Farsight is all about freedom. Remote viewing is our path to freedom. Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. Free from the censors, here we publish videos that are as revealing as they are entertaining, wise, and thought provoking. We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. We show you what reality actually is, and how each of us can change it.
Regarding the January video. I believe the "attacks" as you put them were probably because Farsight appeared and still appears to be pushing the globalist Serpent "fear" narrative regarding the Convid-1984 Scam-demic Using emotive triggering words like; "Exploding worldwide pandemic with the new variants popping up" ... when it has a 99.7% or so survival rate is something straight out of the N.W.O lets scare them Handbook. It is absolutely not an "exploding" virus and the death rate does not in any way constitute a pandemic. And there is absolutely no need for a vaccine whatsoever. These are the same emotive terms /Key words being used by the globalist media to basically terrify people. If Farsight are using these terms then it's cause for concern for me at least. Farsight should have worked out that this is a complete and utter sham straight from day one. It was a panick reaction to Brexit and the French protests. As I keep saying the Transhumanist agenda is well know. So is the 5G Death grid which they will use to track and kill imbecilles stupid enough to get vaccinated with the Globalist Nano gel, Formaldrhyde, Aluminium and their digital tattoo.
The mask is absolutely of no use whatsoever. It cannot stop a microscopic virus. Its is bad for your health and that is one of the reasons they want people to wear them . They want to break peoples spirits. The Variants were also planned .Even Icke warned about it ages ago. Evil eugenicist Gates who like Musk is just a frontman will do what he did with windows. Just when you thought you had everything you needed with windows XP then came a necessary upgrade, then another one, then another one. They want the global population to get used to being vaccinated in the same way.This should be pretty basic stuff. I think also the fact that people have been calling out this scam on the forum for several weeks, and you suddenly make a video in which you appear to tow the (Globalist) party line also makes people scratch their heads. I'm sorry to say but that is what controlled opposition does.
@ Jeremy Hunter....So go ahead and debunk what I said then. Tell forum members what your opinion was. Outline what you think were the reasons for these attacks as he put it. If you think this virus is real or that Gates and Musk are not just frontmen, or that this hasn't been planned for years and is not part of the Transhumanist agenda then say so. This is a discussion forum. What you have just done is what n.w.o forum infiltrators are trained to do.
I agree with everything you’ve said except I have a bit of trouble with Elon being a front man. I’ve seen many videos with him and his 5+ hrs on joe rogan and he seems like a genuine guy. I don’t like his excess satellites shooting who knows what kind of frequency down onto the earth but other than that seems like a good guy. Was there anything specific about Elon?
Those aren't Musks satellites! Hes a created Character just like BIll Gates. Those satelites are what will be the 5G control grid I keep warning about. They will be able to track you from space. Touture you when you're lying on a beach somewhere. You have to look into the backgrounds of people like this and the likes of Zukerberg and even Trump. The parents and granparents are will tell you quite a bit. All of these people are puppets and frontmen. Trust none of them. These people are trained to lie from when they're children.
Mike D wrote:
> Those satelites are what will be the 5G control grid I keep warning about. They will be able to track you from space. Touture you when you're lying on a beach somewhere.
Actually, "they" have always been able to do that and we just didn't realise, it seems until now.
Farsight describes the "Prison Planet" eons that were even more oppressive. I don't think life in Atlantis was "better".
In a way, Remote-Viewing is a way of Tracking. So we like doing that sort of stuff too. We are engaging in it as well to monitor others :-)
David Icke exposes "The Watchers" by watching them back. Love him.
Well I must say the responses on this thread are pretty intersting. Yes certain families maintain knowlege of the previous civilisation and I was already aware that Atlantis was a fascist Police state with lots of genetic experimentation going, on but what has that got to do with the New world order being rolled out right now lol?
Atlantis was more oppressive ....so thats alright then! I mean are you seriously trying to compare what farsight do to the global network of Satelittes being sent up to track, control and kill people? Then again on another thread you told us the star on the Isreal flag was about balance I think you said...and not the satanic symbol of Saturn Haha!
I just want to add that I really like what Courtney has to say in the beginning. It’s great that people here have differences in political opinion, but bickering and name-calling won’t accomplish anything. Fighting on social media only lures you into the trap of fear, hate, and division which feeds the control system. And yet it is quite funny to me that people view Biden (or Trump) as some kind of savior, creating any sort of lasting change, while most people on this planet are – if I may be blunt – sleepwalking through this life, never asking what we are doing here in the first place, and not even bothering to connect with their souls.
