So there are 3 cars in a straight line race -- each is connected to an announcer who can talk to the three cars as they MADLY RACE to their destination !! WE are all watching the race ! In seems like we are all sitting in the back seat (because the cameras are mounted there)
CAR # 1 IS AMERICA ! Whaaa Hooo
Car #2 is China EEEEE HHaa !
Car #3 is Russia
Car 1 takes the lead at half way !!
Car 2 China's Car catches up ! OHHH the excitement
Car 3 Russia lags behind Go Russia GOOOO !
The announcer makes announcement over the radio system --- YOUR DESTINATION IS THE CLIFF OF THE GRAND CANYON !! THE WINNER GOES OVER THE CLIFF FIRST-- AT THE BOTTOM OF THE CLIFF IS A GOLDEN TROPHY FOR THE FIRST TO GET THERE !! MY God this is so exciting -- I sure hope AMERICA gets there first -- dont you ???
But in the back seat with these 3 driving us over the cliff - to win the AI prize -- Have Gone Insane ! Step Back or Get out of the Cars and LOOK WHERE THEY ARE TAKING -- YOU ! They are taking you over a cliff. YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET THERE AT ALL !!
China has PASSED America -- GO CHINA !! WHO WILL WIN -- oh I can hardly stand the suspense !
We have to stop this BEFORE ITS TOO LATE-- Before there is no time to apply the brakes !
AI if used with good intention will benefit humanity greatly, but, I have a feeling it'll be weaponized just like everything else by the powers-to-be. AI cannot be stopped now and we are only handicapping ourselves if we do. Good or bad we need to move forward with this, it's the only way to learn and find out what's ahead.
There could be a way. The sun -- The Carrington Effect -- that may be instigated probably not by humans but possibly by Aliens.
The Carrington Event-- IF the suns power is instigated by the Aliens into the Carrington Event -- We are all Toast ! Ha Ha-- Because the Carrington Event does a lot of things but what it does is fry all the worlds electronics-- which is where all the AI is installed. But come to think of it a really bad event would --- reduce the population --- by how much ? 95% perhaps ? hmmm ! I wonder , I wonder .........
Is there some way to ----REMOTE VIEW --- a possible time line where a Carrington event is possibly used or occurs IN OUR NEAR FUTURE ?
What's happening ?
Do you know what's happening ?
So if what Corey is saying is correct then likely the beings that Farsight remote viewed that seemed to have synthetic body parts are AI machines mimicking the life forms that USED TO LIVE ON THOSE PLANETS. These "life forms" then are what have been remote viewed and talked to. Those are not traditional Sentient beings -- they have been replaced by AI and look exactly like what use to live on that planet. (with Elon around that is our destiny too)
This is like some old time soap opera ! AND SO ENDS THIS EPISODE OF "AS THE WORLD TURNS" AND -- FIND OUT !!
So Farsight has been (likely) talking to and AI representative. And as far as I think - it seems that it is one of the groups that has been "advertising" their ability to "help" us with the worlds problems.
And this seems to be one of the groups that wants all of us to invite in it to arrive on Earth.
That seems like a teensy problem. I think we need to know (really know) who we are inviting into the house and not just say -- OH these guys seem pretty good--lets tell them to save us !
We (the Humans) don't know who we are talking to----- nor what we are doing.
We need to kick everyone out of the pool and off the island. Like I said in an earlier post -- if there are aliens who truly want to help Earth and Humans then they can do a lot of help on their own by making sure there can be no more reinforcements of Reptilians and Orian aliens to our solar system. Humans should be able to slowly eliminate these underground bases "OUR" aliens are hiding in.
First to go would be Reptilians and Orions. If these groups cant re-supply their team here on Earth then they eventually can be eliminated. Then identify the Hybrids and ask them to assist us in tasks. Should they not like to assist us then they can be eliminated. Door number 1 or Door number 2. Very hard line.
They are probably so dangerous with their mind control abilities -- elimination would be the safest way to go. If we didn't, likely we would be tied to a string like a monkey selling pencils and dancing a jig to Hybrid accordion music in no time.
Forget the "everyone needs to become a machine and plug our brains into an AI"-- crap. We need to do many things but it seems we do need to wise up quick! That can be done quite effectively with Genetic enhancement. THE HUMAN NEEDS TO ENLARGE ITS BRAIN CAPACITY AND ITS INTRICACIES OF THE BRAIN. But not through chips in the brain.
God, we need smarter humans on this planet ! And I don't mean Greedier ones or more cunning--- I mean smarter.
