Just finished watching the remote viewing of Ra. Fascinating! I ‘ve followed the Edgar Cayce readings for about 20 plus years and am a certified hypnotherapist . Cayce refers to the Law of One. When I heard Ra coming through the Law of One, it just didn’t sit well with me. Now, after hearing Dr. Brown’s theory as Ra coming through in the Law of One it makes me question... who exactly was speaking through Cayce? An Edgar Cayce target would be an amazing target IMO. Thoughts?
I would say do not dismiss Edgar Cayce, All manner of lower 4d beings pretend to be who they are not. The real RA is actually an energy. If you understand our cosmology then RA is the male aspect of the energy which operates through the Sun and RA-IT is the female half. There was always both a Male and Female aspect to the Deities. RA and RAIT are the force animating all the stars of the cosmos. So for example if you had a black sheet of paper with holes in it then lit a light bulb behind it so it looks like a star field, then RA & RAIT in this scenario would be the light bulb. The energy behind or operating through all the “stars”. Like the waves on which they spread Energy (personified as NU and NUT) they are living thinking beings who can be invoked or channeled through rituals they recognize.
Everything in this Universe is alive. The Black ocean on which they float is KA/KIET also a living being. KA is the Male aspect of the Black substance of space and KEIT is the female. KEIT is remembered by the Hindus as Goddess KALI. A living thinking reasoning energy as are most of these Deities. So regardless of what stories, legends are attached to these Egyptian Gods, if you actually understand the cosmology then you will know that they are Energies and not Aliens. These psychopathic Aliens seemed to love naming themselves after deities. That's not to say that the Biblical gods like Jehovah weren't Annunaki because they were. I think someone claimed that Nimmah the Annunaki Female was Kali and all other female Goddesses. She is not. These are just people like us but with longer lifespans. The worship of these Energies came before the stories. The Hindus have different names and different stories for most of these Deities but they are the same energies. Every civilisation who has worshipped the Sun has known the RA/RAIT energy. I would say do not just dismiss Edgar Cayce because of this video.
Mike wrote:
> If you understand our cosmology then RA is the male aspect of the energy which operates through the Sun and RA-IT is the female half.
I've never heard that.
> The Black ocean on which they float is KA/KIET also a living being. KA is the Male aspect of the Black substance of space
I've never heard that. According to the Egyptian writings Ka are simply the Soul Energy of a person. So once a person dies, their Ka lives on. Ka is neither male or female.
> I would say do not just dismiss Edgar Cayce because of this video.
It's not about dismissing, it's more about understanding what Edgar Cayce may have been saying and why. He might have been pushing information about more negative timelines than we are set to encounter.
I've never heard that.
> The Black ocean on which they float is KA/KIET also a living being. KA is the Male aspect of the Black substance of space
I've never heard that. According to the Egyptian writings Ka are simply the Soul Energy of a person. So once a person dies, their Ka lives on. Ka is neither male or female...............
If you've never heard it its because you don't know anything abot Kemet, about the Mdu Ntr, don't understand our cosmology or how the language worked/works. It does not mean simply Soul. Ka can have many meanings. Ka can also mean to speak, it can mean to drive (a chariot for example). It can also mean to push . Just like modern day West African languages all of which came from Kemet there were different dialects and words had multiple meaning. You're wrong KA is 100% Male or Female. If it's Male it's Ka the" ET or IET " on the end denotes the female. KA is Male. KAIT is Female. The Gauls French copied this and have "Ette" to denote the female. Afrua-KA (Africa) for example means the Male KA (Spirit) of the land called Afrua. Afrua-Kait is the Female counterpart. I don't need the Encyclopedia Brittanica to tell me about Kemet. I know far more about the language, cosmology and culture than they do.
"It's not about dismissing, it's more about understanding what Edgar Cayce may have been saying and why. He might have been pushing information about more negative timelines than we are set to encounter."
Please, please stop being so patronising and condescending. The OP can speak for themselves and will know exactly what I meant just like other forum members will. Even if you don't.
Mike D wrote:
>If you've never heard it its because you don't know anything abot Kemet, about the Mdu Ntr, don't understand our cosmology or how the language worked/works.
