Courtney Brown's strategy to avoid death traps
I have read all of the Wes Penre papers, which took several months, and as a result I am, at this moment, utterly convinced that avoiding the light it imperative. It is the key element of the recycling trap. If you want to be truly free and escape this prison planet, you must avoid the light. And don't believe it when a figure appears in the form of Jesus, Buddha, your dead father or whoever. They are imposters. Force them to tell the truth about who they really are and you will find out soon enough, but if you don't ask probing questions, the imposters feel no obligation to volunteer the information. They decide who to impersonate by probing your memories. It is easy for them to figure out what historical or family or friend figure would be the most compelling to present to you in order to convince you to follow him or her to the light at the end of the tunnel.
Interesting observation
"As above, so below"
In our reality sleight of hand has ruled and is showing it's true colors especially now.
So our "below" may be a reflection of the reality "above".
And in real reality, probably, there is no division of the above and below as we have imagined.
Be aware.
Be Love.
Joe has an interesting youtube channel on the afterlife and souls that hang around after the body has gone.
After watching 20 or so of his video's, the takeaway is that some Souls are happy to stay in various places. It could be a House that they built, a Railway track they liked if they were homeless, a Prison they were incarcerated in etc.
[Viewer discretion advised - lots of paranormal investigations]
Hold up, how do we even know that the one guy escaped.the trap? We don't. Maybe he was calm and controlable enough that he didn't need zapped. But did he escape? The session didn't follow him beyond that point so there's no way to know for sure.
I realize that the idea of being tricked by the light might be uncomfortable for some. But if it really is a prison planet, this is probably just the tools they found that worked.
I've noticed a lot of people compair and contrast other beliefs here. But look, we have to leave behind some of what we've learned in our personal journey in order to see remote viewing with more of an open mind.
I appreciate your keen observations.
Thank you!
You're very kind. It's so nice to have this forum. Even if people don't always agree, this is practically the only place I could even have these conversations.
"Trap" is such an emotive word. From another perspective it can be viewed as a "challenge".
I'm not belittling the degree of difficulty of "escaping" or finding the way out.
Maybe Remote-Viewing can help provide a sense of bearings by providing more accurate information on where we are in this messy and confusing Time-Ring of Physical-Reality.
> But if it really is a prison planet, this is probably just the tools they found that worked.
The Tibetan book of the Dead teaches that when we are in touch with the higher self at the exact moment of physical death we do not need to reincarnate.
It lists six different basic bardos or states of consciousness:
The Bardo Thodol differentiates the intermediate state between lives into three bardos:
"The chikhai bardo or "bardo of the moment of death", which features the experience of the "clear light of reality", or at least the nearest approximation of which one is spiritually capable;
The chonyid bardo or "bardo of the experiencing of reality", which features the experience of visions of various Buddha forms, or the nearest approximations of which one is capable;
The sidpa bardo or "bardo of rebirth", which features karmically impelled hallucinations which eventually result in rebirth, typically yab-yum imagery of men and women passionately entwined.
The Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State also mentions three other bardos:[note 3]
"Life", or ordinary waking consciousness;
"Dhyana" (meditation);
"Dream", the dream state during normal sleep.
Together these "six bardos" form a classification of states of consciousness into six broad types. Any state of consciousness can form a type of "intermediate state", intermediate between other states of consciousness. Indeed, one can consider any momentary state of consciousness a bardo, since it lies between our past and future existences; it provides us with the opportunity to experience reality, which is always present but obscured by the projections and confusions that are due to our previous unskillful actions."
Profound Dharma of Self-Liberation through the Intention of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones[1] (zab-chos zhi khro dgongs pa rang grol, also known as kar-gling zhi-khro),[2] popularly known as "Karma Lingpa's Peaceful and Wrathful Ones."[1]
The Profound Dharma of Self-Liberation is known in several versions, containing varying numbers of sections and subsections, and arranged in different orders, ranging from around ten to thirty-eight titles.[1] The individual texts cover a wide range of subjects, including meditation instructions, visualizations of deities, liturgies and prayers, lists of mantras, descriptions of the signs of death, indications of future rebirth, and texts such as the bar do thos grol that are concerned with the bardo-state." -wikipedia
If we look at the widely reported experiences of nearth death, we find that people usually experience a moment not realizing that they are dead or have left the physical body until they try to communicate with someone or see their own body. Soon they notice that their own thoughts control travel and ability to travel far distances. Oftentimes they meet loved ones or relatives and quite commonly report seeing a life review. They are either able to travel to higher planes or are given the choice to reflect and then eventually reincarnate with a chosen incarnational plan.