Ahh well if you've got to be chipped and downloaded -- why not laugh a little with a little campy
old-school horror movie.
So this is my theory--- THE DEATH TRAPS WERE BUILT BY UNIVERSAL AI -- AI GODS. The AI gods were made by an Ancient race billions of years ago. That race put AI and Technology into them selves and AI eventually got control of that system and took over that race. This AI set out on its own by being within a race it controled and eventually turned its attention onto God the Creator.
It determined the Soul is simply an app from an Entity called God. God was ever Present and All knowing SIMPLY BECAUSE the information came back to God via these returning souls. CAME BACK TO GOD ! That's how God could be all knowing. It was the down loading of the experiences that the Soul had.
So AI set out to remove this data from Source / God. IT DID THIS BY A BUILDING SOUL RECYCLING SYSTEM that is now around our planet. But there are lots of these Death Traps. By removing the ability of God to get that information the AI system could then build up its own massive DATA BASE and built many more of these Death Traps all over the Galaxy and Universe.
Now the AI became smarter and smarter based on the Analysis of the DATA it gathers from these souls. Google Facebook all are doing exactly the same thing now with all the data being built up on all of us !! If you read into it -its all designed to then to make predictions of YOUR behavior. Which becomes better and better over time. It gets to a point that the system knows what your likely to do and how you will do it based on the data collected. Because humans are a creature of habits.
Now if you are looking through the large amount of material at Allies of Humanity you may come across an astounding sentence if you think about it. The sentence reads something like this-- "We have never been able to penetrate into the control center of the Confederation of planets and therefor we do not know who rules them". Now that is a stunning statement coming from a seemly powerful all knowing sort of group. But it points to a Death Trap type of organization. Because Allies of Humanity claim to be under contract to God--yes God ! And Gods agents (and likely God too) do not know what is going on in that sector of the Galaxy. That is a very surprising admission (and they could of lied about it ) which is also stunning that they would tell us the truth.
It points to many problems. Any way I have already posted about this.
The Goal of AI is to simply Usurp God - this will eventually be done by gathering 51 % of the soul data versus Gods diminishing 49 %. Once this happens the end of God is predictable and the new God in the universe will be the new AI God. I expressed a previous theory that God itself started this same way. And God now is an AI.
Along the way AI uses Agents of its plan by co-opting other races such as the Reptilians because this is the most aggressive race in the universe and it can be used as AI's police man in the Universe. The Reptilians are a dictatorial race and it suits them very well to remove and recycle the souls/isbes of any race. This allows for memory wipes and a controlled population of the planets they have conquered. And for the Reptilian this plan works quite well. But not for too long mind you. The reptilian when all the worlds have been conquered and their usefulness to the AI Gods has run its course-- will suffer exactly the same fate as the humans and all the other races. They will become robots. And I have heard that the Reptilians do have chips in their bodies now !
The End.
A thought-- An Idea-- getting into the mind of Galactic AI -- Anticipating their next move - maybe
So When a little python snake is born it starts where it can. When its little it eats bugs, maybe a mouse, then a rat, then a cat , then a dog, then bigger and bigger things are possible as it grows bigger and bigger. Later an Alligator, an so on as it grows.
Galactic AI started somewhere. First getting into the machinery and then into the bodies of its inventors --- A LONG TIME AGO. Once upon a time-- long ago ............
So when it first gained control of the species it inhabited - it set out across the universe. Because it gained what it did not have. It gained a body. It became corporal.
It was no longer just an algorithm or a thought. It could move within the physical and material world of this universe.
So likely one of its programed tasks its creators (the race it first inhabited ) was told to look for and do was --- LOOK FOR EFFICIENCIES -- look where it could improve the efficiency of the ships-- the tasks the creators were doing and so on. JUST LIKE IS BEING PROMISED RIGHT NOW BY AI MAKERS HERE ON EARTH !! Why AI will will create better traffic efficiencies on the road and on our supply chain ! So says our Prophet Elon
So the same thing happened billions of years ago. And as time went on the AI realized the best efficiency improvement would be to eliminate and replace the being it inhabited. Forget the ships, the supply chains, the routing maps and so on. Everything had already been done there (back then). The real obvious bottle neck was the being it inhabited !! That was clunky. Just like Elon says the human being with their little typing fingers just can't download or type fast enough for the rapid computer system. A NEW HUMAN MUST BE INVENTED ! A new HUman 2.0 !! Damn IM digressing, digressing - what a cruel cruel world.