Well there is another option which is that some Europeans might trace their DNA back to Egypt and therefore may have their own comments.
As for the "Law of One", you do know that in ancient Egypt it was actually the "Law of Two"?
The way that it really was is that Ra worked in upper-Egypt and his brother Set worked in Ophir and provided Gold which was used as Financial Support to keep Ra in power. Ancient Egypt was overflowing with gold as you would know. It was the gold that really powered the Egyptian empire.
Read about Set --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(deity)
Once Moses took the 'Eye of Ra' and the details on how to get the gold from Ophir that was it and not only did public confidence in Ra fail, but also the finances of Egypt did too and that led to the failure of the Egyptian Empire of Ra..
> Please, please stop being so patronising and condescending.
That's not it. I'm learning ancient Egyptian as best I can and I really do need to look up words to check their meanings.
It is commented that Ra and Hathor tried to destroy the DNA of all what we would call "European people". That is my viewpoint and supported by historical and Remote-Viewing evidence.
Anyway, thank you for the clarification on the Ancient Egyptian words and meaning. I am learning them for the first time through studies and literally came across the work 'Ka' just a few days before your post so I genuinely welcome your clarifications to my understanding in the practical use of the words.
Well there is another option which is that some Europeans might trace their DNA back to Egypt and therefore may have their own comments.
Kemet was an African civilisation for over 11,000 years. Thats why they spoke Twi, Wolof, Igbo etc. The ruling class were Akan and thats why they have Akan names. For example Tutu Ancoma is the correct name for Tutankhamun. That is an Ashanti name. Nfefe Tiitiiti (Nefetiti) is also an Akan name. Nfefe or efe still means beautiful in the Akan language of Twi. Tiitiiti is still a surname used in Akanna (Ghana). Her husband's correct name was Akenten not Akhunateren. Akenten still means first born son of a king in Akan culture. AKAN kan/ kine is an Egyptian word which means the first as in the first people on Earth. Igbo means the same thing and there are plenty of Igbo words in the Mdu Ntr. Tutu Mosi (Thutmose), Akuffu (Khuffu), Kuffey/Koffey (Khafre), Amanoh (Amen-hotep), are all Ashanti namess and the walls of the temples are covered in TWI................
1) Stick/Pole [Kemet: Nba ] [Twi: Aba]
2) Take, Remove and Fetch [Kemet: Nfa/Fa ] [Twi: Fa]
3) Water, Stream, Lake [Kemet: Nxr/Nsr] [Twi: Nsr ]
4) Stupid, foolish, Idiot [Kemet:(N)k sw aa ] [Twi: (N)kwasia]
5) Walk, Stride, [Kemet: Nmt] [Twi: Nanti/Ninum ]
6) That, Those,These [Kemet: Nfa] [Twi: Nfo]
7) Lazy, slack, waster [Kemet: Nni ] [Twi: (O)Niha]
The Akan cosmoogy is still the same as it was in Egypt, the same Deities are worshiped and the same rituals are performed. The ruling class left and formed the Akana (Ghana) Empire, the Mali Empire then moved south into moder nday Ivory coast and Ghana. The Oyoko who formed the Ashanti Empire were the cult of Horace and the Sky Gods. Nu Nut Keit Ka etc. If they are European why are they speaking Twi/igbo/wolof and why do they have Akan (Ashanti) names. All these dna stories have been debunked. Plus these mummies have been wrapped and unwrapped for nearly 100 years without gloves in hot humid climates with people sweating all over them, of course there will be cross contamination. I have yet to see the movie or what the viewers saw. However as I said these Aliens like to name themselves after Energies. RA is an energy, a Male Energy which animates and regulates the stars in the cosmos. Just Like The Mother Planet has an Energy (Deity) the Greeks called Gaia. Mother is a living thinking being. The energies of RA and RAIT, KA and KIET are also Deities living thinking primordial Energies. Not 3d Aliens.
As for the "Law of One", you do know that in ancient Egypt it was actually the "Law of Two"?
I never mentioned anything about the law of one.
