I watched the November Intelligence Briefing and was inspired to become a prime member. I've known about the alien problem for several years now and besides meditating to try and make contact, I actually built a laser communicator to send messages on the 532 nano-meter wave length band.
After watching the video I recently redesigned the unit using a MPU (Micro Processing Unit) verse discrete components. It works well, is very easy to make, and component wise cost less than $12 in parts. I have not updated the website page yet with the new version because all the documentation needs to be completed. Schematics and software code will be published. However here is the link to the older version.
The Aurorasky website is open source and I don't do what I do for money. I'm 74 and retired. My only goal in life at this time is to clean up my karma and help this planet in anyway possible. Thought the Farsight patrons might find this interesting and possibly have a thought or two about the laser.
Be well and respectfully,
Springfield, VT 05156
[email protected]