Perhaps it is here that the soul need also be weary of a return to any 'prison system'. One would think that in this state they would be more aware concerning such soul choices, however it does seem like there is a whole lot of peer pressure to go back and do it again.
It is sometimes said that the 5th dimension is the level of contemplation or that of in between lives. For those that may undergo confusion, attachment to the physical plane, and negativity, they may wander indefinitely or be stuck in a sort of underworld or place of similar vibrations.
About the death traps. Just listened to it a second time. I see nothing to even remotely support Courtney's death trap summary. I have had family members die hang around learn the truth about things then cross over. I have even had my late wife come back to visit, even though she is now a young girl in another life. So I think probably best for Courtney not to run with his preset conclusions. Instead he should review to see where such strong beliefs to cloak his seeing it as death traps has come from. So not sure where his anger about the light comes from. So we are supposed to hang around here as dead souls then. Being an Industrial Physicist I believe the physical world is a creation of mind as are all other bubbles of reality. Unfortunately, remote viewing is not an exact science and most counter measures used to block them or redirect or confuse their information is becoming much more common. Everything is not as simple to interpret, as the Esoteric is very messy at best. Finally, his site will anger likely government people, and generally their counter attack is to cause an individual to become ungrounded, and eventually loose it. See the book called Mind Wars, pretty accurate take care....
I'm not positive but I believe Courtney shares my own belief that we are trapped into endless cycles of reincarnation. You mentioned that your late wife is already in a new life, so it seems you can relate. The traps are what keep us from escaping Earth, to our real homes and former lives. The death traps also cause amnesia so we have no memory or our past. In other words, if we were free of our Earthly bodies, we would have our memory of infinate lives.
The trap is one of our own making, unfortunately. The physical world versus the afterlife worlds are very different. So the physical world has become a big attraction to souls. A giant amusement park. For a soul to decide to get off the merry-go-round of the physical world it has to loose all interest in the amusement park. However, following where a soul decides to go at the time of death gets messy, as you will often follow it into the place it feels it belongs, if it is hell then that is where it will go. There was a great movie that put together the concept vey well. It starred the late Robbin Williams and was called What Things May Come. It is about Twin Flames who reincarnate into a tragic experience and he has to rescue his wife from hell because that is where she felt she belonged. A love story for teaching about this world and death and how messy it all is and soul families. I think it is a paid movie from YouTube now, if you wish to watch it. We have no memory of our past because then we would just try and continue a past life in this one. I have visions from past lives and to be honest best to keep those doors closed. They just haunt me the little I saw. So close the door when you start a new life is good. But there is people who will help you remember if you want. So you are free to believe what you wish, just I offer more pieces of the puzzle of life for you to enjoy. Take care and enjoy...
I remember the Roswell Alien interview book, in which the alien described the state of humanity as one of amnesia: We are very powerful beings that have made themselves limited to experience something, then forgot it and have gotten ourselves entrapped in this game. It's said that the short human lifetime isn't long enough for most to realize the underlying workings of the illusion. This is a crucial point because upon asked why the human lifetime is so short, it is pointed to the aggressive/undeveloped nature of humans causing decay. Vibrationally humans have become so low and have lost so much access to their higher nature that they identify too much with this form, so they don't seek "upwards". They are too busy trying to find a basic balance. This is a part of the trap.
