While I very much like the development of SRV and Farsight Institute, I at the same time strongly disagree with the take on the Corona-Virus, as declared in the January Intelligence Briefing.
I'm sorry to state, that Corona ISN'T a new virus: we already had this kind of virus for decades - mutating, like the flu-virus is also mutating.
So I'm not doubting the existence of Corona. But we had have this virusses already a long time and have been dealing with them.
And, when having a closer look at the statistics, you will find, that it is only dangerous for old people above the age of 75 or other people, when their health is already heavily compromised by other deseases. Sometimes also younger people, if their health is in a bad shape, but that is a minority.
That is shown also to be the case with Corona.
Most people dying with a Coronavirus are older, than 75, regulary between 80 to 90 years old.
In my city the chief of the department of medical jurisprudence, Prof. PĆ¼schel did the autopsy of about 300 people, that died with testing positiv of Corona and found that all of them already had major deseases, when they died.
In Sweden the people dying by or with the Coronavirus were aged at an average of about 84, which means, they exceeded the average live span with 2-3 years!.
Which means: if you by chance die with a Coronavirus you will be most probably be several years older, than the average of the rest of the population!
And, as the actual numbers show: the overall death-rate of the year 2020 is LOWER, than in 2019: in Germany and also in Sweden - where there has been no lockdown and now plight of wearing a mask.
In other countries, like Italy, France, Great Britain and the US many people have died by wrong treatment, for instance overdoses of Hydroxychloroquin or by the use of intubation, which destroys the lungs after a short time (that has especially happened in Italy and NYC).
Avoiding Corona-Infection: Let nature support you!
The best way of dealing with Corona is simply the power of nature.
Nature has equipped us with the powerful force of an immune-system.
And there are numerous way to improve it further, as - for example - Wim Hof has shown with his breathing method.
Also using supplement nutrition like Vitamin C or D. And eating healthy food.
I began to use this kind of measurements (except the Wim Hof method) since about 10 years and had since that time no more to deal with some flu-infection.
The most dangerous way of dealing with Corona is the vaccination: not only will you have a genetic modified organism (GMO) by the mRNA-vaccine. But also will your immune-system be compromised, as test-runs with animals have shown: many vaccinated vaccinated guinea pigs died after being vaccinated. Also many old people already died by this vaccination.
Compromised Human Leadership
The whole Corona-thing is just a new chapter of "Compromised Human Leadership", as already has analysed by Farsight.
The governments are corrupted by worldorganisations, like the IMF and WHO and also the foundations of Bill Gates, Rockefeller, Soros and others, maybe also involving ET-influence.
The billionaer-oligarchs have organized around the meetings of the World Economy Forum (WEF) to destroy most of the economy by the Corona-measurements, especially all small and medium businesses - which is currently happening, and will only the very big, multinational corporations leave unhurt. The founder of the WEF called this to be the "Great Reset" to change the world into a transhumanistic society, where most of us should be mutatet to robots or cyborgs.
Just have a look into the patent documentary, filed by Bill Gates Microsoft in 2020 with the registered number "WO2020 060606". You will find the description of its functioning within the book of revelation, chapter 13, section 16 to 18. There is also the number mentioned.
Maybe this topic really is worth doing a remote-viewing session about its projected purpose.
What you post is truth, in my opinion. This information is not easily available without a deep dive into independent research by citizen investigators and your own inner knowing, that is why the masses will never accept it. To them it is all conspiracy. If anyone believes their government is not out to get us or is not corrupt and evil to the core, then those people will never see the agenda in my opinion. They have been socially engineered and programmed.