Ego consciousness – from which most people seem to operate -- always tries to divide people into little categories, demonizes select groups, and attempts to convince you that you and your “group” are the ones that are superior in some fashion. Soul consciousness does not know these bounds, and only encourages unity.
I’ve long held the belief that true change will not come by any political or fiscal policy but by a radical shift in human consciousness. Indeed, reality manifests from the inside out, and if only we knew the world we could collectively create if we united in shared focus. Though in order to accomplish this, we must take accountability for the circumstances of our own reality, instead of constantly externalizing our power (to scapegoats and/or saviors) and projecting blame upon others. It truly is an incessant cycle, for we keep on covering up the symptoms instead of addressing the real root – that is, the quality of our own consciousness. That is all I have to say.
Excellent Mark, I feel the same.
I have stopped discussions about politics and other superficial subjects with family and friends after years of divisiveness and negativity. Have also carefully and patiently removed friends and others from my social media that persist in notifying others about the current outrageous situation and now enjoy forums about gardening, mushrooms, and other personal interests.
Each human individual is responsible for their own spiritual progress.
The quality of consciousness of those who stick up for murderous, criminal pedo, human sacrifing,satanists .....
Now you might like his description of this total Scamdemic as an "exploding virus" but some of us have a differing opinion. I note in a previous post you said “more power” to people who take the vaccination. So the fact that it is designed to make you more “metallic” with Aluminum and contains a tracking digital tattoo with which you can be easily tracked, have your mood altered, tortured and killed just like the Nwo are currently doing with V2k doen't matter to you. Well that says it all.
I wasn't talking about politics. All these people are controlled as I have said before on these forums. Its all a sham and a puppet show. Boris and Trump come from the same serpent Bloodline. They are all controlled.
NEW AGE ( Solipsism) consciuosness ...“demonizes select groups, and attempts to convince you that you and your “group” are the ones that are superior in some fashion”
Are you serious? Yeah that's right, the Khazarian Moloch worshiping dark occultists, their global satanic minions and their lower 4th Dimensional murderous reptilian overlords are pretty stand up fellows aren't they! I mean who are we to critisice them for killing millions of people in their orchestrated Wars over the past 4000 years. Trapping people in constant cycles of reincarnation. I mean why should we take them to task for satanic ritual abuse and sacrificing children in blood rituals. Nothing wrong with child trafficking and murder is there eh?
As within so without. We know but there is far more to this reality. that is a childish oversimplification of the morphegenic field and of this reality. This is a co creative reality. There are a multitude of other factors such as Karmic baggage, Past life lessons, and psychic interference which can come from many sources. Some of it is Astrological and your particular Soul contract is another factor. If you're paying back family karma for example nothing you do will ever go right, regardless of how good a person you are. Debts must be repaid and they will be repaid.
There is no good and no bad is New age BS as Mark Passio puts it. Telling people it's your fault because people are sacrificing children or it's all bring manifested by you and there is no other factor involved is the new (New Age) religion that controlled opposition so called spiritualists like Oprah and Abraham Hicks are trying to spread. Its designed to stop people speaking out against the attrocities that are taking place. That is not how real spiritulity works.
I would say any apologist of this murderous Pedo Global communist tyranny unfolding before our eye's is the one who's quality of consciousness needs to be checked. New age should be left in the bin with the secret. That is not how things works in this co creative reality. The "Quality of my consciousness" is not casusing children to be, tortured, raped, killed and sacrificed. Thats new age BS used by service to self satanists to get themselves off the hook.Thats why it was designed.To try an infer guilt on people who call them out . To try and make it look as if there's something wrong with you for exposing this criminal globalist Police state. We know how the gloalists operate.Or some of us do. It's the consciousness of the serpent appologists and their motivations which need to be scrutinised.They are the most dangerous.
The problem is that the more you engage in it, the more likely that you attract it to your reality.
Through the Farsight Remote Viewing, we are privileged in a sense to have more information on how the underground bases of the Reptilians operate, how and what they eat dinner, and therefore how best to avoid that whole experience.
There may be ways that we can get Military intervention in the ways that Courtney describes.
It wasn't really a big topic in the Feb 2021 News so I wouldn't worry about it so much for now.
I have plenty of Evidence.Some of us have been fighting the n.w.o for decades.
"yes the vaccine is perfectly safe and necessary" ...spoken like a true communist. No it is not.
No it is not. It is neither necessary, nor is it safe.That's why they have given immunity to the companies who are manufacturing it and you cannot create a vaccine in 9 months. It is impossible. You are reading this from a script...
"spread lies and misinformation is dangerous" ....
spoken like a true communist. Convid is a lie.