It’s very difficult to achieve karmic balance because it isn’t a central theme to humanity’s culture. It had to be rediscovered first which is what we’re doing now. That said, like many of our own gurus say: karma isn’t even real, it’s an illusion as well. But if you die in a state of lack of this knowledge, you’re going to find yourself essentially “where you belong” which might very probably be in another incarnation designed to balance some more. But since you might have forgotten a higher perspective, the choice for that incarnation is all about balance, but not about achieving higher knowledge. Basically if you can disengage from your karmic identity, then you are free to go elsewhere after death, because you’re not identified with any illusory disbalance. But you must have the knowledge. So spirituality seems a prerequisite because it allows the mind to free itself from the matrix.
This argument is solidified by the idea that we aren’t entirely in 3D. The Pleiadean channelings explain that we are actively engaged in holding this illusion together as a collective in other states of awareness. Agreements about experiences and unfolding of events are constantly being made (f.ex during sleep). Ra also says that we all do have a higher vantage point (paraphrasing) that we can access (6th density / oversoul and whatnot). I don’t have to tell you guys that this cool little community is actively seeking that which is beyond the matrix, so we are totally on track. Humans are clearly telepathic and knowing of things beyond time/space, but not in the conscious human logical brain kind of way yet, because the human form hasn’t yet evolved there. So it’s not something that many people train to use and it’s a difficult thing to learn, but it is a skill as we’re all increasingly finding.
Like we know, one of the prime rules of this universe matrix is that of non-interference and/or free will. They are saying that nobody should just come in and bring the truth forcefully. It has been tried though as explained by Ra and others but the teachings always became corrupted as the messengers ended up being worshipped and the message misunderstood. An interesting point is then made in Dolores Cannon’s books, especially “The three waves of volunteers”. The best way for the knowledge to be rediscovered is organically from the inside. So they/we came up with the great idea (sarcasm) to ask brave volunteer souls come in from the outside and make it their highest intention to pull in the frequencies of truth and anchor them in society vibrationally to change it. Many get “sucked into the maelstrom” of karma (Lost battalion phenomenon), but slowly the vibration is rising. The Pleiadeans call these souls the “system busters”. Ra calls them wanderers. It is very clearly a theme and is linked to the shift into 4th density as called by Ra, new earth by others or whatever.
As humanity is shifting to the next density, different rules will apply and the veil, which is the biggest problem of all will be lifted.
Also, all of this information is becoming more accessible (to those who seek it.) so all this effort is having an effect. So I salute all of you, because I absolutely believe we are those brave utter fools who came in to do this work.
So I currently see it this way: the trap is factually optional, but only if you know about it, and think and feel yourself balanced. The fast way out is thus an extremely guru like disengagement with any form of identity/personality/karma and a rare “ascension”. This simply isn’t possible for 99.99% of people. For everyone else, the social memory vibration has to be raised enough for these frequencies to enable a mass escape from the system.
There are of course those involved that would rather prefer humanity trapped, but this is all integrated into this version of the universe in which manipulation of free will is possible. A 4th density positive or 4th density negative planet are both a (possibly parallel) probability and we’re seeing this unfold right in front of our eyes.
I very highly recommend Barbara Marciniak’s first book Bringers of the Dawn or her newest one: Path of Empowerment because it’s written for the times that we find ourselves in, and isn’t 60 years old like the Ra material. It’s very direct and empowering and can really push your mind to discover new perspectives for itself.
Try the book called Seth Speaks, written by Jane Roberts. Her books are very good and she was not a guru or profit seeker, but just a truth seeker. From personal experience so much of the books written since 1980 are well at best miss leading. Matrix, holographic universe etc. from my point of view miss leading complicating the simple. Try the book "Grandfather" written by Tim Brown Jr. or his book "Awaking Spirits" is a good book to. His books are simplification of the spiritual side.
Definition "Karma (/ˈkɑːrmə/; Sanskrit: कर्म, romanized: karma, IPA: [ˈkɐɽmɐ] ( listen); Pali: kamma) means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect)." Christ said "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." So you mean this is not true, then your actions do not influence your future?
No sense us arguing as we have greatly different backgrounds. Enjoy your path of learning and may you find that which you seek. All I can offer you..