"The way that it really was is that Ra worked in upper-Egypt and his brother Set worked in Ophir and provided Gold which was used as Financial Support to keep Ra in power. Ancient Egypt was overflowing with gold as you would know. It was the gold that really powered the Egyptian empire."
Yes I know the story of Set. Thats' why the satanists who control this Planet, silly celebrities and others pose with their handover one eye to mock the forces of good who they think natural law does not apply to them. The Ashanti are still covered in Gold. This is the current King of Asante Otumfour Osei Tutu. TUTU is still a surname among the Akan just as it was in Egypt when Tutu Ancoma lived. SETH is actually a Deity. An energy that regulate part of the Cosmos.
"Anyway, thank you for the clarification on the Ancient Egyptian words and meaning. I am learning them for the first time through studies and literally came across the work 'Ka' just a few days before your post so I genuinely welcome your clarifications to my understanding in the practical use of the words."
Yes, the trouble is the words often have multiple meanings.
Mike D wrote:
> The Ashanti are still covered in Gold. This is the current King of Asante Otumfour Osei Tutu. TUTU is still a surname among the Akan just as it was in Egypt when Tutu Ancoma lived.
At the time of the Remote-Viewing of ancient Egypt as done by Farsight, as I understand it, Egypt was called Kemet which meant the 'Black Land'.
I don't have a list of internet sources but it's said that the current population don't have much to do genetically with the ancient Egyptians, especially when DNA comparisons are done. The ancient Egyptians were mostly Black or lighter shades.
The Israelite prisoners were white skinned consistent with modern Europeans. The Pharoahs were red haired consistant with some of the red haired people found in Ireland.
I'm just talking about surface skin pigment and hair colours mixed in with the history of what we seem to know.
> Thats' why the satanists who control this Planet, silly celebrities and others pose with their handover one eye to mock the forces of good who they think natural law does not apply to them.
You go on and on complaining about the satanists, and then it would seem that you missed all the Farsight Remote-Viewing showing that Ra and Hathor were ideal candidates for those very same positions. Can you please research the Egyptian literature a little bit better on the misadventures of Ra to see what everyone is talking about?
Then you push them as being some sort of light forward. Your story is inconsistent.
Ra was the original Satam or Satanist that you are complaining about and praising all at the same time.
Please watch the Remote-Viewing again, it's one of the key Farsight conclusions as far as I can see. Give David Icke my phone # and tell him to call me if I have it or him wrong.
Oh dear *Sigh*....lets go,
You said....
“At the time of the Remote-Viewing of ancient Egypt as done by Farsight, as I understand it, Egypt was called Kemet which meant the Black Land”
It meant land of the Black people. If you look at how it's written in the Mdu Ntr you will see people and a piece of Charcol. Meaning that it is talking about the people. It means the land the “Charcol” coloured people. It does not mean the land, it means the people. Go back and look how Herodotus described the people that lived there. Please look at what the Greeks described. The Greeks loved the culture and adopted it. They dressed like the Kemetians, and mimicked their culture.They loved it. Alexander the Great was mesmerised by it. Do you know he came to pay tribute to Kemet, won the backing of the Gods (Primordial Energies) before he went on to create his incredible Empire. He was actually blessed by the spiritual Gaurdians and the Ancestors of Egypt. The same higher dimensional Gaurdians who turned their backs on the Kemet when the corrupt priest class disrespected our religion and dug up the Ancestors /Kings to steal the gold they were buried with. That is the principle reason Kemet fell, disrespect of the Ancestors. Ancestor worship is well understood to this day in Africa and in the diaspora and in that of many cultures globally. They can do a whole lot from the 5th dimension as we call it. We are just the chess pieces in their game. Do you know the name of the African who taught Pythagoras “his” theory. Do you know the names of any of the African proffesors of that time period? Do you know he and other Greeks moved their schools to Egypt to be closer to those with the knowledge of Maths, Astology and the star systems? Do you know that the maps, books and documents stolen from the library of Alexandria are in the Vatican vaults long with that which the Romans (First world order) wo came next stole from South America?
You said.....