Convid 1984 is a lie and a scam practised in event 201. Its no more dangerous than the common flu. The death rates for Nations in 2019 are actually higher than 2020 in many cases. The hospitals were empty. It is a complete global scam and a lie. More people died in 1985 than 2020. And there is no proper test for this so called convid anyway. You are just trying to innoculate the public just like you did in communist Russia.We know what the plan is, we know about agenda 21/30 and the hunger games society. Its a scam.Convid 1984 is a lie and a scam.
If your pendlum told you it's alright then great. But you're trained to lie though arent you. And my Tarot can tell me quite a bit too.
I was not targeting anyone in particular when I made that comment, nor did I even read your post, so no need to get so defensive.
It amuses me, however, how you take a small snippet of a previous post I made completely out of context and twist it around in a straw-man argument. I was not defending vaccines. I was merely defending free will. I am completely against mandatory vaccination, nor would I ever take it myself. And for the record, I have spoken out against Satanic Ritual Abuse/Pedophilia on numerous occasions, and listened to many hours of testimony from victims. It's laughable that you would distort my argument to such extreme measures as to accuse me of defending such actions.
You must understand, however, that consciousness is the ultimate fabric of our reality. These symptoms we see -- the bad politicians, child abuse, reptilian manipulation etc -- ARE a direct consequence of a low quality of consciousness as a species. That is undeniable, and it is not solipsism, for we are operating as a co-creative collective. True empowerment is realizing that we can change the circumstances of our reality by elevating our awareness. A little secret, however, is that as we raise in consciousness we become more aware of BOTH the positive and the negative, though we also become more empowered to take positive action. Spreading fear, on the other hand, will only feed the system.
People like Mark Passio (whom I can tell you borrow much of your thinking from...) have a lot of wisdom -- I've previously listened to his full 7 hour lectures -- but I'd recommend not to get so caught up in cynicism and anger if you truly wish to change things. True change begins with every human being. Everything you are talking about -- Satanism, Pedophilia, reptilian manipulation -- couldn't even exist if our reality if we as a society operate at a high enough vibration. And that is not New Age BS. That is simply physics.
So please don't distort my simple observation about ego consciousness into something about me defending pedophilia. Just go on social media and you'll see what I'm talking about. For centuries we have been caught in a cycle of fighting between race, religion, political party, etc with no true change or grasp of spiritual awareness, and we continually fail to learn our lessons. What I am trying to encourage is to connect with your soul -- with consciousness itself, rather than one's tiny ego -- and that's where things may truly change.
We demonize other groups of human beings -- making them out to be the enemy -- while the real controllers are laughing at us from behind the scenes, perpetuating the game of fear and division. But transcending ego consciousness does not in any way mean that you suddenly endorse satanism & pedophilia in some twisted sense; in fact, quite the opposite. So I'd ask that you engage in civil dialogue without distorting my words in such a remarkable fashion.
If you didn't see my initial comment as you claim at the top of the page then fair enough.Lets take a look at your reply....
“You must understand, however, that consciousness is the ultimate fabric of our reality”
“People like Mark Passio (whom I can tell you borrow much of your thinking from..”
Thanks for the lessons in spirituality. The lesson is you should never assume you know who people are.I know just a tiny bit about the different realms next to this one. I personally have seen the lower Astral plains where these satanists end up fir example. I have seen them wandering around like zombies in the dark lower realms because their Ka (Higher self) abandoned them, as it does when they sign contracts with lower dimensional beings. I have seen them placed into golums in the lower astral. I have been present where spirits are being rescued and helped out. I was present when negative timelines were broken in 2016/2017. One of them had them shipping people away on trains. It won't happen. I have also seen several of the higher vibrational plains where everything including the 3D looking trees are moving and vibrating in stunning colors. Places where dark occultists can't get to because of their low vibration. Some of these realms looks like you are walking through jelly and is beautifully lit in vibrant colors. I have seen the purple stripes in the Sky in the higher realms accurately depicted in movies. So I think I know just a little bit about this reality and those dimensions which surround it. I communicate daily with my Ancestors in 5D. And I serve Michael, KALI and Beda (Ogun). So please do not assume that I don't know anything about spirituality. Or need to be given "New age" lessons in it. I'm old age not new age!
You said...
“A little secret, however, is that as we raise in consciousness we become more aware of BOTH the positive and the negative, though we also become more empowered to take positive action. Spreading fear, on the other hand, will only feed the system”
I think I know a little bit about raising ones vibration. How else do you think I can get into the higher Astral realms. No one with a low vibration, satanist or dark occultist can ever see these places. I think I know a little bit about meditation and yoga! Spreading Information and waking people up is NOT spreading fear at all. On the contrary it Empowers people. Keeping quiet about it is exactly what the other side want us to do. What do you call Positive action other than waking people up please tell me.