You are 'much closer' to the truth than Farsight, in my opinion based on a number of 'experiences'. I have contacted/been contacted from those passed. No one is warning me of any 'death traps' or issues with forced reincarnation or ETs having any control. I would like to see any 'experiencer of medium or psychic adventures in the after life' with that position. I am also an RVer and have significantly different results from FArsight. Unfortunately, viewers sometimes pick up the 'bias' by the tasker. What the crap has Courtney been reading???? Get some views from the vast number of 'experiencers' versus some Guru!! There are things in the after life I can't understand and seem a bit 'controlling', to me as a human, however, I accept 'humans' are limited and may not see the 'big picture' that we would there after being alive/aware for a very long time without any memory loss.
I just watched the whole video with my husband and we came to the same conclusion that traps are real. Most people reason in terms of either physical incarnation on earth or afterlife. They find it normal to always stay on the same planet. For having both had past life regressions, me and my husband know that not only don't we have to remain on the same planet in other worlds, but there also aren't any light or tunnel when leaving the body there and you don't loose any memory and there are no discontinuity in the knowing of who you are. You just leave your body where it is and go about your business. Those of us who identify as starseeds will probably relate to that.
It makes me think of the concept of samsara, the cycle of reincarnation the Buddha spoke about. The only escape from samsara according to him is to rise your level of consciousness which we are collectively on the verge of achieving.
Many years ago, when I was following the work of Robert Monroe, I saw a video posted by someone at the Monroe Institute (that was the claim) and it seems that when Monroe died he was able to communicate back through one of the Institute‘s computers.
A long (and alarming) message appeared on the screen and the thing that remained with me was one phrase:
“The Controllers that control the Controlled.“
I can try to locate the rest of the message but it could take a long time being a serie of images from the video taken probably 15 years ago buried into many old hard drives and hopefully still on it.
The video vanished from the internet (of course!)
Share-it! Share-it! Share-it!
It will take time but it will be located as long as it is on the drivers.
Monroe was my passion since I learned Silva (and still practicing it) in the early 80’s.
So I’m confident it’s somewhere.
Ok, sounds good. I bought a paperback book on the silva method many years ago. The only thing I can remember about it was it taught some basic visualization and looking at an angle upwards beneath the eyelids. Was there something that I missed with all of that?
One thing first; the best book that was written on the system was the one with Bob Stone (from MIT) “ The Silva Mind Control Method for Getting Help from Your Other Side” and In fact, somehow, this is the only book that became unavailable from the Silva organization and I guess it’s because it was as good as taking the course.
The Ultra Mind course given years ago was good as well.
Yes, you are instructed to turn your eyes up because helps to generate lower brain waves but eventually (with lots of practice under your belt) you can generate them without doing it.
In the late 80’s I called a company that was manufacturing small EEG to buy one in order to train with the appropriate feedback.
The owner asked me why I was interested in buying one and so I told him about the Silva Method and he responded that I could save the money and he reassured that if I was practicing accordingly and with consistency there was no issue with the results because he did test several people from the Silva course and had a positive feedback results.
That was a unique coincidence(?) that I called the right guy.
About 10 years ago my wife went to her European country and the ride from the airport to her house was about 6 hours.
At that time it was not safe for a single woman to travel through that area (and still is, and recently a girl disappeared making news throughout Europe).
My wife went off radar for 10 hours (cell phone dead) and I was extremely concerned and alarmed.
The only thing I could do at the moment was to go down to Level (in Silva means to go down to Alpha to be able to program circumstances and events) but I was so concerned and worried that it was difficult to relax and go down to Level.
So I pulled out a CD with the Beta of Theta sound and I went into a deep state.
My intention was to create a form of protection for my wife etc, but instead a dynamic image of her status appear in my mind and I was able to see what was happening in detail from a elevated point of view of about perhaps 30 to 40 feet in the air above her location.
She was stuck at a gas station in the middle of nowhere with a car issue (she took a car service from the airport) located in front of the engine manifested with an intense red luminous spherical shape. There was a green truck parked and other distinctive details.
I was feed back with a positive sensation and a feeling that she was safe and just stuck due to the car having an engine malfunction.
I was surprised that I was able to see this and she confirmed later that the car had a heat problem due to radiator malfunction.
This was the first time that I used the Silva Method in this way.
It was an involuntary Remote Viewing experience.
