Thank you David Forbes
You see there is this group - Three Dog Night - that's fun and positive and that what this is about
I think its the song- Joy to the world- you know a message. Lets be positive and give thanks for this world. Its the positive song.
By the way check out Jayvee tv-- this guy has got his soul plugged in to a really good place !
It is the original song, they used to be one of my favorite band the other songs I liked were "ONE" and probably one of the most popular was "just an old fashion love song"
Here is Russell Brand--Comedian and actor- accent is something you have to get use to but quite interesting
Only the header post is viewable at the moment with a 0 comments underneath - not sure why.
There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this sort of thing.
perhaps its a sort of banning of information coming from YouTube.
IE there could be complaints coming from the things I post because I post them in their entirety and the original poster does not like this.
Perhaps the thing to do is post only the URL and they who ever wants to can go directly to the info.
Thats probably it.
Why are most of my posts disappearing. Any thoughts on this ???
Ahhh ! The sad ending to a great thing !! "I'm melting Melting, oh what a cruel cruel world " !!!
Now my posts are back again !!! What in Tarnation is go'in on ?
OKAY I've figured it all out ! Their are parallel universes see.
And we move from universe to universe as we up our frequencies. Now in the universe we just moved into my posts are still here.
But in the old universe -- they have been removed and Ronald McDonald is now the president of the United States !
Trust me - you don't want to be there.
Stick with me and I'll set you all straight when we get into this kind of problem again.
I used to just post and let you decide and get what you wanted out of the post info. I didn't want to put a bias into the info. But it seemed some people jumped to the opposite conclusion of what I meant and I think that's why I started getting censored.
So an explanation. I think Jordan Peterson is all about taking personal responsibility and from that responsibility ( responsibility ie the ABILITY TO RESPOND ) comes a growing confidence and strength.
From that new found strength that comes from "setting ones house in order" comes a resilience to face difficult challenges.
OH Great and Wonderful Guru Dave - tell us how this relates to Farsight !! Well OK thanks for asking.
I think based on what is occurring within the world - there is an under current of manufactured helplessness and a mental throwing ones hands in the air -- as though saying I cant fix this !! I need the Government, someone else, someone smarter to fix this giant complicated problem !!
I SAY NAY NAY. Check it out and some of his other writing or you potato tubers - he made it on Joe Rogan too.
See what I mean -- wouldn't you just not have to read this stuff and look at the video and make up your own mind!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you ---Jordan Peterson
I finally got through this guys video - took it in 20 minute parts. One of the best - clear thinking talks so far. Hope you get something from it.