As for taking action I have been doing exactly that for now nearly 11 years and have been risking my life doing so. I have had multiple Black Magic death rituals performed against me in the past 7 or so years plus many astral attacks by people who with to silence me. I'm still here. Many of them are not. So please don't assume that we know nothing about spirituality because we do. In just about every comment I have made I share infromation. I havent see you do that. Many of us have been egaged in spritiual war against these criminals and theres a whole lot going on in other dimensions close to this one. The only other place I have heard these battles spoken about apart from a Priestess freind of mine is Farsight. I have seen some of these bombings and ET fights they desctibe on Farsite though I cant in all honsty tell where they were.
Please don't patronise me by telling me where you claim I borrow my Ideas from. You don'r know me and I do not borrow any ideas.Passio is also controlled opposition.
Here's a bigger secret. Despite the "say nothing negative" nonsense peddaled by the new age movment, There is such thing as Divine hate and there is a divine executioner. Humans are neurons on the body of the Mother Planet and She has an immune system which She's empowered to kill that which she regards as an infection. In March 2013 when we entered the Galactic Equator Her immune system began to wake up. As John Lamb lash says The Goddess has tremendous killing power which she assigns to those she has chosen to use it. I know full well who controls this Planet I know all about the Archons. I like many have had many lives here on the Earth plain. My own ancient bloodline has many who serve the Darkside. New age as Mark rightly says is BS. It is not true spirituality.
"I'd ask that you engage in civil dialogue"
Accusing others of doing what you did.That old one. And I would say the same thing to you who started the ball rolling in the first place by reffering to "The Quality of people's consciousness " Inference being that yours is of better quality, is insulting and demeaning. And also as patronising as your attempts to "educate" me on Spitituality and vibration. Heres a little secret. You get back what you put out!
Again you’re twisting my arguments and putting words in my mouth. I apologize if I seemed patronizing. That was not my intention. But:
1. I never assumed that you know little about spirituality, nor that you are somehow “less spiritual” than me.
2. I completely support spreading awareness about the negative acts on this planet, which I’ve also been doing for some time. My comment was in response to you taking a post simply about taking accountability and raising consciousness (which wasn’t directed towards you in the first place) and distorting it to such an extreme as to accuse me of supporting pedophilia.
3. I say that the root cause of the suffering in our reality is the quality of our own consciousness — that is, both personally and as a collective species. That includes me. In no way am I avoiding personal responsibility in this regard, nor externalizing blame onto others. Notice that I never said other “people’s” consciousness, nor ever infer that mine was of a better quality (this is the type of ego consciousness I’m trying to avoid).
4. Following up on that, I am far from an enlightened being (anyone who claims to be is only doing themselves a disservice) and certainly have a lot of spiritual growth to do. On a personal level, however, I recognize that the best thing I can do to help change the world is to first strive to change myself.
5. I believe I was being largely civil, considering the obvious misgiving of twisting a well meaning post into something about me supporting satanism and pedophilia. Meanwhile, you seem to be wishing ill will upon me. We’re all on the same team here, my friend. I’m not trying to attack you, so no need to get defensive. I’m only trying to clear up the extensive distortion.
Temperatures rise whenever I speak about these criminal filth that controll this Planet. This is not really a political forum as such, however the negative 3D/Lower 4D reptile as witnessed by Farsight is a reality and a faction of them at least have control of Earth. My comment was the only comment here for about a day and a half. You posted your message the next day but yet you claim that you didn't see it. Well ok then. When referring to the angry messages given by people over the January briefing I said that it's probably because of the backing farsight appeared to be giving to this global house arrest and the attempt to mass vaccinate the Global populous with nanobots and metallic elements to hook them up to the control grid. That is an absolute fact to anyone who has followed this scam and done a bit of research.
You then said....
I just want to add that I really like what Courtney has to say in the beginning. It’s great that people here have differences in political opinion, but bickering and name-calling won’t accomplish anything ...
...So as far as I was concerened thinking that you had seen my comment which was right at the top of the page and had been there for over a day, you contradicted what I said and claimed that you actually “ liked” what was said at the beginning. Inference being that you approved of the description of this total scam as an "exploding virus with new varients popping up", which it absolutely is not in any way shape or form. No one was bickering and name calling they were basically stating facts. To me it inferred that I was being negative for saying what I felt. That is something the fake spirituality of the New age “say nothing negative” movement is pushing. If you speak the truth then you are somehow name calling and bickering. If you speak out then you are negative and toxic. I know new age thinking when I hear it. I know it's been set up by the otherside. I can tell you that Abraham Hicks is a dark occultists and that she has two small gargoyle type beings standing next to her. Oprah is also a dark occultist. Note that the African Ancestors hilariously tripped her up on stage when she was pedalling her new age BS.