After that I was able to see my mother in law’s Cancer before it was diagnosed months later.
Now I’m interested to get into RV knowing about C. Brown for a long long time.
There were time when my wife and I were reading his books and experienced strange phenomenon between sleep and dreams that made us curious about the material we were reading and for us was like a validation of the authenticity of his work.
Life got busy and we drifted to another path. We are back and are considering approaching this aspect again.
Sorry for the long post but I wanted to give you a perspective about Silva and validate RV regardless of what method is implemented.
Of course the results are bound to be of a of different degree accordingly to the method used.
I learned to use psychic energy remotely over time, from many angles, not just RV or one kind of meditation; it's really kind of an amalgamation. For instance, when my brother, who is a surgeon, called to thank me some yrs ago, it was because although he was skeptical, apparently what I saw over the phone to my mom, that his wife's fetus was not getting proper nutrition through the umbilical cord was right and according to him that it must have been a miracle that it was completely reversed through a visualization. I also saw that would be female and some aspects of its personality, and happily she is still alive today. Eventually this led to formally doing the Reiki master teacher training.
It was on my way to visit him in Tennessee on a trip that, riding in the on the passenger side of the vehicle, I was experimenting with different meditational techniques and a way to take the awareness outside the body and send it elsewhere. Suddenly I find myself in a nondescript place surrounded by two dark and individuals who only seem to be hiding their identity, not shadow figures per se. They disclosed some tips to help with the process and informed me that I would be helping a lot of people in some way, which we are all seemingly a part of. What is interesting is that it is similar to the eye technique mentioned that involves blinking which seems to help stimulate hormones in the body and simulate the REM state.
The book that I bought was the silva mind control book. I don't remember it being a great read or offering a whole lot aside from the angling of the eyes and some meditational and visualization techniques but I'll have to go back to it unless you think there is a different resource that is better.
Another perspective: Pol's description of the "wandering" souls and their plight reminded me of plunging deeply into a dark pool and then trying to orient ones self and swim to the surface before running out of air.
Then I thought of a locally famous whirlpool on the Colorado river known as the "room of doom". It's a little alcove in the big raging river that if caught in is very difficult to escape. Big rocks, undertow, all that. If caught up in this place it usually requires help from people on the shore to throw a rope to pull to safety.
Nothing should be taken as an absolute. The white light could be many things all at once: a physical result of the dying process, white light emanating from higher dimensions/vibration/energy flux, or as a white hole. I have remote viewed people as they were crossing over, and I have contacted them on the other side, if you want to call it as a channel. It is very possible multiple camps are right on this. Until we do a larger investigation and sampling we cannot say we are certain of anything.
My view remains that perhaps only certain people are targeted, for instance those who are weak, confused, or vulnerable, and who are important or impediments to their agenda.
It is also rumored that some people are collected at their time of death to extract energy through fear and suffering.
I think all we can do is be aware and spiritually strong while continuing to seek answers.
One observation I've made is that some are basing belief from what entities from the other side have said. This communication comes in many forms as you know.
I would think that a highly evolved and intelligent group of aliens could easily decieve the souls that have passed to the other side. Not just that, but there could be a holding time before they're sent to incarnate again. They report back blissful messages of the astral plane. Cool, that's what we had hoped for. But has anyone tried to communicate with someone that wants to leave our planet?
So we can't really debunk this theory if it's based on that type if communication. We wouldn't even be able to trust who we're communicating with. But I know this will be argued.
We are infinate beings. We are here on Earth, trapped in these meat suits to do their bidding. We had a free life outside of the prison system but somehow got trapped here. The reincarnation cycle has forced you to live one life after another. You are made to feel like you've done something wrong with all of this karma talk. But you don't have to learn to be a good person but you already are perfect.
We've got the cows imprisoned. We believe that we need them to survive, and we eat them. We also find ourselves intellectually superior to them. But we've got nothing against them. If they suddenly asked for more rights, we would feel more compassion towards them and probably grant them. I truly believe this. Because we don't eat dogs, because they are too human-like.
So who incarnates into a cow, knowing that they will be eaten by two legged brainy monsters? Those who want to experience that, and who are deep down okay with it.
