It seems like Farsight is unwilling to address conspiracy theories, except those the director subscribes to himself, such as the extraterrestrial agenda and the ufo cover up and a few others.
Why is this a problem? Because it shouldn't be a matter of personal belief or opinion, but a matter of taking a look with RV.
If there is no truth to a theory, then the RV session would prove this, wouldn't it? This sort of negativ test is just as valid an application of RV as anything else, and will help us all to narrow down what's true and what's not.
In the January 2021 intelligence briefing Courtney Brown responds to a suggestion to target the hollow earth theory, by saying "No, the earth is not hollow" and explains the mainstream science of it. This is his personal belief, instead of unbiased RV.
Another mentions hydroxychloroquine as a disputed cure for covid-19, and Courney ignores it.
While I dont subscribe to the hollow earth theory myself, and projects such as Atlantis does indicate that it's not hollow, there could still be SOME truth to it, ie. there could be advanced civilizations living underground, like Dick Allgire actually describes in the Atlantis Mystery.
In the same way, i could mention a lot of theories, that would either be dismissed, confirmed or partly confirmed by targeting them with RV. I believe this would be quite relevant to a majority of subscribers here, and would carve out the truth, the same way any other targets do.
Here is an incomplete list of conspiracy target suggestions:
The more outrageous, the better. Lets hone in on the truth by weeding out the lies!