You then finished by saying....
...“projecting blame upon others. It truly is an incessant cycle, for we keep on covering up the symptoms instead of addressing the real root – that is, the quality of our own consciousness. That is all I have to say. “
Sorry Mate but that again is new age guff. “Projecting blame onto others"... If you sign blood contracts with these negative service to self Reptiles (Archons) or Nature spirits (Deamons) as they do, sell the energy of their KA (Higher self) gifted to them by the Creator and the Creatress, then assist these negative entities in imprisoning your own species for cash and short term gain are you telling me they are blameless?
You then said the root of it all is the “quality of our own consciousness”. In other words I and others who speak out against these criminals are somehow to blame. No we are not. Everyone is responsible for their own actions in this universe. The dark occultist will find that out when he dies and finds himself without a body and realises that his low vibration means he will be barred from the higher realms. That his good family will ban him from the Ancestral plains. That he will get accosted by some of the many evil spirits lurking in lower 4d. That his spirit may be sqeezed into a satchel type bag, or placed in a brick looking thing which people call a Golum by the phycopathic being he thought was his freind. That's when they will find out there is a price to pay.
That is what you wrote and anyone reading your comment would belive that you were responding to what I said. You then said....
“It amuses me, however, how you take a small snippet of a previous post I made completely out of context and twist it around in a straw-man argument.”
Nothing I said was a straw man argument my friend. You made cryptic statements, I recognized them and gave a straight answer to them summariesd above. I did not and do not twist anything. Liars do that, I speak straight as you can see. Twisting things is what service to self dark occultists do. You then said....
“My comment was in response to you taking a post simply about taking accountability and raising consciousness (which wasn’t directed towards you in the first place) “
Who says I or anyone else doesn't take accountability of our own consciousness? I am nowhere near perfect. It's the other side, those who think they can do what they want and think there will be no consequence are the ones who think otherwise. They think natural law doen't apply to them. And what has people raising their own consciousness got to do with a bunch of evil satanic criminals who are trying to turn this planet in to a 5G prison. Do you think that will stop them? That again is new age nonsense and n.w.o designed fake spirituality. All the raised consciousness of the Tibetan monks for example didn't prevent the Chinese serpent bloolines from invading did it?
You said...
“I say that the root cause of the suffering in our reality is the quality of our own consciousness — “
I disagree. We certainly can create our own reality bubble but neither I or any other normal person is responsible for the suffering on this Planet.There are Billions of people on this Planet. The service to self “Prison gaurds” who are responsible for the scamdemic and wrongly believe they are going to be Kings in the new world order are the ones who are responsible for the suffering in this world. Just as they have been for thousands of years.
You said...
“I believe I was being largely civil, considering the obvious misgiving of twisting a well meaning post into something about me supporting satanism and pedophilia. Meanwhile, you seem to be wishing ill will upon me.”
It wasn't a well meaning post. You were saying comments "under your breath" and being clever with your words mate. Again nothing I said was twisted. If you are actually agreeing with the claim that this is an “exploding virus”, telling people.. “more power” to them for being idiotic Sheep led to the vaccination slaughter house of 5G ready nanobots, then referring to peoples own consciousness as the root cause of everything, well I'm sorry but that doesn't sound like someone who is on my side. It sounds like a New age spiritualist who has read the secret and belives thats how this Universe is run. Its no better than the plagiarised King James Bible in that it leaves all the real stuff out.
If you were on “my side” then having done the research you would be warning every man jack to stay the heck away from the n.w.o. Hyperdermic needle. I even tell Mums in the street with little children "don't let them vaccinate your kids love". And I haven't met a single one who does not agree with me. I do not wish you evil. I just get upset when people appear to be unable to understand just how dangerous this situation is.
These evil satanic lizard proxies have effectively put the whole planet under House arrest using this total lie as an excuse to do what they have been planning for years. They are traumatising people. It is unacceptable, a deliberate attack on this species and an affront to Human dignity. Whatever attrocities we committed across the Galaxy over a million years ago.