Same with the "aliens". I'm talking about a certain level of alien above ours, this probably doesn't apply to all of them. But they might need us, their world could be based on ours just like we rely on the cows. Many of them say that our worlds are interconnected, but we find it hard to imagine so we often discard these clues. They don't say: We're feeding of you. Because we would take it the wrong way, because we aren't ready for that. So they tell us: "Please progress, this will help us." So they provide information. Like we provide the cows with food and water, knowing that eventually we'll eat them anyway. Again, doesn't mean we have something against them, we appreciate them for what they are, but if they said "That's it, find someone else to eat." We'd do that.
So we're all sort of friendly to each other, but we need each other too and death appears to be a part of that. We're going to have to realize that it's always been this way throughout this universe or on earth at least.
Should we trust every source from another realm? Of course not. Not every cow trusts every human. It probably all makes sense from another perspective, and as we are trying to lift our own ceiling of consciousness, things are going to change rapidly. We're doing that right now. They're probably all excited, saying: "They're waking up, it's happening, that's unbelievable, look at them, they're amazing!" while others are saying: "Now we're going to have to look for another creature's lowly vibrations to feed from. What a hassle. Let's keep them confused as long as possible."
When we've all returned up the hierarchy of consciousness we're going to find each other at eye level and realize we're the same and have a laugh. At that time we're pretty high up the hierarchy and know we all dreamed this into existence for our amusement.
I’m learning so much in these forums. n reading your reply Pol, I thought about an episode of Initiation with Matias de Stefano on Gaia TV. He talked about our counterparts in the 4th dimension, saying some want to help us raise our vibration, while others aren’t so enthusiastic because our low vibrations are their energy/food source. I think you’ve summed it up, that we’re really all the same.
I guess they'd have plenty of negative energy humans to eat here - especially this year. Right now they're probably having to go up a size in their little space suits. Lol
Hi Everyone
I've been reading everyone's comments and also have read all the Michael Newton/Brian Weiss/QHHT Delores Cannon stuff and other Life Between Lives regression stuff. I have also had many Past Life (PL) sessions myself, and experienced the "Live between lives (LBL)" areas in these sessions.
These are my thoughts so far on all of this.
I can see the confusion/conflict between the two camps "Re-incarnation NOT a trap" and "Re-incarnation IS a trap"
By studying the LBL sessions in all the published literature and from recorded sessions, You can see how this seems really nice and its a school and everything is done here for self-learning, etc. This does sound admirable and for the "highest" good.. BUT.. please watch / re-watch the following:
- RA project
- Zeus Project
- Human leadership
It shows the modus operandi of the Orions. They love to make themselves out as "Gods" and get human populations to worship ("Worth-ship") them, in exchange the most loyal subjects they are bought into the "priest/elite" class and given more privileges, etc, etc over time. Humans have expended so much energy in worshipping these entities, building great monuments, works of art, and dedicating entire lives and generations to these "gods". Every religion / belief system has the same kind of general concept, submit/worship when you are PERFECT, you shall enter heaven... what does that sound like? the LBL scenario.
The LBL or "Re-incarnation is a school" scenario
- You die
- You go through the tunnel / dimensional portal
- You are greeted by x,y,z claiming to be your Mum/Dad/Brother/Sister/God/Jesus/Guide/Angel/Pet/Energizer Bunny/Whatever you believe in
- Taken to an "Council" and debriefed.. Like a court, where your "Guide" speaks for you
- Then you are told you didn't achieve enough or have to fix some Karma
- Go back and repeat until all the above are correct
- Wiped and sent back down. Repeat again
Doesn't the above sound like EXACTLY the worship/religious systems that were created by the ETs? - Basically do A,B,C until you reached perfection and you will get X,Y,Z outcome/heaven. Basically open ended, and impossible to live your life without getting negative Karma and being continuously recycled.
So now.. I do believe that SOME of these Entities/ETs may also provide a lot of "guidance" in our lives - but like in any prison, there will be some "Nice" prison wardens who are a bit sympathetic to their prisoners, even friends. Giving us information or "miracles" or channelled information that is correct, and changing our lives... BUT ultimately.. they all have their own agendas.