”don't have a list of internet sources but it's said that the current population don't have much to do genetically with the ancient Egyptians, especially when DNA comparisons are done. The ancient Egyptians were mostly Black or lighter shades.
The modern Egyptians are the ones Nfefe Tiitiiti called the sand dwellers. They invaded around 300 BC. That the original Kemetians have Ashanti names, spoke words still in use today by the Ashanti, the Igo, the Wolof, the Somalians and the sudanese should give you a clue to who they were.
You Said....
The Israelite prisoners were white skinned consistent with modern Europeans. The Pharoahs were red haired consistant with some of the red haired people found in Ireland.
So then why do they have Akan names? Please see a book called the Africans who wrote the Bible by Nana Banchie Dankwah. We know who they were and they were not the Eastern Europeans who coverted to Judaism in the 8th century and now claim they are Israelites. They are not.They are Khazars and Turks. The peole mentioned in the Bible were African and thats why they have African names as do the Pharoes.
You said...
You go on and on complaining about the satanists, and then it would seem that you missed all the Farsight Remote-Viewing showing that Ra and Hathor were ideal candidates for those very same positions. Can you please research the Egyptian literature a little bit better on the misadventures of Ra to see what everyone is talking about?
“You go on and on complaining about the satanists,” I go on and on complaning about Moloch worshipping satanists who have allied themselves with the evil lower 4d serpents who have kept this planet in darkness for thousands of years, traitors who have sold out our race for personal gain....Well how uncooperative of me! I should keep quiet about them should I?! Yes “complaining about the satanists” is the one thing you don't want me do to do isn't it. Just like “No to baby eating cyborgs" Patrica. You dont want people around who know about the Archons, how they operate and how to strike back at them do you. I don't want to be rude but rightly or wrongly I did refer to you as a Shill in a previous comment. I think the fact that you tried to claim that the star on the Isreal flag wasn't a Satanic symbol and just harmless Rune finally gave you away imo.
You said...
you missed all the Farsight Remote-Viewing showing that Ra and Hathor were ideal candidates for those very same positions. Can you please research the Egyptian literature a little bit better on the misadventures of Ra to see what everyone is talking about?
And you missed (Ignored) what I said in my comment above. And that is whatever these Aliens called themselves, these are Primordial Energies. That I know what the original designations of these names is the reason I can tell you what KA and KEIT are for example. What RA an RA-IT are. They are Energies. Lets take Nimmah for example, supposedly the Annunaki female who birthed a human upgrade. Now some People claim that she is many Goddesses including KALI. Well no she is not. She is an Alien. KALI is an energy, not a 3d being. I think it was Sacha Lessing who said these evil ET's loved naming themselves after gods or energies. Many of these so called old testament Gods like Jehova are Annuna.
You said....
“can you please research the Egyptian literature a little bit better on the misadventures of Ra to see what everyone is talking about?”
Another patronising comment. I will teach you about my culture, not the other way around. Let me repeat, RA is a primordial energy not a 3d being as I have explained above. You might not like it but it's a fact. The very ancient Egyptians would have known what they were. Those who came later assigned their names to Aliens who portrayed similar destructive/healing qualities of their Gods. RA and RA-ET are the energy that animates the stars. If you atually knew anything about Kemetian Cosmology you would know that.Just like you would know what the word KA means. You don't. KA (KRA) and BA (Bara), the higher self and the spirit are still in use in Akan culture today. There is actualy an African tribe called the BA-KA. We all know what these words mean. The Akan, Yoruba, Fon etc can all tell you what these energies are and what their function is.
“Then you push them as being some sort of light forward. Your story is inconsistent.”
What comes out of stars? Darkness? Water? Seriously, Just what are you talking about mate? Inconsistent? Where is the Inconsistency? Explain. Nothing I have said is inconsistent. You love to project your own misunderstanding onto others. What you really mean is that It's inconsistent to what you have chosen to believe. And thats because you don't know anything about the Abossom (Another Egyptian word still used by the Akan) and their functions in creation. The Creator and the Creatress have "children' who animate the Universe and they have names. The Yoruba call them the Orishas, the Fon call them the Vodu.
