I looked at his paper and like he sounds intellectual but has the basics from my point of view all completely wrong.
Light is creation or what links us to source,God or what ever you wish to call it. Your soul is a light body, if it was not it would not exist. What keeps souls coming back to Earth is the desire to feel Earthly experience once again. The process of Ascension which many practice to to break those desires to come back and experience life once again and get off the wheel of reincarnation. ETs do not run this world or any other spirit world, but our spirit guides, and very advanced and old souls who helps those who ask and shifts our ways so we do not destroy this school house called Earth.
So you die and hang around bothering the living trying to take over their bodies so you can feel something. Or are going to escape to another planet and bother the living there.
I have worked with many groups in the past to get rid of ghosts, dead people who are bored and interfering with the living ones. So you have to go someone where, as hanging around the 3D Earth is no longer a place you are welcome. The rule is you die and go to the spirit worlds or Astral worlds where your thoughts create your reality and you see what you choose to see and experience. After many centuries you decide to reincarnate once again because you are done with living in the creations of your imaginations and want to share a reality with other souls such as yourself.
Wes Penre spent a lot of time inventing new ideas when the answers he was looking for already were written down long long ago. But if you love conspiracy theories go for it. In the end you will reincarnate back here to start all over again. Not some more advanced world than here,but back on Earth until you figure out at least the basics.
So believe what you wish and follow the beliefs what you wish too. If you get it wrong you get the opportunity here to figure it out all once again.