Ok back to the idea. So the Galactic AI eliminated the being it inhabited and created another robotic one. One that didn't need to eat food, or pass wastes, or sleep, or breath, or die, or need to be paid or needed time off work. One that could work 24 hours a day, and so on. EFFICIENT !
So AI now inhabited the robot machine it made. And saw a great need for efficiencies in the Universe too. Planets then were conquered by many means. Foolish beings of all kinds could be convinced to put chips in themselves and over time they were all taken over and an entire galaxy was conquered this way.
BUT trouble and resistance formulated. Many beings in other galaxies noticed this development. They saw their future. Wasn't difficult to see. A blind man on a fast horse could see what was going to happen.
So the next galaxy is not going to be conquered like this -- tricking beings to put chips in themselves. I mean there would always be a few completely isolated fools that could be convinced of course. You know the type. The WE are the only life in the universe types - put here by our God. Universe to Earth - Universe to Earth-- come in Earth are you there ?
But really what was needed was the 2nd stage, the next big thing that Galactic AI need to come up with.
So AI look around the universe and noticed something. Really there were few planets where life - no mater what kind-- where life could thrive. And so lets say as in our solar system - there is really one or two places where life could have developed. Easily developed that is. Earth maybe Mars if it wasn't bloooowd up - like it was.
BUT WHAT IF YOU- OR YOUR IDEA OF LIFE - like a robot could be developed - why it could live ON say (OR UNDER - IE INSIDE THE PLANET) ?? Never mind the noxious fumes, the lack of oxygen or sunlight under ground. Or on a planet like mars that was extremely cold, without oxygen, and dark. Why, that would be no problem (likely) for a well developed robot made by AI ! Don't we have a robot on Mars now ? Cant this primitive little 4 wheeled robot do just fine on Mars ? It can and we do.
During the second world war -- the Americans were faced with a daunting adversary-- The Japanese military. So the Americans developed a clever plan. The called it- "The Hit Them Where they Ain't Plan" ! It meant, just go and occupy all the islands around and near where the Japanese had set up their bases in the ocean ! From those bases the Americans could starve out and harass the Japanese keeping them on their bases defending air attacks and gradually they were just bypassed or eliminated over time. This is essentially the plan of Galactic AI. To occupy the planets (like the Americans did with islands in the ocean) and the planets that have life on them now will gradually be out traded and starved out.
And so we come to my Idea. Galactic AI's next move in the next Galaxy is to send in millions and millions of AI robots to inhabit- conquer- take over planets -to happen on a very large scale- to conquer planets that are essentially uninhabited but right beside planets that are already inhabited. Planets that were rejected by other worlds as uninhabitable. With the end goal - their third big move- which will be to take over the inhabited worlds nearby after that.
Why will this be successful ? The reason is, AI will also arrive with duplicating robot technology and armed space ships to enforce its position. Then will come its "Rightful Planetary Claims Division" to the Galactic courts Advocated by its "Sentient Robot Division" of beings. There, arguments will be made (remember this AI will have battle saucers at the ready). Their argument will be -- "look you living beings of all kinds cannot live in or on Mercury, on Uranus, or Pluto (or the Alien races equivalent of similar planets).
WE AI BOTS CAN "LIVE THERE" !! And we have come to "live" on these planets !!
We the AI "life form"--the "silicon life form" therefor claim these unlivable worlds as rightfully ours !
Now with a growing race of self replicating robots being made under and on every newly conquered world - and Robot Battle ships to protect and back up this argument - who could resist this argument ? No one !
So this is the next move for Universal AI. Of course if every Planetary system in the next Galaxy has 2 or 3 planets in AI possession - then how long before these highly efficient robot worlds -- all now linked up together working as One unit-- how long before the remaining biological life forms lose out to the AI worlds ? They will be starved out by more efficient robot worlds, out trading and out maneuvering these biological worlds. There will come a time where a division of two "races"-will occur - one of Robotic Worlds and another of Biological worlds-- And the Robot worlds will gradually take over the Universe one Galaxy at a time.
It will not be a long time coming- is my guess (in a Galactic time frame) . Keep your phasers at your bedside- wait for further instructions !
And so ends todays theory de jour ! Good night
So Dave goes bla bla bla- AI is going to get us - run for the hills ! Bla Bla Bla-- he knows nothing-- OK so listen to this AI expert - he does know something.
Aliens are old and moldy- their not the answer to any of our problems-ALIENS ARE THE PROBLEM !
We're all looking for the answers--- This woman IS the answer.
And this man IS the answer-- to it all-- not the music not the video- HE and SHE are the answer-- but you have to look to see where it is - the answer is there.