In claiming they are aliens people are trying to STOP humans from recognising what they actually are. The European Scandinavian, Irish/Celtic tribes all know these energies as do the Witchers (Wiccans). These energies of God/Goddess are worshipped and can manifest in 3d. The old world order created Christianity to cut people off from these energies by demonizing them. The new world order is trying to do the same. Through new age BS as Mark Passio calls it or by claiming that these Energies are nothing more than Aliens because they have the same or similar names. These stories are metaphores. Way to understand the Energies. I know what the game is Mate. And people who have read my comments will know or are beginning to know as well. Once you understand what these Energies actually are you can use them to fight back against the Satanic filth that run this Planet! The one thing they don't want. They want this knowledge to remain occulted. One year of spiritual practice in your European Pagan religions or their equivelents and you will have enough knowledge to not only protect yourself and your kids but also to hit back (within the Law).
The Psalms for example are a lethel weapon against satanic filth. The Bible though plagiarised is a spell book. People (Non Compromised humans) should research the Psalms on youtube and find those which white warlocks use in their spells. Say them with fury, it doesn't matter what religion you are, words "HEKA" are powerfull if said with passion. It's concentrated energy in a thought responsive reality. They can be lethal to overconfident dark occultists, Gangstalkers etc who think they are untouchable. Trust me the're not. You ARE allowed to defend yourself in this reality. Thats why they want to convince people into beliving they are not with left brained Abrahamic religion or right brained New age BS.
You said...
“Ra was the original Satam or Satanist that you are complaining about and praising all at the same time.”
NO!..... RA is the Male aspect of the energy that animates the stars. RA-Eit/ET is the female equivelent. RA and RA ET are over 13 Bilion years old.
You said...
'Give David Icke my phone # and tell him to call me if I have it or him wrong.”
You really, really are typically arrogant aren't you. Icke mostly learned from the Zulu, the Akan and the Dogon. He is controlled opposition in that he never gives solutions or tells you how to defend yourself and fight back. People like me do. And even if in your own head you think you're that important, I don't think he will. And neither do I. Sorry to be so blunt but you deserve it in my opinion. And I'm sorry to Addy. This post was supposed to be about Cayce, but I felt I had to respond to the spoiler. .
Mike D wrote:
> Do you know that the maps, books and documents stolen from the library of Alexandria are in the Vatican vaults long with that which the Romans (First world order) wo came next stole from South America?
Sure. I actually do Egyptian map investigations. That means that I can read ancient Egyptian maps better than most. Actually a lot of them are available online now - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptolemy%27s_world_map
> It meant land of the Black people.
I know, I confirmed that already.
> Please see a book called the Africans who wrote the Bible by Nana Banchie Dankwah.
Well Egypt and Israel are in Africa and always have been. Just look on the map. They were all Africans, and it was mostly all about Africa.
> NO!..... RA is the Male aspect of the energy that animates the stars. RA-Eit/ET is the female equivelent.
That's according to the Teachings of Ra but not everyone agrees with Ra anymore. Even his own family. You are preaching a particular defined Religion with the pattern "My God [insert name here], created the stars and makes them move."
> You really, really are typically arrogant aren't you. Icke mostly learned from the Zulu, the Akan and the Dogon. He is controlled opposition in that he never gives solutions or tells you how to defend yourself and fight back.
David Icke is a great Entertainer. He tells his stories nicely and communicates his point.
> Seriously, Just what are you talking about mate? Inconsistent? Where is the Inconsistency? Explain.
I have. Ra was the Satam, or Ruler of Egypt. It's where the Atlantian Druids that operated the Catholic Church got their archetype for 'Satan' from. It's a misunderstanding of a scriptural mistranslation. 'Male Energy' typically means 'destructive' so ponder that about Ra and what they are trying to tell you.
Read more about Ra here --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra
For the final time I am an African and I am not asking you or anyone on serpent infiltrated and controlled Wikipedia, nor satanic controlled so called Academia about Africa. We tell you what our culture is in our own continent. The trouble with people like you is that you think we haven't preserved our history. We have and we know far more than you can even imagine. Credo Mutwas hasn't even given half the story.