My big issue with people who report speaking to to loved ones from the after life:
"How do you know this is actually your x,y,z? and not an impostor?"
At least with RV.. its done BLIND. Your conscious mind isn't aware of the subject.
What maybe a good follow up for future RV targets in the death traps could be:
1) What is the LBL area?
2) Where is it? and Who controls it
3) RV an actual communication of an deceased relative/person communicating to a living friend/family member.
4) Is this deceased person ACTUALLY the deceased, or another entity/et?
5) Who are the council and their members? - where do they originate from?
6) Who are our "guides" and how are they assigned.
So my current opinion on the "Death Traps" are that it does seem plausible knowing the modus operandi of the creators of the trap-system, but it also needs more blind RV sessions to get every last bit of information on this.
Personally, when its my turn to go.. I will question any type of entities that I may encounter
whats the worst that could happen? - I'm dead anyway! :-D
Thank you Z. This is exactly the case I was trying to make but couldn't quite put into words as you have done so well.
In my opinion, we paid for this membership so it wouldn't hurt to leave behind all of the things we've learned in the past. Just to come in to this with a bit more openmindedness. After all the scientific methodologies that Farsight is using. I believe what's offered here is more tangible than anything you'd find elsewhere.
A couple of points:
It was either in Dr Weiss's books or Bruce
Goldberg's that someone shared an account wherein aliens were reticent to interfere with or help an entirely different planet elsewhere because they had already intervened once before with negative outcomes, sort of like disturbing a petri dish. In yet another account, there were aliens that expressed the need to avoid being given a body and incarnating on a planet for fear of being stuck in a cycle of karma.
It would seem the whole incarnation process is a negative loop, or zero sum game, but one cannot deny that there is beauty on Earth, and probably at some level we are aware of this whole cycle but have agreed to the game anyway (right now for many perhaps to help facilitate this shift).
Remote viewing blind is not necessarily superior to traveling fully to a place or target, where you are able to interact and access more detail, once you have successfully traveled. I think if we probe the given subject and analyze the energetics then we should be more confident about its nature.
Also it was said that they won't intervene until we ask for their help. I've literally tried this so I'm assuming that it takes more than one. Haha!
I appreciate the many comments and views from all. It is important we understand the different opinions in this important area. As mentioned it is hard for me to question the 'help' I have been given through the 'experiences' I have had ---- they have been very tangible, significant and verifiable in my life and many others I have read about and discussed these type of 'experiences' with. I can not dispute that vastly advanced 'aliens' may have 'helped' me and others to give us these experiences. If so, I welcome any additional help.
I think the 'discussion' is coming down to a question of God or Source or the 'creator of all'. Under my concept I believe the 'creator of all' is still in charge of 'self and his creations' especially at the 'soul level', and has not lost or given up on his/her purposes regarding any creations to any of his various 'creations/aliens'. Obviously, that doesn't mean life is easy for everyone and bad people cannot be bad to others. It also doesn't mean worlds/planets/people. do not come and go. We can see these things from history. However, souls don't die or go out of existence so I see the 'soul-level' as what the 'creator of all' is still in charge of to ensure his 'purposes', concerning souls, are fulfilled.
We could get into a long discussion concerning your above questions and the purposes of the 'Creator of all' but it would just be 'beliefs and opinions' based on, to some extent, what our life experiences have been. Nothing could be 'proven'.
I agree with Zs follow-on projects. Based on my experiences and beliefs a number of spirit guides have become known to me and have in fact appeared to be able to 'know the future and solve some issues' because they have a higher energy state than me (in the IBL) through their 'progression via reincarnation and other ibl assignments'. There is a progression it seems from new guide, to higher level guides, guides on special assignments, then 'council' appears the highest that 'appear' to know everything past, present and future. They also mention 'creation' of new souls in the IBL ---- I have always assumed that to be part of the 'creator of all' as we and everything else is'. .
Thanks to all for the informative discussion!
Nice to see all the thinking going on. That is the only way you will eventually figure things out... If your perception of what is going on in the world keeps changing then you are on your way to eventually figuring out your own truth...