These Scientists are supposed to be as Einstein of this Century as Einstein can Ever Be
They are supposed to be the most Genius as Genius can Ever Get
Why would a bunch of them resort to Paganism
And also why are they dedicating the entire "Human Sacrifice" to Shiva ?
Someone just has to do a Remote View of all this
I question if it is a Human Sacrifice.
I have heard some of the Scientists give talks about Cern, and it's interesting what they say.
Actually, one of the reasons that I have heard presented about Cern is that the goals were to punch a hole in time to back to before the Earth was encased in the grid.
The actual words used are something along the lines of this "We want to work on the wall and in particular the Paint. We want to go back to the time before the paint was set".
In my opinion, and along the lines of what I understand Courtney Brown to sometimes say, is that they want to go back in time to before the Fences for the Prison Planet went up.
So the Dances that they are showing may have more symbology than a simple sacrifice routine.
I don't know what they were thinking, but it may not be as Dark as you think. There may be a more 'modern' explanation for it.
The facility may be positive for Humanity rather than negative.