So this kid has the answer. But you see -- you think I'm joking but there is something coming in from some where-- REALLY - you see there are these waves of people (beings) coming in -- ones that have not forgotten everything. We've forgotten everything. But this is what it looks like when you haven't forgotten. THEY ARE COMING IN !
SO if you bonk someone on the head -- you can later tell them they are kind of stupid. (I wouldn't and you wouldn't but one could)
If you deliberately bonked them in the head ? What is it like if you have had a massive memory loss ? They could say your pathetic and stupid - couldn't they ? But if we've been deliberately mind wiped - many many times-- Isnt that being wacked in the head each time ?
To tell someone(to an entire species) - YOUR NOT GOING TO MAKE IT !! YOU NEED TO BE HOOKED UP TO AI !!! Now to deliberately cause a memory loss in someone(or a group) and then have YOUR ABUSER tell you -- your pathetic and stupid !!
YOU STUPID GIT - YOU NEED TO BECOME A MACHINE AND BE HOOKED UP TO AI ! YOUR A PATHETIC CREATURE-- The only hope for you is to get hooked up to the machine. My pathetic little friend -- let me help you and plug you in -- you'll thank me later !
DONT YOU SEE THE DIABOLICAL METHODS NOW ? We would be as smart as this kid if we could have remembered what we had ALREADY DONE-- LIFE TIME AFTER LIFE TIME ! And I have heard also (unsure if its true or not) but it was that when we were being genetically engineered --- we were dumbed down genetically - to keep us down on the farm so to speak. Isn't that a convenience for someone or some thing ?
So some system -- probably some entities have been involved in dumbing us down and keeping us down -- and now we are being essentially abused and being told we are basically stupid. And because we are so stupid we need to become another thing and be ABSORBED into something so we can become part of a smart thing.
Could you see some poor person who had a mental deficiency always being told they were a stupid twit ( in a family) - Ill let you fill in the visual blanks there-- but you would have all kinds of power over that being and they would be depressed and defenseless against your intellect. THIS IS WHAT HAS HAPPENED AND IS HAPPENING TO US.
The FDA will apparently let Elon Musk put a computer in a human’s brain
So I thought it was all going to stop dead in its tracks -- oh what a fool !
Quote - "We are basically building an alien mind that will be much smarter than us"
"We are building machines that are way beyond us, as much as we are beyond insects"
Zuck has killed his own goat to slaughter and eat (google it) and so he has a killer instinct. Plus say what you will he has been practicing jujitsu which allows you to slither up someone and wrap your hairy legs around someone's neck. Which is effective in winning against an opponent.
Musk has height and weight, which isn't much. Unless Musk goes for a speed program to be able to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee - he is finished.
Zuck has the virtual reality which Musk might return him to if he is successful
Musk has his twitter and a robot car. Will the robot car be needed to take Musk home cuz Zuck wacked him so many times he cant feel his body any more ? And will he be the Chief Twit for agreeing to this charade ?
Stay tuned as 2 silly people - reduce themselves to hillbillies at a moonshine square dancing shindig .
it might be a good laugh
Elon begins trials for his Neurolink chip
Elon Musk releases video of his Grand fathers influence on his ideas and projects - seen here for the first time on this posting - watch now !
"AI is capable of eliminating ALL HUMANITY" -->>> IN A FEW YEARS .. Forget Pandemics or WW3-- AI is capable of doing that --->> in a few years !
what can you do ?
Many more things like this are here now.
Aliens - what can you do ?
Meteors ? What can you do ?
The Answer is Nothing and something. We personally can't stop meteors, Aliens, and AI. BUT meteors and Aliens and AI can be stopped !
These problems can be solved but if you are told -- YOU ARE ALL ALONE-- GOD DOES NOT EXIST-- WHEN YOU DIE -- YOU DIE AND ARE GONE -- F-O-R E-V-E-R OHHHHH SCARY STUFF.
What we need to do is sit quietly and be calm. Sit quietly and meditate and so not be frightened or STAMPEDED TOWARDS A DIRECTION. 'So we are told the world is going to end ! And we are told WE are going to end !! AND SO WHAT !!
YOU are NOT going to end -- and IT IS ALL GOING TO END only for those who do not have any faith in anything. Sit and clear your mind. That is all you can do - and realize that if it all ends -- it doesn't really end and don't worry.
An answer can come out of the fog at that point.
And so ends some wisdom from >>> Dave ??? >>> or from where ? Strange stuff --- Don't think Dave is smart enough to come up with that !
Maybe it didn't - come from Dave ?
Catching monkeys by the dozen
How and old geezer moves 20 tons by himself.