Now Courtney has supplied this Forum, has dedicated a whole lot of time and effort into educating the public on RV and is even offering people free training to accomplish what he and his talented crew are doing. Be under no illusions he has my respect for what he has done and is doing. And these brilliant youngsters may be world famous when they get to my age as being pioneers in the dawning age of Aquarius. These are very powerful and ancient Spirits, not just the young kids they appear to be. When I was a kid many years ago in the U.K we had a sci-fi T.V show called the Tommorow people. These are they as predicted. They don't "jaunt" Physically, they do it mentally. We also had a program called the Survivors which told of a worldwide Plauge which started in Asia. Its on youtube. Predictive programming... Like "Say something nice"!
I love the work of Farsight, however I completely disagree with farsights take on this scam-demic which sounds to me at least as if it was written by the otherside. I have just taken a look briefly at the comments on youtube and it seems quite a few people agree with me.
Someone who calls themselves "Cigar chompin sarge" said....
"People were upset with the very pedestrian viewpoint about COVID19 and vaccines that you had during the intelligence briefing. I'm still confused by your stance as you're admitting now that bad things happening here on earth (i.e. the pandemic) are likely the result of negative ETs. So why would a vaccine be an automatically safe measure?"
That in a nutshell is what I meant. Now Courtney has said before that he's happy the Girls for example are setting up on their own as it's not good for things to be centralised. Then it cannot be controlled, so He knows how they infiltrate organisations then control them. Rightly or wrongly the breifing gave some people the impression that farsight is either being leant on, or is controlled opposition and has been set up just to draw people in so the RV narrative can be monitored and controlled. Just like Twitter, Facebook and Youtube were set up and then fronted. That is what I said in my first comment. Anyhow, there are no hard feelings on this side.
Ah well, at least It's pushed this topic back to the top. As when I made the replies above your comment yesterday this post stayed towards the botton of the General topics menu. It didn't move. Despite my new comment it still said "about three days ago". It said the same when I checked back this morning. Now you have just commented it say 2 hours ago and the topic has gone to the top of the page. Ah well, maybe there's a bug in the software.
EDIT: Strange,having made this comment I have just checked and it stIll says two hours ago. Yup, There must be a gremlin in the software.
The problem with vaccines are that they are not a one time permanent solution, as the virus mutates constantly the scientists will keep racing to research ways to defeat it and then a new variant pops up. On top of which there are logistical challenges in distribution even to a willing population. Its almost a moot point to argue with anyone who doesn't want to use a vaccine because of all these other seemingly insurmountable issues.
For those arguing that there is some microchip whatever inside the vaccine etc... If you are so skeptical of medicine and needles. Don't go running to the hospital when you get cancer, HIV or when you experience any physical trauma that needs to be addressed by a competent doctor.
Well as thousands alarmed of doctors and medical practitioners all over the planet who can see through this total scam are saying a Vaccine is NOT required for a flu varient with a 99% plus surival rate. There is more than enough information out there (despite the desperate fevered attempt by these pycopathic criminals to suppress and censor Information worldwide) to prove, not claim, but prove this is a lie. Nothing is mutating anywhere. This was always part of the scam as I said above.
" Its almost a moot point to argue with anyone who doesn't want to use a vaccine because of all these other seemingly insurmountable issues."
There is nothing moot about the danger Mankind is facing right now. And no one is "arguing" with people uniformed enough to want to link themselves to the 5G sattelite grid fronted by Musk, whom Icke correctly refers to as a super psychopath. As evil as the rest of these treacherous satanic lizard proxies who astonishingly seem to be getting support on a website who's viewers have actually confirmed some of the atrocities being commited against Humanity by these reptiles.And thats only the tip of the iceberg. A whole lot of people are being subjected to spiritual attacks worldwide as well through the mind connecting V2K software which is why I warn people to throw away the smart phone or never to sleep with it next to your bed. Note they have now made the battery unremovable so they can switch on when they like. They are using these frequencies to invoke feelings of despair. Just like they will when they have people hooked up to the death grid. I suppose you "didn't see" my closing comment....
"People can research everything I have said and make their own descisions on wether or not to take the 5G nano gel and Digital Tattoo in their Vaccine. I am simply warning fellow Human beings about the serious danger they and their kids are in from this [Perfectly- Not -safe and -Not- necessary] Transhumanist vaccine"
"For those arguing that there is some microchip whatever inside the vaccine etc... If you are so skeptical of medicine and needles. Don't go running to the hospital when you get cancer, HIV or when you experience any physical trauma that needs to be addressed by a competent doctor"
Haha, Well Indeed comrade, If you refuse the glorious Soviet vaccine provided to us by our (totally not satanic) loving world leaders who are deeply concerened with the Safety and the well being of Mankind (as they have constantly proven over the past 4000 years), then don't go and see a doctor for anything else!