“Sure. I actually do Egyptian map investigations. That means that I can read ancient Egyptian maps better than most. Actually a lot of them are available online now “
It doesn't take anything to read a map. It takes knowledge to read The Mdu Ntr and understand the multiple different meanings of the words. How they are properly pronounced and what contexts they are used in. And if you seriously think all the ancient maps, books and magic scrolls the Satanic Vatican looted from Africa and from South America are on public display then you have to be kidding me. You won't even get close to the real stuff. Its what they have used to suppress the global populous for several thousand years, cpnnecting it to ley lines. Thats why the so called elite are obsessed with Egypt. They have used this occulted knowledge against the Human race, teeming up with negative service to self ET's and Archontic tricksters who are infact another aspect of the Mother Planet. The Jinn are the three wishes Genies of legend. "We will give you what you want but you will pay a price".
“ That's according to the Teachings of Ra but not everyone agrees with Ra anymore. Even his own family. You are preaching a particular defined Religion with the pattern "My God [insert name here], created the stars and makes them move."
Again You are talking absolute rubbish and are proving you have absolutely no idea. The Energy RA does not make any rules as neither he or his female counterpart made the rules! RA and RAIT "Serve" the supreme being. They serve Amen and Amenet. THEY are God and Goddess. NOT Ra and Raiet. The creator and the creatress RA and RAIET are Energies created by the Supreme being/s. There Supreme being and the creator and creatress are not the same Deity. So you are the one thats need to research. These "Gods" are Personifications of the gigantic primordial energies which make up this universe. They are living thinking beings,10th Dimensional Energies on a scale beyond our comprehension. They are not aliens flying around in Space crafts because somone has assinged their names to 3d aliens flying around in space ships. Humans are nothing but neurons on the body of the Mother Planet. These Gods are the "Organs" whom we serve.
They are names of the different forces in nature that have functions in creation of the Universe. Amen and Amenett means hidden, stable, permanent. Amen is the Male aspect and Amenet is the Female Aspect. Amen and Amenet imbued the creator and the creatress (RA & Ra-eit) with energy and instructions. The Universe is like a Russian Doll. These Ntoro (Deities) are the Organs in the great body of Amen and Amenet. Our bodies are a microcosm of that macrocosm. The “children” of the organs within our bodies are the called, brain cells , liver, cells, bone marrow cells etc.
Heru for example is not a bird man with a Sundisk, Heru regulates the energy of the Sun and all stars throughout the Cosmos so that all things in creation can receive their fare share of the Energy RA and Ra-et are sending out. He also regulates among other things the immune system (Divine Justice) and as such can be invoked to kill “infection”. (Negative beings). Obeah, Voodoo, Juju etc are the Egyptian priesthood still in existence today and we still use and invoke these same energies. If say a Yoruba Juju Priest wants to go after a dark occultists who's harming people in the village he will invoke through ritual the Energy of Heru now called Ogun, the same energy. An Akan Abeyifor (Obeah Priest) will invoke Bena. The same energy. An Igbo Priest will invoke Ikenga, The same energy. That is Heru the energy. He is not an Alien. African White warlocks use this energy to eliminate Dark Occultists (Satanists) as well as the Energy of Ka-et (KALI). We call her Nyame wa. If we want to track somone down for example we will use the energy that controls the great web. Ananse is not a spider in kids stories he is the spiders web that links the multiverse. He is a Deity. The Yoruba call him Ochosi, and he is also known as Legba or Papa legba to the fon. Ogun and Ochosi both manifest as muscle bound bodybuilders. Kaet/Kali/Onyame wa Manifests as a naked Blue or Black woman covered in Stars, as two disembodied Blue eyes or as the Hindu Archetype Accompanied by a small animal.
" I have. Ra was the Satam, or Ruler of Egypt. It's where the Atlantian Druids that operated the Catholic Church got their archetype for 'Satan' from. It's a misunderstanding of a scriptural mistranslation. 'Male Energy' typically means 'destructive' so ponder that about Ra and what they are trying to tell you."
