So do you think things are going to get better or worse? Dick and his “sources” paint a pretty grim picture in this video - food shortages, animal cremations, crops rotting in fields, civil unrest, credit restrictions, bailouts helping banks not consumers, rise of green agenda and enforced socialism. This does not even address further problems that Edward Riordan saw. What do you foresee?
There is always that risk. That said, it’s important that we and those awake individuals work together to awaken those asleep to help in creating a different scenario; we cannot accept that our future is going to be Doom and Gloom, without taking necessary steps to change that direction; carpe diem- the time is now! Like the saying goes, “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men (and women) to do nothing. There are many of us, and few of them. We have more power to create change than not. The challenge is in recognizing that potential.
Scolder n chief lololol
Enforced socialism? Trump and company wants free market unrestrained aristocratic rule. Never tax the rich give corporations unrestrained bailouts like 2008. Now a virus is questioning and laying bare the weaknesses of capitalism and complete lack of care for humans and basic infrastructure. I say let the government (WPA) employ all the unemployed to rebuild America. The public sector rebuilding America. That’s democratic socialism, but notice it’s not happening but massive bailouts as a government should to protect essential workers, teachers, transit, healthcare responders, cities counties, states, small businesses against those saying our rights are more important than the social contract of scientific prevention safety, versus market health. The rich get socialism, the 98% get capitalism.
If anything the pandemic should bring us together to share resources for survival and evolution and not states rights to become infected again.
I'll go with John. Calling someone a Nazi because they embrace democratic socialism for the people rather than the rich tells me all I need to know.
I'm a union rep in a public sector forum over 30 years. Been studying politics and economics since 1969.
Been remote viewing (trained since 1999). I respect everyone here and don't do personal attacks. It was my opinion,
but I've heard so much anti-socialism it's redundant. Funny in 1942, the Nazis hated the Communists. The Reds
hated the socialists. So much. I don't shoot anyone nor threaten as such. If you can't express your opinions clearly,
then we all have a problem. Awareness is everything. I left violence long ago. Consciousness is everything.
Take care.