Well then, Happy Event 201 Vaccine day to you. I won't be joining you in the Christmas Turkey digital tattoo queue and neither will any other awakened Human being on the Planet of which happily there are now millions.
EDIT. Anyway I think this argumnt has run it's course now. Everyone has made their point. i won't be responding to anymore replies. People can do their own research. January is in the past. Lets leave it there and move on.
"Well then, Happy Event 201 Vaccine day to you. I won't be joining you in the Christmas Turkey digital tattoo queue and neither will any other awakened Human being on the Planet of which happily there are now millions."
It's a very simple question, that you are refusing to answer. The question is will you go to the hospital, or take any kind of medicine when you are sick or just stay home and die if things don't get better???
Because you know... They can insert a microchip or ingest poison in your body anytime you enter the hospital and take prescription medication :rolleyes:
"EDIT. Anyway I think this argumnt has run it's course now. Everyone has made their point. i won't be responding to anymore replies. People can do their own research. January is in the past. Lets leave it there and move on."
Yes evasion is the solution. When you can't answer a simple question with a logical response.
EDIT. Anyway I think this argumnt has run it's course now. Everyone has made their point. i won't be responding to anymore replies. People can do their own research. January is in the past. Lets leave it there and move on.
I was originally going to say I don't really want to respond to anymore nonsense from Satanists who think they are going to inherit this planet as Yebdiaoth promised them thousands of years ago. Then I edited and said I won't be responding. Why? because the topic had run it's course, no one was able to contradict anything I have said because they can't, plus it was now starting to sound like a witch hunt against the owners of this Enterprise who's work and viewers I admire.
I do not evade anything and neither do I twist things. However, you have accused me of evading a question....Well, thats one thing I never do. Only liars and cretins do that. Satanic trolls are actually trained how to do it in classrooms. That is cowardice. You are basically accusing me of being a coward. As such I will respond and defend my intergrity which a serpent 5G Death grid apologist l like you is not going to question. I will guarantee you I am no coward Mate. I evade nothing except evil, I have no fear of you or your questions and neither do I fear the globalist or his serpent master. You said......
“It's a very simple question, that you are refusing to answer. The question is will you go to the hospital, or take any kind of medicine when you are sick or just stay home and die if things don't get better??? “
Here is a simple answer to your simple question. I will take NO vaccination whatsoever under any circumstances and yes I would rather die. Does that answer your question? Modern Medicine is designed to kill people. There a many many alternatives the satanists don't want people finding out about. I do not fear death. If did I would not have spent all these years confronting them on multiple platforms speaking up for Mankind. As Icke said the otherside are terrified of death. And from what I know they have good reason to be.
Question answered? good!
Now, YOU go back over my comments and address everything I have said about this corona lie and prove me wrong. Like a typical troll you didn't address anything I said. So no flip flopping No evading. Address every point I have made about this scam, about the global censorship, about Musk's 5G Death Grid and what Icke said it, about the Nanogel, Aluminum, Formaldehyde and the Digital Tatoo doctors have spoken about. Answer the questions, do not evade anything.
Then answer this question ….with a logical response. I'm sure forum members will love to see what you have to say ....
What was event 201 was and why is it relevant to this scam? Answer that simple question!
Now as long as you address everything I have said (Which you won't dare do because I am correct) and as long as you don't try to mislead people with globalist propaganda, I don't really want to respond to any more comments on this topic as I have shown this scam up for what it is. I have made my point so have others. Not a single uninformed person or n.w.o appologist/supporter has been able to challenge me. Now lets see which one of us is the "evader" Hows that?
Well there we go. Forum members now have their answer!
"I don't know, you tell me. How am I suppose to respond to someone who is completely delusional?"
Delusional am I? Well of course, Just like David Icke is and all those crazy health officials, Doctors and Scientists world wide who disbelive Christ Like saviour Bill Gates, and our glorious Bilderburg leaders. I geuss Orwell's 1984, and Aldus Huxley's Brave new world were just fairy tales and not an admission of their plans to offset Karmic Kickback were they. Yeah, Musks 5G contrl grid sattelites and the Vaccine are a perfectly safe and innocent combinaton aren't they. How crazy of us pasta strainer wearing conspiracy theorists.