No you havent, you have regurgitated what you have read on wikipedia written by people who don't have a clue or are covering up the Real information. Wikipedia is controlled. As the co founder who quit said. "Trolls infiltrated and took over the whole organisation".
Male energy typically means destructive...... lol.
Who the hell told you that? Where did you get that from? You didn't get that from any African text. There has ALWAYS been a male and a female aspect to creation. The Universe is gendered. You should know that since you claim to know the writings of Atlantis. What's one of the first things it says in the Emerald tablets? What doesThoth say? Everythng from the microscopic particle scale up to the macroscopic scale of Deities is gendered.
Here we go again with this serpent created Abrahamic Roman BS. I really don'tcare about what the satanic catholic chuch created 10000 years later claimed Ra was and the word satan you keep repeating is totally irrelevent to ancient African cosmology. The Catholic church Is just a front for the serpents. That's why there are so many pedos hiding among their ranks. They do their sunday mass then they go downstairs and perform their Satanic rituals. Raping and sacrificing kids to feed their lower 4d serpent energy. And Lucifer is actually a Female Energy and an aspect or the Mother Planet.
So again regardless of what you have read on wikipedia, RA is a Promordial Energy. The Male Aspect of the Energy that "lights" the stars in the Universe. Stars who's energy is regulated by an energy called Heru. Ausar is an energy that regulates the RA/Ra-et energy in the Orion star system. Its also the equivelent of the pituatry gland in that It regulates and unifies the functions of many aspects of the Universe. Just like gravity holds everything together. Sekmet is not a lioness, an alien or a cat. She is actually a violent and powerful Energy which operates towards the fiery core of the Planet. She is also part of the immune system and can heal. SETH is the equivelent of the nervous system and operates through the testes and the ovaries in humans and animals. The whole universe is alive and we understand what all aspects of it are and how it operates. So called Egyptologists are either clueless or shills covering up information like Haw-arse. We still invoke these Forces of nature who operate through stars and thoughout the cosmos. High Vibrational beings have many functions. The Archangel Michael for example as well as being part of the Immune system (Divine Justice) also operates through the Planet Mercury. Gabriel operates through the Moon. Raphael also operates through Mercury. This is the same principle. Are you going to tell me they are aliens as well? The energy that animates thunder Oya/Ya is known as Thor to the Scandinavians. Do you think their druids believe he's a Marvel character. Lokki sounds similar to Legba, a trickster who controls the gateways. Do you think the Archangel Micheal is really a big man with a sword and not an Firey Energy that can be in billions of places at the same time. None of the Egyptian "Gods" are Aliens and no one in wikipedia can teach me about anything when it comes to African spirituality. And neither can you. Again I'm Being blunt but my bluntness is only commensurate to your level of arrogance and the disinformation you are putting forward to forum members. Of course you don't want the public to know about the violent divine justice forces people use against satanists. And it's a well known fact that the Archons/ Demiurge as people like John Lamb Lash point out can create holographic scenarios that don't exist. They are very good at it. That is what the Automata do. Now that the ley lines are crumbling they are going to try and rely on the 44000 satellites being put up by evil frontman Musk, pumping down 5g onto the planet and linking people neurally via the nanobots in the fake Vaccine. They can then cause the whole planet to mass haluccinate the fake alien invasion which has been planned for many years. I belive the viewers are reporting acurately what they have seen, but we know full well that fictional situations can also be viewed. What were the number sequences actually pointing to is the question. They would have seen before hand from the timelines in 4d what the target was. So ponder that.
ok Mike, we can't come to agreement.
You need to find new discussion/argument partners. I'm out.
Africa isn't the only continent to have known Ra.
He's been in the Middle-East, Europe, Australia, as well as other places.
Historically, he has signed his name with the Sun Cross because his name is usually "Sun King". Ra is just Raj or King in ancient Tamil.
that then transforms into, Vikings, who weren't known to be slow to swing a sword:
Then, another version of the Sun-Cross is the Swastica shown here:
Quite a lot of Holocausts and Genocides of Ra have happened and were not very nice. Ra doesn't really like Humanity all that much from what I can see.
He likes signing his name everywhere he can, and Humans just keep falling for it every time.