In regards to the new production:
1. Comments have been made that attempt to equate humans eating animals with what the Reptilians are seen to be doing. This seems false to me. The killing and consumption of animals is in no way comparable to the sadistic torture as seen by the remote viewers.
The behavior of the Reptilians goes beyond mere indifference and into realms that we humans consider perverse and morbid.
2. I interpret Princess' interaction and results differently than Dr. Brown. This "gatekeeper" was tasked to keep her from seeing things and in the end he succeeded. Princess was dazzled by BS (or something) and seemed to give in and in return got to see how much they know and how little we know.
Consider; the underlying logic in the gatekeepers argument seems to me to be that the torture of innocent humans in the pursuit of knowledge and power is okay and we will keep it secret in order to protect you.
Other opinions welcome.
Hi Robert,
Unfortunately I tend to agree with you. I maybe incorrect because of my negative "paranoia" and lack of trust for any biologicals interacting with humanity at this time, but I think a follow up session looking at this biological and "deep mind probing" it - to get a better understanding of who/why/what their mission/objective is would be really beneficial not just for everyone, but also Princess???
I totally understand what Courtney is saying as well about raising frequency, and leaving the same paradigms that cause my/our paranoia (distrust/fear/anger) behind us, in order for humanity to better itself. But when we have such a massive prison/predator species being our prison guards.. how can we not naturally be distrustful and NOT trust what this biological was communicating to Princess???
Maybe we can look at targets/biologicals again in future/follow up projects to ascertain more, by doing something like "brainstorms" to get questions to be tasked in future sessions to get try and get a set of data that covers more areas in regards to a subject - For example:
Primary Subject Target: Biological referred to as DoorKeeper
Target Cues: Who are they? / Where are they from? / What is the subjects primary mission? / From an human perspective would the subject be called as "Positive/Neutral/Negative" / Was the subject blocking Princess's session with negative intent, etc..
Maybe other RV methods such as ARV could be used as well?
I'm sure that Courtney/Farsight are far more switched on that I am, and probably know more of better ways to get more data.. Its just a thought/suggestion that occurred to me. I do commend Courtney and everyone at Farsight for all their work. I am seriously grateful that they really are going into areas where other groups probably wouldn't consider. Thank you for getting very important information for all of us / Humanity.
If you’ve seen various undercover videos of how animals are treated before they are killed and eaten the analogy makes more sense. Of course this is meaning all cow houses treat animals this way just like Courtney said not all reptilians are the same.
Yes I agree with you that NOT all species have the same intent, be it negative or positive. The same is true here on Earth as well, its not as easy as x or y. My concern is how do we discern who is telling us the truth?
For a more technological advanced civilisation its easier to deceive other species/civilisations that are maybe not on the same level. We can see that in Earth's own history or even in the financial world with big aggressive corporations using their tech to put smaller "mom and pop" stores out of business.
My personal stance is to try and gather all data possible on a subject/species/faction whatever before we take their statements at face value. Since looking at our history (Which Farsight have shown excellently) has clearly been manipulated by various ET factions.
I know the new age response is "To open your heart and you will feel the true intent/love from the species/faction/biological" - But from ET abductions accounts, screen memories and mental control is common by these biologicals and they can imprint whatever "love" or "light" to make you believe / trick you into their agenda. So using our "feelings" is not valid data. That's why Blind RV projects are good data collection techniques rather than "own intuition" which can lead to AOLs or Deductions...
Yes, the herding of animals and torturing of them is not right . Totally agree. But haven't the same ET forces throughout time through their control systems "taught" us we need to sacrifice animals or slaughter them in certain religious ways to make them suitable for consumption?
If the ET races are saying "Oh you slaughter animals, so we are only doing what you do" as an excuse for their actions, then that's pure BS . You only have to look at most of the Orion based religions having some kind of "feast" to the gods with Animal / Human sacrifice was required or religious requirements to consume meat "Kosher/Halal/etc"
This goes back to my original comment:
How do we know who are we dealing with is "benevolent" ?
OK so Courtney DOES have an overview on the Galactic Federation of World's motives, etc.. He wrote about them I think in his Cosmic Voyages books in the 90s.. so since then he has probably gained a lot of info on them. But for the rest of us, how do we know during our meditations that we have contacted the right people? - and not some more imposters pretending to be something else?
An example of this, was the "Urantia Book". Another remote viewer, Brett Stuart/Technical Intuition done a RV project on the book, and he saw the channelling coming from a Insectoid/Mantis type group sending these concepts for their own agenda.
I'm using the above example to show its very difficult for us here to ascertain "who is telling the truth" - Even according to rumours the US Government couldn't differentiate "friend or foe" when signing the "Treaty of Greada 1954" with the Grey type species??
Just my two cents worth. I totally get and agree with what Courtney is saying.. its just after millennia of manipulation who does one trust??
Very good points. It is very difficult to discern who to trust. IMO the trustful sources are ones that only encourage and not demand people do things. I’ve heard from another channeler the idea of type 1 and type 2 beings
One type respects free will above everything else and would never interfere. They are overwhelmingly benevolent.
The other type doesn’t respect free will and can be like some of these reptilians torturing people. But they can also be benevolent ones who are messing around with our chosen experience on earth.
I personally don’t believe anyone who has gotten far enough to find farsight is some poor soul trapped in an endless reincarnation cycle. More likely we came here for a one and done to see what’s up with that prison planet. Nobody here is going to the light. We’ll simply go back home to wtv planet we were on before.