I'm very glad you said that as you have given me and forum member proof that you are a troll. Calling people delusional or inferring that someone has some form of mental illness because they disagree with our loving government is a classic Communist tactic. I remember hero Nigel Farage took an EU official to task for calling him mad and commented as such. People should recall that these are the same inverted Sabbatean's behind the Soviet Union. They are using the same tactics as they did back then. If you're old enough to remember the cold war you will know they used to lock up political opponents by claiming that they were “mentally ill”. Part of their n.w.o “trolling training” tells them to question peoples sanity. Or to use it as a get out. Just say they're crazy then make your exit. They actually have a handbook which teaches them how to troll. They are trained to infiltrate forums, create a stable looking presence or character then try to nullify anyone who comes along and knows too much. They are trained how to start arguments and on how to try and deflect from, twist or dismiss facts. Ignoring the questions, making light of serious things, all tactics I have dealt with over the years. Don't go by what they say go by what they leave out. So I would urge "non compromised" Human family members on the forum to take a look at the work of Dr Karelstom if you haven't already.
He will explain how the serpents are trying to bring in the n.wo using tactics I have described like V2K electronic interference, gang stalking and the TI targeted individual phenomena. They also use 4d reptiles and negative nature spirits against you as some already know. Be aware that they operate a hive mind. Too much for me to go into but research it. Thats what the borg was showing you on Star Trek. And think who the founders are on DS9. Why was the first star trek show called return of the Archons. We all know who the Archons are. And didn't "V" show you reptiles under Human skin.
And be ever aware of the spiritual aspect of this war. They know the rituals, the average person generally doesn't or thinks Black magic is a load of rubbish. Egyptian religions, Obeah/Hooodoo, Juju, Voodoo are African Majick traditions . If you are of European descent take a look at the Pagans, Irish, Scandinavian traditions etc. They all know how to protect themselves against these serpents.The average non beliver doesn't. Like us this is what you practiced before they imposed the Old world order Abrahamic religions on us all and cut us off from the Mother Planet. I'm not saying change your religion. Your path back to the higher realms is your own. Just know how to protect yourself and loved ones. It is NOT going against God as the fake Abrahamic religions tell you it is. Of course they don't want you looking into the occult and learn about the methods they use on you! I personally would Ignore the new age rubbish and take the majick, spiritualist channels, tarot channels seriously. And create an Ancestral shrine as they can protect you too. Your Ancestors are with you all the time but a shrine focuses and concentrates their energy here in 3D. They can repel a lot of negative energies/beings. As long as you provide them with energy offerings. Communicate with them via Tarot/Angel cards etc. Learn how to protect yourself spiritually then learn the energies. Take a look at the 6th and 7th books of Moses and the Soloman keys for example. I'm not telling you to use it but just aquaint yourselves with some of the rituals and beings they have been using against people for thousands of years. Don't use anyone else's copy as there may be bad enegy or a being attached to it. just look at a digital version if you like. SRA survivor Jay Parker tell you a lot about how these generational satanists and the otherside work.
Now unless someone questions my integrity or tries to lie and mislead people. I don't want to repond to anything else on the January briefing. We are in February now. I've said all I have to say. I know what my descision is. Folks can make their own descisions on themselves and their children.
Mike D wrote:
> I'm very glad you said that as you have given me and forum member proof that you are a troll. Calling people delusional or inferring that someone has some form of mental illness because they disagree with our loving government is a classic Communist tactic
It's a very strange accusation for him to be throwing around on a Remote-Viewing site, to say the least. Given that Remote-Viewing completely depends on a greater use of the Brain than is expected by Society as a whole.
I think we should expect trolls. In fact we should Remote-View them. Weren't they just Scottish Highlanders hanging out in Castles and getting attacked by Loki with his directed-energy-weapons?
Umm.. you've got somebody literally saying out loud as a matter of fact that people shouldn't be going to hospitals,. shouldn't take or use prescription medicine or take any measures to preserve.their physical health.
If these are the kind of views you support, you are recklessly endangering people and then of course I'm going to call you BOTH out for what is obviously the truth. And I don't give a damn what you call me. You are worse than a troll, if you convince people here to take actions that lead to their death that makes you a killer.
Courtney himself also risked his neck, to remind people not to kill themselves, are you also going to call him a troll too?
When someone says to everyone, don't wear a seatbelt because car crashes don't kill people.
Then I will stick my neck out and call out delusional B.S for what it is..
" I think we should expect trolls. In fact we should Remote-View them."
Yes, I noticed there are quite a few here. There are plenty of other ways to "view" people other than R.V 'ing them if you can actually be bothered. I for one can't be. They are underlings not that Important. I beleive It's their handlers that White Warlocks mostly go after.
For what it's worth, I have read through the threads above and thank everyone for their time and effort to discuss and reply in conversation.
It has taken me an effort to come back here although I could have made a short reply on what I got for the February Forecast at the time of putting the post up.
I'm putting it here anyway...
So here is my RV insight: A sequence of letters