -- seems to make a bit of logic to me.
Now this above stuff got me thinking about Farsights Remote Viewing sessions. Theory story time again. Why do we have to become more consciousness ? I mean what's up with that ? Why is this important ? Couldn't we just be really unconscious , you know "ignorance is bliss ?!
If God/source/Easter-bunny is ALL Consciousness then could it be that becoming more and more conscious -- moves us closer to God/source ? Anything moving closer to God-Source would become more peaceful and loving - less destructive on all levels perhaps ?
For instance we hear there are these levels we are on, or want to move to. 7th dimension and 3rd dimension. Less loving beings are on 3rd level and more loving beings are on 7th - 8th etc.
There is even a Delores Cannon Video out saying the Earth is going to split into 2 earths with one staying in this dimension and the other moving into the 5 dimension.
WHATS THAT ? We have the 5th dimension video to view-- Proceed number 1
So this is just saying something like - our souls- ISBEs - mind is vibrating now at a slightly different rate-- it is vibrating at a level closer to Source and so that -- IS WHAT ALLOWS US TO ASCEND ! It is not how many x-mass cards we write to the poor children (although that could help I suppose) but it is the VIBRATION rate of our spirit that allows us to move into another dimension where ONE MUST VIBRATE AT A DIFFERENT RATE - IN ORDER TO SURVIVE THERE.
And to this we can often hear - some researchers of the phenomena -- that so and so or those beings will not be able to stay on Earth Becasue Earth is upping its vibration rate etc etc.
If this were true then remote viewing something makes us more conscious of an event - the world - of the violence that is about to happen. Becoming aware of this (more Conscious - closer to God -Source) REDUCES THE EFFECT OF THIS EVENT AND THEREBY MOVES US TO ANOTHER TIMELINE -- i.e. on a higher plane-->>> Closer to Source God ??
Hey its my theory so I can name anything I want.