Hey everyone!
I was wondering about the applications for remote viewing on telepathy. I'm talking human to human telepathic interaction in a scientific setting. Such as contacting potential viewers, psychics, clairvoyants and starting up a converstation in real time completely telepathic. Proving the data more by asking contactees to document their experiences and share it with the group.
Im sure there are many people such as myself who would love to participate in a clean scientific study where they were able to prove telepathic communication. It would be amazing.
Also thank you Courtney and viewers for bringing a civilian program into this world. I am so grateful. I would love to come up and join you here from florida sometime. Im hoping your offering online courses sometime soon.
Unless you’re willing to found The School of Telepathy and discus a) History of Telepathy b) Applications of Telepathy c) Development of Telepathy...good luck have fun! References; Natural ESP by Ingo Swann. Mental Radio by Upton Sinclair, 1939. The Silva Method. 1966.